A Comprehensive Guide to Developing an Effective Executive Coaching Plan

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  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Establish goals

  • Preparation

  • Review existing literature on executive coaching
  • Assess the needs of the client
  • Agree on a timeline and frequency of coaching sessions

  • Communication and feedback

  • Discuss roles and responsibilities of the executive coach and their clients
  • Establish a safe space for open communication
  • Identify communication style preferences
  • Establish expectations and boundaries

  • Implementation

  • Develop an individualized coaching plan
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Set achievable goals
  • Outline a plan of action

  • Evaluation

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the executive coaching plan
  • Adjust the plan as needed
  • Monitor the progress of the executive and their team
  • Make changes to the plan as needed

  • Reflection

  • Encourage the executive to reflect on their progress
  • Provide feedback and support

  • Summary

  • Provide a comprehensive guide to developing an effective executive coaching plan
  • Document the steps taken in the executive coaching process
  • Celebrate success and recognize milestones
  • Summarize the overall results of the executive coaching process
  • Debrief the executive coaching experience and document learnings


I've written this to provide an overview of how to create an effective executive coaching plan. The article outlines the key components and steps to consider when planning such an intervention. It begins with an introduction to executive coaching, discussing the purpose and benefits of such a process. It then outlines the essential elements of an effective executive coaching plan. These include setting clear objectives, determining the desired outcomes, and selecting appropriate assessment tools. The article then discusses the importance of communication and feedback, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the executive coach and their clients. Finally, it outlines how to evaluate the effectiveness of the executive coaching plan, and how to adjust it as needed. In summary, this article provides a comprehensive guide to developing an effective executive coaching plan.

Get started

Identify areas of improvement

  • Assess the executive’s goals and needs to determine the areas of improvement they may need help with
  • Identify any potential challenges that may hinder the executive's growth and success
  • Ask the executive and their team for input on areas of improvement
  • Analyze the executive’s performance to determine which areas need the most attention
  • Review any feedback from the executive’s peers or other supervisors
  • Determine what skills the executive needs to be successful
  • Identify any weaknesses that need to be addressed

You can check off this step when you have a clear understanding of the areas of improvement for the executive and have outlined a plan to address those areas.

Establish goals

  • Identify and clarify the desired outcomes from the executive coaching plan.
  • Break these outcomes down into measurable and achievable goals.
  • Outline a timeline for the plan and discuss it with the executive and the coach.
  • Decide on the type of data that will be used to track progress.
  • Establish markers for success and strategies for dealing with setbacks.
  • Ensure that the goals and timeline are realistic, achievable, and tailored to the executive's needs.

You'll know that you have established goals when all the steps outlined above have been completed and the executive and the coach are in agreement.


  • Set up a meeting with the executive to discuss their needs and goals
  • Ask the executive to provide a timeline for the coaching plan
  • Create a timeline for the coaching plan, taking into account the executive's timeline
  • Develop a list of questions to ask the executive about their goals and objectives
  • Identify any potential roadblocks for the executive coaching plan
  • When the timeline and questions are finalized, move to the next step: Review existing literature on executive coaching

    Review existing literature on executive coaching

  • Identify relevant studies, articles, books, and other resources related to executive coaching

  • Read and digest the information from these sources to understand the current state of executive coaching
  • Take notes on the most relevant information to help inform your coaching plan
  • Assess the quality of the sources and make sure they are reliable
  • When you have a comprehensive understanding of the existing literature on executive coaching, you can move on to the next step.

    Assess the needs of the client

  • Identify the client's objectives and needs by asking questions related to the client's current issues

  • Clarify the scope of the coaching plan and the desired outcomes
  • Analyze current strengths, weaknesses, and any potential barriers to success
  • Identify the areas in which the client would like to improve
  • Develop an action plan by identifying the steps needed to achieve the client's desired outcomes

Once you have determined the client's needs and have developed an action plan, you can move on to agreeing on a timeline and frequency of coaching sessions.

Agree on a timeline and frequency of coaching sessions

• Set a timeline for the coaching plan, taking into consideration the needs of the client and any other factors such as availability of both parties • Determine the frequency of sessions needed, such as a weekly or bi-weekly meeting • Agree on a set time and duration for the sessions • Agree on the method of communication for the coaching sessions, such as in-person or virtual • Make sure that the timeline and frequency of coaching sessions are realistic and achievable

When you can check this off your list: • When the timeline, frequency, time, and method of communication have been agreed upon and the plan is realistic and achievable.

Communication and feedback

  • Set expectations around communications and feedback between the coach and the executive
  • Establish how often the coach and the executive will communicate and how they will do so (e.g. email, phone, video conferences)
  • Discuss the importance of feedback and how it should be used to measure progress
  • Establish a plan for the executive to provide feedback to the coach, and the coach to provide feedback to the executive
  • Discuss how to handle any miscommunications or misunderstandings that arise
  • Once expectations around communication and feedback have been established, move on to the next step.

    Discuss roles and responsibilities of the executive coach and their clients

  • Clarify the roles and expectations of both the executive coach and their clients

  • Outline the responsibilities of the executive coach, such as the delivery of feedback, creating action plans, and providing guidance
  • Identify the expectations of the client, including their commitment to completing the coaching plan, their openness and willingness to receive feedback, and their ability to stay on track with action plans
  • Discuss any legal or ethical considerations that may come up during the coaching process
  • Make sure both the coach and client are clear on their roles and responsibilities

When this step has been completed, the executive coach and their clients should have a clear understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities. Both parties should feel comfortable with the plan and expectations going forward.

Establish a safe space for open communication

  • Assess the level of trust between the executive coach and their clients
  • Discuss topics to be avoided during coaching sessions
  • Establish boundaries around the types of conversations that can take place within the coaching relationship
  • Create a non-judgemental space for candid communication
  • Establish an environment that is conducive to open and honest dialogue

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once all parties have agreed on the parameters of the coaching relationship and feel comfortable and safe in the coaching environment, the executive coach can move on to the next step of developing an effective executive coaching plan.

    Identify communication style preferences

  • Determine the communication style preferences of the executive and coach.
  • Identify the communication styles that the executive and coach are most comfortable with and those that could be improved upon.
  • Discuss the potential for different communication styles, such as verbal, written, non-verbal, and so on.
  • Identify any potential areas of conflict or misunderstanding in communication.
  • Develop a plan of action to address any potential conflicts or misunderstandings.
  • Agree on how the executive and coach will communicate with each other throughout the coaching process.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know this step is completed when you and the executive have identified their communication style preferences, identified any potential areas of conflict or misunderstanding, and developed a plan of action to address any potential conflicts or misunderstandings.

    Establish expectations and boundaries

  • Set up a meeting with the executive being coached and any other relevant stakeholders to discuss expectations and boundaries

  • Make sure the executive understands the goals and objectives of the coaching, the process, and the duration
  • Explain the coaching agenda and the methods that will be used to reach the desired outcomes
  • Explain the role and responsibilities of all the stakeholders involved in the coaching process
  • Discuss the importance of confidentiality and privacy
  • Clarify the roles of the executive, coach, and other stakeholders
  • Agree on a timeline and plan of action
  • Once all expectations and boundaries have been established, document them in writing and have all involved parties sign off on them
  • You'll know you can check off this step and move on to the next step when you have a signed document outlining all expectations and boundaries.


  • Consider the needs of the executive and develop a plan to integrate coaching into their daily routine.

  • Brainstorm different ways to incorporate coaching tactics, such as setting weekly goals, or scheduling regular check-ins.
  • Outline the frequency and duration of coaching sessions.
  • Research and create a list of potential resources (e.g., books, articles, websites, etc.) to support the executive’s development.
  • Determine the format for each coaching session, such as individual or group sessions.
  • Decide on the type of feedback and assessment tools to be used.
  • Agree on how progress and success will be measured and evaluated.

Once you have developed the plan, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Develop an individualized coaching plan

  • Create a coaching plan specific to the individual executive
  • Outline the coaching objectives, scope, timeline, and deliverables
  • Develop a detailed plan of action focusing on the executive's goals and objectives
  • Discuss the plan with the executive to ensure that it aligns with their goals and objectives
  • Confirm that the executive is committed to the plan
  • Finalize the individualized coaching plan
  • When the individualized coaching plan is finalized and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step of collecting and analyzing data.

    Collect and analyze data

  • Gather relevant data such as performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, employee surveys, and interviews
  • Analyze the data to determine the objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and any areas of improvement for the executive
  • Identify any potential gaps in performance that could be addressed through coaching
  • Use the data to create an individualized coaching plan tailored to the executive’s unique needs

Once the data has been collected and analyzed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of setting achievable goals.

Set achievable goals

  • Identify the objectives you want to achieve through executive coaching
  • Break each objective into measurable goals to track progress
  • Ensure that the goals are achievable and realistic
  • Establish a timeline for each goal and determine who will be responsible for achieving them
  • Set up milestones to track progress and hold yourself accountable
  • When all the goals have been set and a timeline for completion has been established, you can move on to the next step.

    Outline a plan of action

• Brainstorm with the executive and his/her team to identify areas of focus and action steps to reach goals • Create a timeline for the action plan, including benchmarks and deadlines • Identify resources and tools needed to implement the plan • Establish communication protocols and expectations for regular check-ins and progress updates • Make sure all stakeholders are on board with the plan and understand their roles in its success • Develop an evaluation criteria to measure progress and success of the plan • Document the plan and ensure all stakeholders have access to it • When the plan is finalized, checked off this step and move on to the next.


  • Identify key metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of the executive coaching plan
  • Collect data regularly to measure the progress of the executive coaching plan
  • Analyze the data collected to determine the effectiveness of the executive coaching plan
  • Identify any issues and challenges in the executive coaching plan
  • Make necessary adjustments to the executive coaching plan based on the analysis of the data collected
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the executive coaching plan and determine whether it needs to be modified or updated
  • Once you have identified and implemented the necessary changes to the executive coaching plan, check it off your list and move on to the next step.

    Evaluate the effectiveness of the executive coaching plan

  • Analyze the data gathered from the evaluations conducted in the previous step.

  • Determine whether the executive coaching plan is effective in achieving its goals.
  • Assess any areas where the plan can be improved.
  • Compare the results to the objectives and goals set out in the plan.
  • Identify any areas that are working well and need to be maintained.
  • When you have evaluated the effectiveness of the executive coaching plan, you can move on to the next step of adjusting the plan as needed.

    Adjust the plan as needed

  • Review the results of the evaluation of the executive coaching plan to determine which areas need to be adjusted or improved.

  • Consider what changes or modifications are needed to create an effective executive coaching plan.
  • Make any adjustments or modifications to the executive coaching plan as necessary.
  • Ensure that the plan is in line with the objectives of the executive and their team.
  • Test the revised executive coaching plan to determine if it is effective and producing the desired results.
  • Once the revised plan has been tested and approved, it is ready to be monitored.
  • Check off the step when you have completed all the necessary revisions and adjustments to the executive coaching plan.

    Monitor the progress of the executive and their team

  • Identify appropriate progress metrics for the executive and their team
  • Set up a tracking system for the metrics, such as a spreadsheet or a project management tool
  • Regularly review the progress metrics and compare them to the goals of the executive coaching plan
  • Provide feedback to the executive and their team on their progress
  • Ask questions to help the executive and their team uncover any potential barriers to success
  • Discuss any changes that need to be made to ensure successful completion of the executive coaching plan
  • Celebrate successes and use them as motivation to continue on the path to success
  • When you can see that the executive and their team are making progress, you can move on to the next step.

    Make changes to the plan as needed

  • Evaluate the executive and their team's progress to determine if changes need to be made to the plan
  • Discuss any changes with the executive and their team to ensure that everyone is on the same page
  • Implement any changes to the plan with the executive and their team
  • Review the progress of the executive and their team to make sure that the changes are effective
  • Adapt the plan as needed based on the progress of the executive and their team
  • Once the progress of the executive and their team is satisfactory, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Set aside a designated time for the executive to reflect on their progress

  • Ask them to contemplate the successes and challenges they have experienced during the coaching process
  • Have the executive analyze what can be done to improve performance and the best way to move forward
  • Encourage the executive to use this reflection time to think about the results they have achieved and how they might use their learning in the future
  • Create a written record of the executive's reflections, thoughts, and ideas

You'll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the executive has taken the time to reflect on their progress, analyze what can be done to improve performance, and create a written record of their reflections.

Encourage the executive to reflect on their progress

  • Encourage the executive to take the time to step back and reflect on their progress by asking them questions such as ""What have you achieved since your last coaching session?""
  • Ask the executive to assess their progress in terms of their goals and identify any successes and challenges encountered
  • Discuss any areas where the executive has had difficulty and provide strategies to address them
  • Have the executive reflect on the impact that their progress has had on their team
  • Make sure the executive feels empowered to make changes and take responsibility for their progress

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the executive has reflected on their progress and identified areas of successes and challenges, you can move on to the next step of providing feedback and support.

    Provide feedback and support

  • Establish a regular schedule for feedback and support: Set up a weekly or bi-weekly meeting with the executive to discuss their progress and provide feedback.
  • Create a safe environment for feedback: Make sure the executive feels comfortable and respected when providing feedback and receiving feedback from you.
  • Focus on providing positive reinforcement: Encourage the executive to continue making progress by highlighting successes and praising efforts.
  • Offer constructive criticism: Provide constructive criticism when needed, and focus on helping the executive develop their skills and abilities.
  • Monitor progress: Track the executive's progress over time to make sure they are making progress in the areas they need to improve.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: You'll know you have provided adequate feedback and support when the executive is able to demonstrate progress over time, and when they feel comfortable and respected when providing and receiving feedback.


  • Identify the purpose of the executive coaching plan
  • Define the goals and objectives of the plan
  • Identify the target audience of the executive coaching plan
  • Establish measurable criteria for success
  • Outline the timeline and milestones of the executive coaching plan
  • Summarize the plan in a clear, concise manner
  • When you have identified the purpose, goals, objectives, target audience, and have outlined the timeline and milestones, you have completed the summary portion of the executive coaching plan.

    Provide a comprehensive guide to developing an effective executive coaching plan

  • Develop a plan that meets the specific needs of the executive.

  • Research successful executive coaching techniques.
  • Consult with a subject matter expert such as a coach, mentor, or HR professional to ensure the plan is comprehensive.
  • Determine the goals and objectives of the coaching plan.
  • Create a timeline for the plan that outlines when each step should be completed.
  • Identify the key stakeholders who need to be involved in the coaching plan.
  • Develop tools and resources to support the success of the coaching plan.
  • Establish a feedback loop to assess the effectiveness of the plan.
  • Document the steps taken in the executive coaching plan.

You'll know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have created a comprehensive executive coaching plan that meets the specific needs of the executive and contains the appropriate tools, resources, and feedback loops to ensure its success.

Document the steps taken in the executive coaching process

  • Create a schedule for meetings and other activities related to the executive coaching process
  • Outline the goals of the coaching plan
  • Define the objectives of the plan
  • Develop a timeline for executing each step
  • Create a checklist for each step in the process
  • Establish a system to track progress and measure success
  • Document any feedback or insights gathered along the way
  • When applicable, document any changes to the plan

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all the steps have been documented and the timeline, objectives, goals and progress have been tracked.

    Celebrate success and recognize milestones

  • Acknowledge each successful milestone of the executive coaching process - whether it’s the completion of an important task, achieving a goal, or simply making progress.
  • Give a verbal or written acknowledgment to the person who achieved the milestone
  • Celebrate success with the executive coach and the person being coached by offering them a gift or taking them out for a meal
  • Celebrate the successes of the executive coaching process with the executive team or other stakeholders as appropriate
  • You'll know you can check this step off your list when you've acknowledged and celebrated each milestone in the executive coaching process.

    Summarize the overall results of the executive coaching process

  • Compile a summary of all the feedback, goals, and objectives discussed during the executive coaching sessions

  • Pull together a report of the progress achieved and the results of the coaching process
  • Gather any materials that were used during the sessions and document the process
  • Reflect on the coaching experience and identify any lessons learned
  • Finalize the executive coaching plan and provide a copy to the executive coach and the executive being coached

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have compiled all the necessary summaries, reports, and feedback from the executive coaching sessions, and have reviewed and finalized the executive coaching plan.

Debrief the executive coaching experience and document learnings

  • Debrief the executive coaching experience with the executive by discussing the overall results of the process
  • Record key learnings from the executive coaching process that can be utilized in further coaching efforts
  • Collect data from the executive about the process, such as what went well, what could have gone better, and the impact of the coaching on their performance
  • Establish a timeline for when the executive will revisit the goals and objectives discussed during the executive coaching process
  • Document the executive's learnings from the process and create an action plan for how they will apply them in the future
  • Develop a plan for how the executive coaching experience can be monitored and evaluated in the future
  • Establish a communication plan for ongoing contact between the executive and the coach to discuss progress

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

Once the executive has debriefed the executive coaching experience and all key learnings have been documented, the next step can be completed.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker