Boosting Your Leadership Skills with Executive Coaching: A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Finding an Executive Coach
  • Conduct research to identify qualified coaches
  • Consider qualifications, experience and specialties
  • Evaluate references and testimonials
  • Take time to interview potential coaches
  • Discuss fees and payment terms

  • Building the Relationship

  • Establish clear expectations and communication
  • Create a safe and trusting environment
  • Understand the power dynamics between coach and client
  • Set boundaries for confidentiality and communication

  • Maximizing the Coaching Relationship

  • Define goals and objectives
  • Utilize active listening and goal-oriented questioning
  • Develop self-awareness and create an action plan
  • Practice newly learned skills and document progress
  • Review progress and adjust goals as needed

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the benefits of executive coaching
  • Provide resources for further exploration
  • Celebrate successes and discuss next steps


I've written this to provide an easy-to-follow guide for those interested in developing their leadership skills through executive coaching. This article explains how executive coaching can help you become a better leader, and offers practical advice on how to find and work with an executive coach. It outlines the benefits of executive coaching, and offers a step-by-step guide on how to approach and make the most out of a coaching relationship. It also features tips on how to build an effective working relationship with your executive coach, and suggests ways to ensure that you get the most out of the coaching experience. Finally, the article provides resources for those interested in learning more about executive coaching.

Get started

Finding an Executive Coach

  • Research potential executive coaches: Look for experienced and certified coaches who specialize in leadership development.
  • Ask for referrals: Ask trusted colleagues and friends for recommendations.
  • Check qualifications: Look into coaches' qualifications, like certifications and years of experience.
  • Interview potential coaches: Ask questions to get a better understanding of the coach's approach and philosophy.
  • Trust your intuition: After interviewing several coaches, go with your gut instinct.

You'll know you can move on to the next step when you've found a coach you trust and feel comfortable working with.

Finding an Executive Coach

  • Identify what type of executive coaching you need: Leadership coaching, career transition, performance coaching, etc.
  • Research organizations and individuals who provide executive coaching services.
  • Make a list of potential coaches.
  • Contact potential coaches to ask about their credentials and experience.
  • Ask your contacts for references and testimonials from former clients.
  • Narrow down your list of potential coaches to find the best fit for you.

You'll know you can check this step off your list when you've identified and narrowed down your list of potential coaches.

Conduct research to identify qualified coaches

  • Review websites of potential executive coaches to get a better understanding of their background and experience
  • Look for certified executive coaches who have specific experience in leadership development
  • Contact coaches to ask questions about their experience and qualifications
  • Read online reviews and testimonials from previous clients
  • Ask for referrals from people in your network
  • When you have identified potential coaches, you can move on to the next step.

    Consider qualifications, experience and specialties

  • Check the coach's bio and qualifications to see if they have the experience and expertise you need

  • Look for certifications and specialties that the coach has that are relevant to the leadership skills you are looking to develop
  • Ask the coach about their coaching experience and any professional development they have undertaken
  • Check the coach's qualifications to make sure they are qualified to provide the kind of executive coaching you are looking for
  • When you are satisfied with the qualifications and experience of the coach, you can move on to the next step of evaluating references and testimonials.

    Evaluate references and testimonials

  • Identify references and testimonials from potential executive coaches

  • Research each reference and testimonial to ensure they come from reliable sources
  • Ask potential coaches for information on recent clients who can provide references
  • Reach out to references and ask them about their experience working with the coach
  • Evaluate the comments made by references and take note of any negative comments
  • Review the testimonials and determine if the coach provides the services you need
  • When you have gathered enough information about the references and testimonials, you can check this off your list and move onto the next step.

    Take time to interview potential coaches

  • Schedule interviews with potential coaches

  • Ask them questions about their experience and approach to executive coaching
  • Listen closely to their answers and assess if they are a good fit for you
  • Ask them to provide a sample session
  • Once you have completed interviews with potential coaches and have a sense of who you feel comfortable with, make a decision and move on to the next step
  • You will know you can check this off your list when you have selected your coach.

    Discuss fees and payment terms

  • Ask the coach about their fees and payment terms.

  • Get a clear idea of the cost of the coaching services.
  • Decide if the fees are within your budget.
  • Negotiate payment terms if necessary.
  • Sign a contract if you decide to move forward with the executive coach.
  • Once the fees and payment terms have been discussed, you can move on to building the relationship with the coach.

    Building the Relationship

  • Introduce yourself to the executive coach and learn more about their background and experience

  • Discuss your goals, expectations, and desired outcomes from the executive coaching relationship
  • Ask questions to start building a trusting relationship with the coach
  • Talk about the coach's approach to their work and what methods they use to help their clients
  • Discuss any potential ethical considerations or other issues that could affect the success of the executive coaching relationship
  • Once you both feel comfortable with the relationship and have a clear understanding of the expectations, you can move on to the next step.

    Establish clear expectations and communication

  • Discuss the purpose of the coaching sessions and the expected outcomes

  • Set clear expectations regarding topics to be discussed, and timelines
  • Establish a communication plan that both you and the coach can follow
  • Make sure there is agreement on how and when feedback will be provided
  • You will know that this step is complete when the expectations and communication plan has been established and agreed upon by both you and the coach.

    Create a safe and trusting environment

  • Establish goals and expectations that are mutually agreed upon

  • Set up a code of conduct and trust between coach and client
  • Encourage honest and open dialogue
  • Establish confidentiality between coach and client
  • Listen to the client and ask questions to gain a better understanding of their needs
  • Show empathy and understanding
  • Provide feedback and advice in a non-judgmental way

You'll know you can check off this step and move on to the next step when you have established a safe and trusting environment between the coach and client, and both parties have agreed on goals and expectations.

Understand the power dynamics between coach and client

  • Acknowledge that the coach-client relationship is unique and has its own dynamics
  • Discuss the appropriate roles between coach and client
  • Establish the coach’s authority to make sure the client follows through with the coaching process
  • Discuss the client’s responsibility to make sure they are open to the coaching process
  • Set expectations for the roles of both the coach and the client
  • Discuss the expectations of the client, such as the commitment to the process and their engagement in the sessions
  • When you have an understanding of the roles and expectations of coach and client, you can move on to the next step.

    Set boundaries for confidentiality and communication

  • Discuss the limits of confidentiality with the client, such as what can be shared with third parties and what cannot
  • Agree on an appropriate level of communication in order to ensure that the client feels comfortable and respected, such as how frequently to communicate, what type of communication is acceptable, and any expectations the coach may have
  • Define the scope of the relationship and the coach’s role, such as what topics will be discussed, how long the coaching will last, and when the client should expect to see results
  • Establish contingencies for missed appointments or cancelations, such as rescheduling or offering a refund
  • When all of the above points have been agreed upon and both parties understand the expectations, sign a written agreement that outlines the obligations of both coach and client
  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the written agreement is signed and both parties are satisfied with the boundaries set.

    Maximizing the Coaching Relationship

  • Take initiative to get the most out of the coaching relationship

  • Ask questions and be open to feedback
  • Make sure to communicate your thoughts and ideas to the coach
  • Take actionable steps to reach your goals
  • Reflect on your progress regularly
  • When you feel like you’re getting the most out of the coaching relationship, you can move on to the next step.

    Define goals and objectives

  • Take some time to define the goals and objectives you would like to work on with your executive coach

  • Identify what you would like to accomplish through executive coaching and be specific in your objectives
  • Outline measurable goals that you would like to achieve with help from your executive coach
  • Share these goals and objectives with your executive coach to ensure you’re both on the same page
  • When you have a clear understanding of what you want to get out of executive coaching and you have set measurable goals, you can move on to the next step.

    Utilize active listening and goal-oriented questioning

  • Listen closely to the other person and be attentive to their words and body language

  • Ask questions that help gain insights, move conversations forward and help the other person articulate their goals and objectives
  • Ask open-ended questions such as, “What do you want to accomplish?”, “What do you think is the best approach?” and “What are your expectations?”
  • Avoid asking questions that imply a certain answer
  • Encourage the other person to provide more information and ask clarifying questions when needed

You can check off this step and move on to the next step when you have demonstrated the ability to actively listen to the other person and ask goal-oriented questions.

Develop self-awareness and create an action plan

  • Take time to reflect on your current leadership skills and identify areas for improvement
  • Use active listening and goal-oriented questioning to understand the needs of your team
  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses to determine which areas need the most focus
  • Create an action plan that outlines specific goals and objectives to work on
  • Establish a timeline and assign yourself milestones to measure progress
  • When you have developed a clear plan, you are ready to move on to the next step of practicing newly learned skills and documenting progress.

    Practice newly learned skills and document progress

  • Identify the skills you want to practice and how you will apply them.
  • Document your progress and reflect on your successes and challenges.
  • Establish a timeline for your goals and break them down into manageable steps.
  • Ask for feedback from mentors and peers, and use it to refine your skills.
  • Celebrate your successes and use them to fuel your motivation.

This step is complete when you can apply newly learned skills in a variety of scenarios and have documented your progress.

Review progress and adjust goals as needed

  • Reflect on the progress you have made since beginning the coaching process
  • Assess whether the goals you have set have been achieved or not
  • Adjust goals or create new ones to ensure that the desired outcome is achieved
  • Document any changes in goals and progress
  • Use the progress review to identify any areas where further improvement is needed
  • When you have completed the review and adjust process, you can move on to the next step.


  • Review the goals you set at the beginning of the executive coaching process

  • Assess your progress and the results you've achieved
  • Identify what still needs to be improved
  • Refine your goals and objectives to ensure they are achievable and beneficial
  • Take time to reflect on the journey you have taken
  • Celebrate and acknowledge your successes
  • When you have completed all of the above, you have finished the executive coaching process.

    Summarize the benefits of executive coaching

  • Identify the key benefits of executive coaching

  • Understand how executive coaching can help you develop your leadership skills
  • Identify the different types of executive coaching sessions available
  • Understand the value and benefits of executive coaching
  • Understand the importance of setting measurable goals
  • Realize the potential for successful outcomes with executive coaching

You can check off this step when you have a clear understanding of the benefits of executive coaching and feel confident in your ability to explain them to others.

Provide resources for further exploration

  • Research books, articles, and podcasts related to executive coaching and leadership development
  • Reach out to trusted colleagues, mentors, and advisors for recommended resources
  • Subscribe to newsletters and blogs related to executive coaching, leadership, and personal development
  • Connect with and follow experts and thought leaders in executive coaching and leadership development on social media
  • Attend workshops and conferences related to executive coaching and leadership development

When you have identified a list of resources to explore, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Celebrate successes and discuss next steps

  • Acknowledge the successes of your team and discuss the next steps that could be taken
  • Celebrate the milestones achieved and discuss any changes or improvements that could be made for future success
  • Make sure to reward and recognize individual and team accomplishments
  • Discuss what could be done to reach the next level of success
  • Ask for feedback from your team and consider their opinions
  • Take the time to discuss any challenges that were faced and how they could be addressed for future success

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know you are finished with this step when you have acknowledged the successes of your team, celebrated the milestones achieved, discussed any changes or improvements that could be made for future success, and asked for feedback from your team.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


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Philip Crocker