Implementing Leadership Programmes Easily with a Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Program Design
  • Choose an appropriate delivery method
  • Decide on program duration
  • Design a curriculum
  • Set up a program schedule
  • Select a program location

  • Recruitment and Selection

  • Establish criteria for selection
  • Develop a recruitment process
  • Design an interview process
  • Establish selection criteria
  • Establish a timeline

  • Delivery

  • Develop program materials
  • Train facilitators
  • Prepare for launch
  • Confirm program logistics
  • Assign roles and responsibilities

  • Evaluation

  • Assess program results
  • Measure qualitative and quantitative outcomes
  • Analyze data
  • Design an evaluation plan
  • Establish a timeline

  • Additional Resources

  • Links to additional resources to further assist in the implementation process
  • Identify and develop organizational metrics
  • Develop a plan for reporting results
  • Implement and review feedback systems
  • Establish a system for ongoing improvement


I've written this to provide a step-by-step guide for implementing successful leadership programmes in any organization. The article begins by outlining the objectives of a successful leadership programme, and then goes on to explain the process of how to create an effective program. It covers topics such as how to design the program, how to recruit and select participants, how to develop and deliver the program, and how to measure the results. It provides practical advice on topics such as how to create an effective budget and how to evaluate the program for success. In addition, the article includes information on the importance of selecting the right team, and the importance of creating an environment of trust and collaboration in order for the program to be successful. Finally, the article includes links to additional resources to further assist in the implementation process.

Get started

Program Design

  • Analyze the needs of the business to determine the best program design for the leadership program
  • Establish the purpose of the program and the desired outcomes
  • Develop learning objectives and goals for the program
  • Outline the content and topics to be covered in the program
  • Design the structure and flow of the program
  • Determine the appropriate activities and assessment methods to be used
  • Create an evaluation plan to measure the success of the program
  • Once the program design is complete, move on to the next step: Choose an appropriate delivery method.

    Choose an appropriate delivery method

  • Consider the amount of time available, the size of the group, and the learning objectives when deciding on an appropriate delivery method for the leadership programme
  • Choose a delivery method that best suits the goals of the programme and the needs of the participants, such as face-to-face workshops, online webinars, or blended learning
  • Research the best options for the delivery method and ensure that the technology and resources are in place to support the delivery
  • When you have chosen and tested the delivery method, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Decide on program duration

  • Determine the length of the program: short-term (1-2 weeks), medium-term (2-6 months), or long-term (6+ months)
  • Consider both the time needed to deliver the program and the time needed for participants to implement the knowledge and skills gained
  • Think about budget constraints when deciding on the program duration
  • When you have made a decision about the program duration, you can move on to the next step in the process: designing a curriculum.

    Design a curriculum

  • Identify the key topics, concepts, and skills to be included in the curriculum

  • Brainstorm how you can best facilitate the learning of those topics, concepts, and skills
  • Determine the appropriate length for each course module
  • Design activities and exercises to reinforce the curriculum
  • Develop a plan for assessing course participants' understanding of the curriculum
  • Create a timeline for developing curricular materials
  • When you have a finalized curriculum design, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Set up a program schedule

  • Estimate the length of the program, including any breaks or activities
  • Develop a timeline for the program, including start and end dates
  • Identify any key milestones the program should aim to hit
  • Decide on the frequency of the program, e.g. weekly, monthly, etc.
  • Create a schedule that outlines the topics, activities, and any other relevant details
  • Make sure the schedule is flexible and allows for changes
  • Confirm the program schedule with key stakeholders
  • You'll know this step is complete when the program schedule is finalized and all stakeholders have been informed.

    Select a program location

  • Research potential program sites to determine which one best meets the program's needs and objectives.
  • Contact the program site to check availability, cost and other necessary details.
  • Negotiate with the program site to get the best possible deal.
  • Obtain a signed contract or agreement with the program site.
  • Once these steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step of recruiting and selecting participants.

    Recruitment and Selection

  • Identify potential recruitment sources

  • Advertise the leadership programme
  • Receive and review applications
  • Interview candidates
  • Select participants
  • Send out notification of acceptance

Once you have identified potential recruitment sources, advertised the leadership programme, received and reviewed applications, interviewed candidates, selected participants, and sent out notification of acceptance, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establish criteria for selection

  • Create a list of criteria that candidates must meet to be considered for selection
  • Consider factors such as technical skills, experience, and leadership potential
  • Develop a scoring system to ensure candidates are evaluated in a consistent manner
  • Determine which skills, experiences, and qualities are most important for the role
  • Set a clear timeline and process for evaluating candidates
  • When the criteria is established and the evaluation process is in place, you can move on to the next step: Develop a recruitment process.

    Develop a recruitment process

  • Define the qualifications and skills needed for the role

  • Establish a recruitment timeline
  • Identify the right sources to attract candidates
  • Create job postings and advertisements
  • Determine the best recruitment channels for reaching potential candidates
  • Decide on how to screen applications (e.g. online tests, phone interviews, etc.)
  • When you have a pool of potential candidates, set up the interview process
  • Monitor the recruitment process and make adjustments as needed
  • When you have a successful candidate, prepare the job offer
  • When the job offer is accepted, onboard the successful candidate

Once you have established a recruitment process, you will know that you have completed this step and can move onto the next step.

Design an interview process

  • Determine the types of questions you want to ask in the interview process
  • Develop an interview rubric to ensure consistent evaluation of candidates
  • Create an outline for the interview process that clearly defines the sequence of questions and activities
  • Determine the number of people who will be involved in the interview process
  • Establish the interview schedule and duration
  • Set up the space in which the interviews will take place
  • Prepare the materials you will need for the interview process
  • When you have completed all of the above steps, you can move on to the next step of establishing selection criteria.

    Establish selection criteria

  • Define the selection criteria for the leadership program, such as the desired skills, abilities, and qualities of successful candidates.

  • Determine what types of questions to ask in the interview process that will help you assess whether a candidate meets the criteria.
  • Create a rating system that will be used to score the candidate’s answers and assess whether they meet the criteria.
  • Develop a rubric that outlines the criteria, questions to ask, and rating system that will be used in the selection process.
  • You will know when you have established selection criteria when you have developed a rubric that outlines the criteria, questions to ask, and rating system that will be used in the selection process.

    Establish a timeline

-Identify the program goals, length, and resources needed for successful completion of the program -Set a timeline for each phase of the program and establish milestones -Identify key decision-makers and stakeholders to ensure that the timeline is realistic and achievable -Communicate the timeline to program participants and stakeholders -Adjust the timeline as needed to accommodate any changes or delays

You will know you can move on to the next step when the timeline is established, communicated, and agreed upon by all stakeholders.


  • Plan and organize the program’s delivery.
  • Identify the resources needed to deliver the program, such as training materials, facilitators, venues, and equipment.
  • Ensure that the training materials are up to date and accurate.
  • Select and book the venue for the program.
  • Set up the training room with the necessary equipment and materials.
  • Confirm that all facilitators are available and have the resources they need.
  • Make sure that all participants are aware of the program details such as dates, times, and locations.
  • When all resources are in place and all participants are aware of the program, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

    Develop program materials

  • Brainstorm, research, and develop all materials for the leadership program, such as handouts, worksheets, slides, and other resources

  • Ensure the materials are accurate, up to date, and engaging
  • Have the materials reviewed by subject matter experts
  • Revise the materials, based on feedback
  • Once the materials have been finalized, have them printed and ready to use
  • You will know that you have completed this step when all materials have been finalized and printed out.

    Train facilitators

  • Identify and select facilitators for the leadership program

  • Facilitators should be knowledgeable in the subject and have experience in training or teaching
  • Conduct interviews to assess the facilitators' skills and capabilities
  • Develop a trainer's manual that outlines the program, activities and procedures
  • Provide training to the facilitators on the program materials and objectives
  • Allow for practice sessions for the facilitators to become comfortable with the materials
  • Once facilitators have been trained, provide them with any additional resources they may need

You'll know that you can check off this step and move on to the next step when you have identified and trained your facilitators, and provided them with any additional resources they may need.

Prepare for launch

  • Set up the physical space for the program launch
  • Confirm the launch date and time with all participants
  • Finalize any materials needed for the launch
  • Send out any pre-program questionnaires or surveys
  • Ensure all facilitators have finalized their program plans
  • Double-check that all program materials are ready
  • When all is ready, you can move on to confirming program logistics for the upcoming launch.

    Confirm program logistics

  • Identify available meeting spaces, supplies and resources

  • Schedule program sessions and create a timeline for implementation
  • Determine the number of participants and their roles
  • Calculate the cost of supplies and materials necessary for the program
  • Secure necessary resources to run the program
  • Once these logistics are established, you can move on to assigning roles and responsibilities.

    Assign roles and responsibilities

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities for each leader in the program, clearly outlining their individual accountabilities and expectations.

  • Assign roles and responsibilities to each leader including: program facilitator, team leader, mentor, coach, and group leader.
  • Establish clear lines of communication between leaders, outlining the contact methods, times and locations for discussion.
  • Place the leaders in teams, and assign tasks to each member of the team.
  • Ensure that each leader is aware of their own roles and responsibilities within the team and the program.
  • You will know you can move on once all roles and responsibilities are assigned and the team members are made aware of their tasks.


  • Develop an evaluation plan to assess how effective the leadership programme is and make any necessary changes.
  • Analyse the data that has been collected from various sources such as surveys, interviews, etc.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of the programme and use it to inform future decisions.
  • Discuss the findings with key stakeholders to identify any areas that need improvement.
  • Design an action plan to address any issues that have been identified.
  • Monitor and track progress of the action plan and make adjustments as needed.

You can check this step off your list when you’ve developed an evaluation plan, analysed the data, discussed the findings with key stakeholders, and designed an action plan to address any issues.

Assess program results

  • Gather data from all participants on the effectiveness of the program, including feedback on the program's objectives, structure, and delivery
  • Analyze the data to identify both positive and negative outcomes
  • Compare the results to your expectations and objectives to assess the overall success of the program
  • Utilize the feedback and data to adjust your goals and objectives for future program initiatives
  • When you have analyzed the data and gathered your conclusions, you can move on to the next step of measuring qualitative and quantitative outcomes.

    Measure qualitative and quantitative outcomes

  • Gather feedback from participants on their experience in the leadership program

  • Collect data from surveys, interviews, and other assessments
  • Monitor progress and track tangible outcomes, such as increased skills, knowledge, and abilities
  • Analyze the data to determine if the program is achieving its desired outcomes
  • Monitor how the program is helping to build the desired culture
  • Create benchmarks to measure the program’s success
  • Create a report to document the results of the program
  • When you've gathered the data and analyzed it, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Analyze data

  • Collect data from surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations

  • Identify patterns and trends in the data
  • Determine which data is most relevant to evaluating the program
  • Identify areas of improvement or areas that need to be addressed
  • Develop a summary of the findings

Once you've collected the data and identified patterns and trends, you can check this step off the list and move on to designing an evaluation plan.

Design an evaluation plan

  • Decide what parameters you will use to measure the success of the program
  • Create a plan to track the progress of the program, including goals and targets
  • Set up a system for feedback from participants and stakeholders
  • Develop a timeline for when evaluations should be conducted
  • Decide on how data from the evaluations will be collected and analyzed
  • Check off this step when all the components of the evaluation plan have been established.

    Establish a timeline

  • Break down each component of the programme into manageable chunks and set a timeline for each component

  • Outline the duration of the programme, the target completion date and the schedule for each component
  • Create a timeline for each component that includes the expected start and end dates, and milestones for each task
  • Assign tasks to individuals and/or teams based on their indicated strengths and capabilities
  • Track the progress of each component and adjust the timeline as necessary
  • Check off each component as it is completed
  • When all components have been completed, the timeline will be fulfilled and the programme will be ready to be implemented.

    Additional Resources

  • Gather any additional resources that may be useful in the implementation process such as books, articles, and videos

  • Utilize online resources such as free webinars, forums, and blogs
  • Seek out expert advice and guidance from industry leaders
  • Reach out to organizations and individuals who may have already gone through a leadership programme implementation process
  • Research any existing programs and models that may be useful to draw on
  • When you have identified any resources that will be useful to your program, make sure to document and save them for later reference
  • Once you have gathered all the necessary resources, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Research and identify any resources that may be useful to help with the implementation process of the leadership programme. These can include books, articles, websites, case studies, and other relevant materials.
  • Reach out to other professionals in the same field and ask for advice on implementation processes they may have used in the past.
  • Utilize and explore any local resources available such as seminars, workshops, and conferences.
  • Once you have identified and gathered the resources you need, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Identify and develop organizational metrics

  • Identify the key metrics that will help measure the success of the leadership programme

  • Analyse the current state of the organization in relation to the chosen metrics
  • Develop specific goals and objectives for each of the metrics
  • Establish a timeline for obtaining results from the chosen metrics
  • Identify the resources needed to achieve the desired results for the chosen metrics
  • Set up a system for tracking and reporting the results of the chosen metrics
  • Develop a plan for ongoing monitoring of the chosen metrics

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the key metrics have been identified and the goals and objectives have been established
  • When a timeline and resources have been allocated for obtaining results
  • When a system for tracking and reporting results has been set up
  • When a plan for ongoing monitoring has been developed

    Develop a plan for reporting results

  • Establish a timeline of when the results of the leadership program should be reported and to whom

  • Identify the key stakeholders who should be reported to, including senior management
  • Decide on the format of the report and the data to be included
  • Put the plan into action and ensure it is implemented successfully
  • Track progress against the plan and review periodically
  • When the plan is implemented successfully, you can move on to the next step of implementing and reviewing feedback systems.

    Implement and review feedback systems

  • Identify what type of feedback system you will use (surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
  • Determine who you will need to provide feedback and what information they need to provide
  • Create a timeline for when and how often feedback will be collected
  • Develop a system of reporting the results of the feedback and how you will use it to improve the program
  • Evaluate the feedback system to determine if it is meeting the needs of the program
  • When the feedback system is up and running, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish a system for ongoing improvement

  • Set up a system to track the progress of the leadership programme
  • Track the program's successes and failures through a continuous improvement process
  • Establish a timeline to review the progress and effectiveness of the program
  • Develop a plan for implementing changes or improvements to the program
  • Involve stakeholders in the process, such as team members and supervisors
  • Incorporate feedback from the stakeholders into the program
  • Implement any changes or improvements as needed
  • Monitor the progress of the program and make adjustments as necessary
  • Check back on the progress of the program regularly to ensure it is on track
  • When the program is running smoothly, move on to the next step of the guide.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker