Leading with Confidence: A Free Guide to Planning a Leadership Workshop

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  • Designing the Coaching Plan
  • Create a timeline
  • Identify appropriate resources
  • Analyze current processes
  • Create a detailed plan

  • Developing an Action Plan

  • Establish goals
  • Develop strategies
  • Create an implementation timeline
  • Assess progress on a regular basis

  • Facilitating the Coaching

  • Discuss the benefits of having a facilitator
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator
  • Review coaching techniques
  • Outline tips for effective communication

  • Designing Engaging Activities

  • Outline tips for designing engaging activities
  • Explain the importance of varying activities
  • Discuss the use of multimedia resources

  • Template for Structuring the Workshop

  • Provide a detailed template for structuring the workshop
  • Include a sample agenda
  • Provide a checklist of items to include

  • Evaluation

  • Explain the importance of tracking and evaluating progress
  • Describe the process for assessing results

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize key points
  • Explain how the coaching plan can help leaders gain the skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead and inspire others


I've written this to provide a comprehensive guide to planning a successful leadership workshop. The article covers topics such as goal setting, the importance of having a facilitator, and tips for designing engaging activities. It also provides a detailed template for structuring the workshop, including a sample agenda and a checklist of items to include. All of this combines to provide helpful guidance to leaders looking to develop their confidence. Ultimately, the goal of the article is to help leaders gain the skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead and inspire others.

Get started

Designing the Coaching Plan

  • Identify the key objectives for the workshop and what you want participants to gain from it.
  • Develop an agenda for the workshop to ensure that all objectives are covered and relevant material is presented.
  • Identify the topics you will cover and the activities you will include in the workshop.
  • Create a timeline for the workshop, including start and end times.
  • Determine the resources needed to run the workshop, such as materials, equipment and personnel.
  • Design evaluation tools to assess the effectiveness of the workshop.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have identified the key objectives, developed an agenda and timeline, determined the resources needed, and designed evaluation tools, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

Designing the Coaching Plan

  • Identify the objectives of the workshop
  • Develop a plan of action to achieve the objectives
  • Consider the type of group that will be attending the workshop (size, demographics, expectations, etc.)
  • Choose a format for the workshop that will help participants reach the objectives (lecture, discussion, simulations, etc.)
  • Select a variety of activities to engage the participants
  • Design an evaluation method to measure the effectiveness of the workshop

You will know that you have completed this step when you have a clear plan for the workshop that outlines the objectives, activities, format, and evaluation methods.

Create a timeline

  • Break down the leadership workshop into distinct activities and objectives
  • Prioritize each activity and objective based on importance, time required, and resources needed
  • Assign a start and end date for each activity and objective
  • Determine how long each activity should take, and how much time should be allocated for breaks
  • Use a calendar or project management tool to create a timeline for the workshop
  • Confirm the timeline with the facilitator and participants
  • When the timeline is finalized, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Identify appropriate resources

  • Research existing leadership training materials and resources

  • Brainstorm ideas for activities and exercises that would be appropriate for the workshop
  • Consider what resources may be needed to implement the exercises (e.g. materials, equipment)
  • Develop a resource list that includes materials, equipment and other items that may be necessary
  • Check availability of listed resources
  • Identify an alternative resource in case the original is not available

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know you can move on to the next step when you have finalized the list of resources, checked availability and identified an alternative in case the original is not available.

    Analyze current processes

  • Identify the current leadership processes and what areas need improvement

  • Research the current industry trends and best practices for leadership workshops
  • Identify the skills and knowledge gaps that need to be addressed
  • Assess the current team dynamics and how they might affect the workshop
  • Analyze the current processes to identify any potential challenges or risks
  • Make sure to review any feedback from previous workshops
  • Once you have a clear understanding of the current processes, you can move on to the next step of creating a detailed plan.

    Create a detailed plan

  • Outline the objectives of the workshop

  • Identify the desired outcomes of the workshop
  • Decide on a timeline for the workshop, including any pre-workshop activities, the workshop itself, and post-workshop activities
  • Create an agenda for the workshop, including topics to be discussed and activities to be completed
  • Identify any materials, equipment, or supplies that will be needed for the workshop
  • Select a facilitator or instructor for the workshop
  • Choose a location for the workshop
  • Reach out to any guest speakers or panelists that will be participating in the workshop
  • Promote the workshop and recruit participants
  • Once all tasks have been completed, review the plan to ensure it meets the objectives of the workshop

You will know when this step is complete when you have created and reviewed a detailed plan for the leadership workshop that includes objectives, outcomes, timeline, agenda, materials, facilitator, location, guests, and promotion.

Developing an Action Plan

  • Gather all of your ideas and resources from the previous step and create a timeline for your workshop
  • Break down your timeline into manageable pieces, such as tasks that have to be completed ahead of time and which can be done during the workshop
  • Assign specific tasks to individuals who will be responsible for completing them
  • Create a checklist of items that need to be done before, during, and after the workshop
  • Set deadlines for all tasks, and make sure those deadlines are realistic and achievable
  • Once you have your action plan in place, you can move on to the next step: Establishing Goals.

    Establish goals

  • Identify the primary goal(s) of the workshop

  • Consider how objectives can be established that are measurable and achievable
  • Make sure to involve stakeholders in the goal setting process
  • Document the final goals of the workshop
  • Once the goals are established, you can move on to the next step of developing strategies.

    Develop strategies

  • Identify key strategies for effective leadership
  • Research how to implement these strategies in a workshop setting
  • Decide on the format and flow of the workshop
  • Brainstorm ideas for activities, discussions and other interactive elements
  • Create a plan on how to integrate the strategies throughout the workshop
  • When you have a clear plan and strategies to include in the workshop, you can move on to the next step.

    Create an implementation timeline

  • Outline the tasks that need to be completed in order to plan and implement the leadership workshop

  • Break down the tasks into manageable chunks and assign deadlines to each one
  • Identify any potential risks or challenges that could arise with the timeline and plan accordingly
  • Make sure to build in flexibility so that tasks can be adjusted if necessary
  • When all tasks have been completed according to the timeline, you can move on to the next step.

    Assess progress on a regular basis

  • Schedule regular check-ins with the team to assess progress on the goal

  • Ask each team member to provide an update on the progress they've made on their respective tasks
  • Track progress on the timeline by noting any changes, delays, or roadblocks that have been encountered
  • Make sure that everyone is on the same page, and any discrepancies or misunderstandings are addressed
  • Review the timeline and timeline goals regularly to ensure that the goal is being met
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When the goal has been achieved, the first phase of the leadership workshop has been completed, and the team is ready to move on to the next step.

    Facilitating the Coaching

  • Decide on the structure and approach you want to take for the workshop
  • Decide on the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator and coaching team
  • Ensure that the facilitator is prepared and has the tools they need to lead the workshop
  • Make sure that the facilitator has a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the workshop
  • Ensure that the facilitator has the skills to lead the workshop, such as communication, listening, and problem solving
  • Make sure that the facilitator is comfortable with the topics and materials being discussed
  • Have the facilitator introduce the workshop to the group and explain the process
  • Keep the group focused and on task
  • Monitor the group and make sure that everyone is engaged and participating
  • Make sure that all questions are addressed in a timely manner
  • Monitor the progress of the workshop and adjust as needed
  • As the workshop progresses, make sure that the facilitator is providing feedback and guidance
  • Once the workshop is complete, evaluate the outcomes and discuss any changes or adjustments that may be necessary

When you have completed this step, you can move on to the next step which is discussing the benefits of having a facilitator.

Discuss the benefits of having a facilitator

  • Identify the benefits of having an experienced facilitator lead the group
  • Explain how a facilitator can help the group reach their goals
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator
  • Highlight the importance of having a facilitator to ensure the workshop is successful
  • Explain any other benefits that a facilitator can bring to the workshop

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once everyone has a clear understanding of the benefits of having a facilitator and the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator, you can move on to the next step.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator

  • Create a job description for the facilitator and define the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator
  • Outline the level of experience and qualifications the facilitator needs to have to become successful in the role
  • Ensure the facilitator is aware of the purpose of the workshop and the expected outcomes
  • Develop a plan for the facilitator to follow during the workshop, including guidelines for the facilitation process
  • Equip the facilitator with the resources and materials needed for the workshop
  • Provide support to the facilitator by ensuring they have access to any additional resources they may require

Once the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator have been defined and the facilitator has been equipped with the necessary resources and materials, this step can be checked off the list and the next step can be worked on.

Review coaching techniques

  • Understand the difference between coaching and mentoring
  • Learn about the basics of coaching techniques
  • Learn about the GROW and GROWTH coaching models
  • Understand the concept of ‘stretching’
  • Understand the importance of active listening, questioning, and summarizing
  • Learn about the importance of developing trust, respect and rapport
  • Understand the concept of ‘challenge and support’
  • Understand the importance of providing feedback
  • Understand the importance of goal setting

Once you understand the basics of coaching techniques and the importance of providing feedback, active listening, and goal setting, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Outline tips for effective communication

  • Identify key elements for a successful communication, such as body language, active listening, and verbal and nonverbal cues
  • Assess the needs of the group and plan accordingly
  • Outline the objectives and expectations of the workshop
  • Create a plan to ensure that everyone is actively engaged in the workshop
  • Develop exercises to help participants practice effective communication strategies
  • Review the plan with the group and determine if any changes need to be made
  • When finished outlining tips for effective communication, check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Designing Engaging Activities

  • Brainstorm activities that will engage participants and allow them to practice leadership skills

  • Consider activities that will help participants learn from each other and gain new perspectives
  • Design activities that are interactive and will allow for participants to practice communication, problem solving, and collaboration
  • Create activities that are relevant to the topics discussed in the workshop
  • Make sure to include appropriate breaks and allow for flexibility during the workshop

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a list of activities that are relevant to the topics and are interactive, engaging and allow for practice of leadership skills, you can move on to outlining tips for designing engaging activities.

    Outline tips for designing engaging activities

  • Consider the type of activity needed for the group. Is it a brainstorming session, a group discussion, or a team-building exercise?
  • Think about the goals of the activity and how it will help participants better understand the workshop topic or its objectives.
  • Make sure the activity is tailored to the size, interests, and learning style of the group.
  • Take into account the amount of time available and the type of materials needed to complete the activity.
  • Consider the age range of the participants and the level of complexity of the activity.

When you have outlined the tips for designing engaging activities, you can move on to the next step.

Explain the importance of varying activities

  • Prepare a list of activities that encourage different learning styles. Include a variety of activities such as hands-on activities, lectures, discussions, and multimedia.
  • Explain why it is important to use a variety of activities. Discuss how different activities appeal to different learning styles and help keep participants engaged.
  • Explain how to use each type of activity effectively and how to transition between them.
  • Discuss how to help participants understand why certain activities are relevant to the topic.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When participants understand the importance of varying activities and how to use them effectively.

    Discuss the use of multimedia resources

  • Outline the different types of multimedia resources that could be used in the workshop (visuals, audio clips, videos, etc.)

  • Decide which multimedia resources are most appropriate for the topics and objectives of the workshop
  • Research and source any necessary multimedia resources for the workshop
  • Make sure you have permission to use the multimedia resources if needed
  • Test the multimedia resources to ensure they are working correctly
  • When multimedia resources are ready to be used, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Template for Structuring the Workshop

  • Review the workshop objectives and desired outcomes

  • Break the workshop down into various activities
  • Assign each activity a specific time frame
  • Designate a specific facilitator/leader for each activity
  • Provide each group with tools and resources to complete the tasks
  • Ensure that each activity has a clear goal and outcome
  • Create a timeline for the workshop and display it in the room
  • Check in with each group throughout the workshop to ensure that they are on track
  • When the timeline and activities are complete, check off this step and move on to the next step.

    Provide a detailed template for structuring the workshop

  • Create a timeline for the workshop that clearly outlines the start time, break times, and end time.
  • Identify the objectives of the workshop and create a plan for how you will communicate those objectives to attendees.
  • Outline the activities and tasks you will use to help achieve the workshop objectives.
  • Determine how you will measure the success of the workshop.
  • Choose the materials and tools you will need for the workshop and make sure you have them prepared ahead of time.
  • Determine who will be responsible for leading the workshop and assign tasks accordingly.
  • When you have completed the template for structuring the workshop, you can move on to the next step: include a sample agenda.

    Include a sample agenda

  • Brainstorm and create a general overview of the workshop agenda

  • Plan the activities and topics to be discussed
  • Make sure the agenda includes breaks and time for participants to reflect
  • Decide how much time to allot for each activity
  • Include a timeline with the start and end times
  • When the agenda is complete, check it off your list and move onto the next step

    Provide a checklist of items to include

  • Brainstorm a list of topics related to leadership that you would like to discuss at your workshop

  • Identify the length of the workshop
  • Create a timeline for the workshop
  • Draft the agenda for the workshop
  • Put together the materials you will use during the workshop (e.g. handouts, slides, etc.)
  • Invite participants to the workshop
  • Schedule any additional resources or materials you will need to complete the workshop (e.g. catering, technical support, etc.)
  • Prepare a list of questions to use to evaluate the workshop

Once you have all of the above completed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Create survey forms for participants to fill out before and after the workshop
  • Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the workshop
  • Collect and analyze data from the surveys and KPIs
  • Use the data to develop actionable insights to improve the workshop
  • Implement changes to the workshop based on the insights for better outcomes in the future

    Explain the importance of tracking and evaluating progress

  • Explain why tracking and evaluating progress is important for a successful leadership workshop

  • Describe the importance of tracking participants' reactions and performance during the workshop
  • Explain the importance of gathering feedback from participants and workshop facilitators
  • Discuss the importance of creating a system to record and evaluate progress
  • Outline the benefits of tracking progress over time to better understand the impacts of the workshop
  • Describe the process for storing and reviewing feedback
  • Explain the importance of creating a system to track progress to evaluate the overall success of the workshop

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have discussed the importance of tracking and evaluating progress and have outlined the process for doing so.

    Describe the process for assessing results

  • Develop a plan for assessing the results of the workshop.

  • Think about what data you want to collect and how you will measure the impact of the workshop.
  • Establish criteria for success.
  • Consider what metrics you will use to track progress and how you will evaluate the results.
  • Create a system for collecting and analyzing data.
  • Make sure there are mechanisms in place to follow up and keep track of progress.
  • Once you have a plan in place, you can implement it and measure the success of the workshop.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a plan for assessing the results of the workshop, a system for collecting and analyzing data, and mechanisms in place to follow up and keep track of progress, you can move on to the next step.


  • Summarize the key points of the workshop and any takeaways that the participants should remember

  • Thank the participants for their time and congratulate them on a successful workshop
  • Invite participants to share their thoughts and experiences with their peers
  • Ask the participants if they have any questions and provide answers as needed
  • Make sure to provide a certificate of completion to those who participated
  • Make sure to thank any facilitators or volunteers and provide them with a certificate of appreciation
  • Make sure to evaluate the results of the workshop and discuss any feedback with the participants

    Summarize key points

  • Summarize the key points from the workshop in a few sentences

  • Make sure to include the main topics covered, the main takeaways, and the main skills that were discussed
  • Check to make sure that the summary is comprehensive, but also concise
  • When you have finished summarizing the workshop, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next one.

    Explain how the coaching plan can help leaders gain the skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead and inspire others

  • Introduce the coaching plan and explain how it will help leaders gain the skills they need to lead effectively.

  • List the key topics that the coaching plan will cover, such as team building, communication, problem solving, and decision making.
  • Explain the benefits of each topic and how it can help leaders lead more confidently.
  • Describe the activities and exercises that will be used during the workshop to help leaders gain the skills and knowledge needed.
  • Highlight how the coaching plan can be customized to meet the needs of each individual leader.
  • Provide an overview of the materials needed for the workshop, such as handouts, worksheets, and other resources.
  • You can check this step off your list when you have a clear understanding of the coaching plan and how it can help leaders gain the skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead and inspire others.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker