Leveraging Free Leadership Training Programs for Maximum Impact: Step by Step Guide

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  • Develop a Plan
  • Establish a timeline
  • Define roles and responsibilities
  • Implement the plan

  • Obtain Feedback

  • Monitor progress
  • Implement changes as needed
  • Celebrate successes

  • Leveraging Free Leadership Training Programs

  • Research available free leadership training programs
  • Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each program
  • Create an action plan to make the most impact
  • Identify resources to help implement the plan
  • Set goals and objectives
  • Evaluate the progress of the program

  • Measuring Success and Adjusting

  • Measure the success of the program
  • Adjust the program to ensure maximum impact

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the results and impact of executive coaching

Updated list:

  • Introduction
  • Discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching

  • Develop a Plan

  • Establish a timeline
  • Define roles and responsibilities
  • Implement the plan

  • Obtain Feedback

  • Monitor progress
  • Implement changes as needed
  • Celebrate successes

  • Overview of Free Leadership Training Programs

  • Discuss the different types of free leadership training programs available

  • Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Outline the advantages and disadvantages of each type of training program

  • Leveraging Free Leadership Training Programs

  • Research available free leadership training programs
  • Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each program
  • Create an action plan to make the most impact
  • Identify resources to help implement the plan
  • Set goals and objectives
  • Evaluate the progress of the program

  • Measuring Success and Adjusting

  • Measure the success of the program
  • Evaluate the impact of the program
  • Adjust the program to ensure maximum impact

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the results and impact of executive coaching
  • Discuss potential future plans and strategies


I've written this to provide a step-by-step guide to maximize the impact of free leadership training programs. This article is aimed at those who want to make the most of free leadership training programs and use them to their benefit. It starts with an overview of the different types of free leadership training programs available, followed by a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each. It then provides a step-by-step guide on how to leverage these programs to make the most impact. Topics such as creating an action plan, identifying resources, setting goals, and evaluating progress are discussed. Finally, the article discusses how to measure the success of the program, and how to adjust it to ensure maximum impact.

Get started

Develop a Plan

  • Determine the type of leadership training you need
  • Set goals and objectives for the training
  • Research available free and low-cost training options
  • Identify the resources (time, budget, materials, etc.) available for the training
  • Develop a timeline for the training
  • Create an action plan to track progress

Once you have determined the type of leadership training you need, set goals and objectives, researched available free and low-cost training options, identified resources, developed a timeline, and created an action plan, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Establish a timeline

  • Create a timeline for the completion of tasks and activities needed to achieve your goal
  • Set deadlines for each task and activity
  • Make sure to include times for reflection and evaluation
  • Utilize technology such as project management software to help create and manage your timeline
  • Monitor progress and adjust as needed
  • When timeline is complete and tasks and activities are tracked, you can check this step off your list and move onto the next one.

    Define roles and responsibilities

  • Assign specific tasks to each leader in order to maximize efficiency
  • Create a timeline for each task to ensure deadlines are met
  • Outline expectations for each leader, such as communication and accountability
  • Designate a leader to oversee the project and ensure tasks are being completed as scheduled
  • Establish a reporting system for each leader to provide regular updates on progress
  • Set up a meeting schedule to review progress and make adjustments as necessary
  • When all roles and responsibilities have been clearly defined and assigned, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

    Implement the plan

  • Communicate the plan to all stakeholders and ensure that everyone is on board

  • Outline the timeline for each step and assign who is responsible for each task
  • Identify and secure the necessary resources
  • Monitor progress to ensure that the plan is being followed and is on track
  • Make adjustments and revisions as needed
  • Celebrate successes and recognize achievements

You will know you have completed this step when the plan has been communicated to all stakeholders and the necessary resources have been identified and secured.

Obtain Feedback

  • Gather feedback from multiple sources, including participants, colleagues, leaders, and customers
  • Analyze feedback to identify areas for improvement
  • Acknowledge and take action on feedback that would enhance the effectiveness of the training program
  • Use feedback to ensure the program is meeting its objectives
  • When feedback indicates that objectives have been met, you can move on to the next step.

    Monitor progress

  • Track progress against goals and milestones on a weekly or bi-weekly basis

  • Assess the results of any changes made to leadership training programs
  • Identify areas that need improvement and areas that are performing well
  • Use metrics to measure the impact of the leadership training program
  • Adjust the program if necessary to ensure maximum impact
  • Check in with team members to ensure they are comfortable with the changes made
  • Monitor feedback from team members to ensure they are satisfied with the training program
  • When all goals and milestones have been met, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Implement changes as needed

  • Identify areas that need improvement based on your progress monitoring.

  • Create a plan to implement changes in order to achieve desired goals.
  • Execute the plan with the team, keeping track of progress and making adjustments as needed.
  • Evaluate the impact of the changes you implemented.
  • Monitor the progress of the changes.
  • Celebrate successes when goals are achieved.

    Celebrate successes

  • Make sure you recognize those involved and thank them for their hard work and dedication
  • Take the time to celebrate the successes of the organization, both large and small
  • Celebrate with the team and make sure to thank them for their efforts in reaching the desired outcome
  • Celebrate with stakeholders, partners, and other groups that may have contributed to the success
  • Consider sending out a thank you note or gift to those involved
  • Share your successes with the public and let them know about the progress the organization has made
  • Take time to reflect and appreciate the hard work and dedication that went into making the changes and achieving the desired outcome

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the organization has received recognition and appreciation from stakeholders, partners, and other groups
  • When the team has been thanked and celebrated for their hard work
  • When the success has been shared with the public

    Leveraging Free Leadership Training Programs

  • Research online and local sources for free leadership training programs

  • Look for programs that will help you acquire the skills and knowledge you need to become an effective leader
  • Contact relevant organizations and trainers offering these programs to understand the details and commitments
  • Create a list of the programs that are the best fit for your specific needs
  • Schedule a time to attend and take advantage of the free leadership training program
  • When you have completed the training, check it off your list and move on to the next step.

    Research available free leadership training programs

  • Search online for free leadership training programs

  • Look for programs that are available in the local area or online
  • Make a list of all the programs you find
  • Examine each program to determine the topics they cover, the duration of the course, and the provider
  • Check reviews of the programs to determine their quality
  • Once you’ve compiled a list of programs, you can move on to the next step.

    Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each program

  • Compare each program's strengths and weaknesses, including cost, resources needed, and time commitment.

  • Look at any reviews or feedback from other users that have completed the program.
  • Consider what goals you are trying to achieve and how each program can help you reach those goals.
  • Determine which program has the best balance of benefits and drawbacks for your needs.
  • Make sure the program is up to date and relevant for your current situation.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You have completed a thorough evaluation of each program and have determined which one will best meet your needs.

    Create an action plan to make the most impact

  • Consider the goals you have identified in the previous step and develop an action plan to meet them

  • Identify possible activities that would help you reach your goals
  • Prioritize the activities and create a timeline to complete them
  • Identify any resources needed to complete the activities and create a budget
  • Make sure the action plan is achievable and realistic
  • You will know this step is complete when you have a clear action plan to achieve the goals you have identified.

    Identify resources to help implement the plan

  • Research online databases like Coursera or edX for free leadership training programs

  • Contact local colleges or universities to inquire about leadership development course offerings
  • Utilize human resource departments or professional associations to connect with potential mentors or coaches
  • Look into online communities or forums to communicate with other leaders and learn from their experiences
  • Ask people in your network if they know of any resources that could help you

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You have a list of free leadership training programs you can participate in
  • You have a list of mentors or coaches you can connect with
  • You have a list of online resources or communities you can use

    Set goals and objectives

  • Identify the specific goals and objectives you want to achieve through leadership training

  • Break down the goals and objectives into achievable short-term and long-term milestones
  • Assign responsibilities to team members and hold each other accountable
  • Establish a timeline to measure progress
  • Track and measure progress through regular feedback sessions
  • Check off goals and objectives as they are achieved and adjust the timeline as needed
  • Celebrate successes and recognize team accomplishments

    Evaluate the progress of the program

  • Monitor the progress of the program to assess whether the goals and objectives are being met

  • Track the program’s performance on key metrics such as attendance, participant feedback, and completion rate
  • Identify areas for improvement, such as topics that need to be covered more in-depth or activities that can be adjusted
  • Create a plan to address any areas where progress is not meeting expectations
  • Check in with participants to gain feedback and identify new insights to inform future iterations of the program
  • Adjust program components as needed to ensure that goals and objectives are being met
  • When the program has achieved its desired objectives, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Measuring Success and Adjusting

  • Review your program evaluation and adjust any steps, tools, or resources to better meet the needs of the participants
  • Develop survey questions that help you measure the success of the program and gain feedback from the participants
  • Use surveys to collect data and measure the success of the program
  • Analyze the data and identify further adjustments that need to be made
  • Develop a plan for how you will use the data to improve the program and enhance the learning experience
  • Track the progress of the program and measure success over time to ensure it is meeting its goals
  • Check off this step when you have identified potential adjustments and created a plan to measure the success of the program.

    Measure the success of the program

  • Identify key performance indicators that will help you measure the program's success

  • Collect data from participants on the program's impact through surveys and interviews
  • Analyze the data to determine whether the program has achieved its goals
  • Evaluate the program's results to identify areas that need improvement
  • Check off this step when you have gathered enough data to assess the program's success.

    Adjust the program to ensure maximum impact

  • Analyze the program data and feedback collected from participants to determine areas of improvement
  • Develop strategies to make changes to the program, such as expanding the topics covered or changing the duration of the program
  • Determine if additional resources are needed to ensure the changes are implemented successfully
  • Incorporate changes into the program and provide participants with an updated program outline
  • Monitor the program to ensure the changes are effective and achieving the desired outcomes
  • Make adjustments to the program as needed based on participant feedback and data
  • Once changes are complete and the program is running successfully, check off this step and move on to the conclusion.


  • Review the data collected from the free leadership training program and the executive coaching program.

  • Analyze the data to determine the effectiveness of the programs and the impact that they have had on the organization.
  • Identify any areas for improvement and adjust the programs accordingly.
  • Summarize the results and impact of the programs and communicate them to stakeholders.
  • When all data has been analyzed, conclusions communicated and any adjustments made to the program, check off the conclusion step and proceed to the next step.

    Summarize the results and impact of executive coaching

  • Compile feedback from executive coaching sessions, progress notes and/or other related materials

  • Analyze the data and develop a summary report on the results and impact of the executive coaching
  • Present a summary of the executive coaching results and impact to the executive team and/or other stakeholders
  • Establish a timeline for follow-up and review of the executive coaching results and impact
  • Identify areas for improvement or further development, if needed
  • Document the results and impact of executive coaching in an easily accessible format
  • Ensure that the executive team and other stakeholders are aware of the results and impact of executive coaching Updated list:
  • Research available free leadership training programs and determine which best fits the goals of your organization.
  • Consider factors such as cost, time commitment, and qualifications of the program.
  • Make sure to read the program description carefully and ask questions of the program staff if necessary.
  • Compare the programs you've found and create a list of the ones that you feel are best suited to your organization's needs.
  • When you are satisfied with your list, review each program and make sure that the qualifications and other requirements are met.
  • When you have finalized your list of programs, contact the program staff to get more information about the program and to discuss the details.
  • When you have all the information you need, register for the program and begin the leadership training process.
  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have successfully completed the leadership training program.


  • Gather resources, such as books, articles, and articles of interest related to executive coaching and leadership training

  • Research different executive coaching and leadership training programs available to you
  • Identify the goals of your training program and the needs of your organization
  • Evaluate the various executive coaching and leadership training programs available to you
  • Compare and contrast the different programs to determine which one may be the best fit for your organization
  • When you have decided which program will be the best fit for your organization, create a plan for how to implement the program
  • Once the plan is in place, you can begin to implement the executive coaching and leadership training program
  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have successfully implemented the executive coaching and leadership training program

    Discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching

  • Establish the need for executive coaching and explain the possible benefits

  • Clarify the goals of the coaching program
  • Explain the process of how the program will be conducted
  • Demonstrate how the program aligns with the company's mission and values
  • Outline the expectations of the executive and the coach
  • Discuss the timeline and expected outcomes of the program
  • When all information is communicated, discuss the agreement to move forward with executive coaching
  • When agreement is reached, determine the next steps to get the program started
  • When all steps are completed, the execution of the executive coaching program can begin

    Develop a Plan

  • Analyse the current leadership training program and identify areas for improvement

  • Set measurable goals and objectives for the program
  • Investigate different training and development methods and select the most suitable ones
  • Establish a timeline and milestones for the program
  • Define the budget for the program and plan resources accordingly
  • Outline the assessment criteria for measuring the program's success
  • Secure buy-in from key stakeholders for the program
  • When you have developed a plan for the leadership training program, you can move on to the next step.

    Establish a timeline

  • Identify and block off appropriate timeframes for completion of the leadership training program

  • Determine any associated deadlines and ensure that these are communicated to all stakeholders
  • Set up milestones to ensure that the program is progressing according to the timeline
  • Track progress to ensure that the timeline is being adhered to
  • Adjust the timeline, if necessary, to ensure that the leadership training program is successful
  • When the timeline is established, and all stakeholders are aware of their responsibilities and deadlines, the timeline can be checked off the list and the program can move to the next step.

    Define roles and responsibilities

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities necessary for the successful implementation of the leadership training program.

  • Assign roles and responsibilities to team members and/or external consultants.
  • Create a document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
  • Create a timeline for completion of the assigned roles and responsibilities.
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Check with team members to ensure that all roles and responsibilities have been assigned and that the timeline for completion has been established.

    Implement the plan

  • Develop a timeline and budget for the implementation of the plan
  • Make sure to identify all the resources needed to successfully implement the plan, such as personnel, materials, and equipment
  • Set up processes to monitor and evaluate the plan's implementation, including regular check-ins with stakeholders
  • Identify a system for tracking progress and any issues or risks that may arise
  • Communicate the plan to everyone involved and ensure everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities
  • Assign tasks to each team member and ensure everyone is on the same page regarding deadlines
  • Take action and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the plan is carried out as intended
  • Once the plan has been implemented, review and assess the results to determine whether it was successful or not

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the plan has been successfully implemented and all tasks have been completed, you can move on to the next step, which is to obtain feedback.

    Obtain Feedback

  • Ask for feedback from your team about their experience during implementation

  • Make sure to solicit feedback from a variety of sources such as team members, customers, vendors, and other stakeholders
  • Incorporate feedback into the plan to refine and improve the implementation
  • Use the feedback to identify areas of improvement and address them
  • Measure the impact of the changes made based on the feedback
  • When you have addressed all the feedback and made necessary changes, you can move on to the next step.

    Monitor progress

  • Set up a timeline for when you'll check in on the progress of the leadership training program

  • Follow up with participants periodically to get feedback on their experiences
  • Record any changes or improvements that need to be made
  • Identify any areas where additional training may be needed
  • Track the progress of participants and note any improvements in their leadership skills
  • Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the training program
  • When you see clear improvements in participants, or when the training program has reached its goals, you can check off monitoring progress and move on to the next step.

    Implement changes as needed

  • Analyze any feedback from the monitoring process and make adjustments to leadership training programs as needed
  • Take into account any possible changes in the organization's needs, goals and objectives
  • Make sure to involve stakeholders in the decision-making process
  • Ensure that the changes are implemented on time and within budget
  • Communicate the changes to the relevant stakeholders
  • Monitor the implementation of the changes and track progress
  • Solicit feedback from stakeholders on the changes and make any necessary adjustments
  • When changes are successful, celebrate the successes and recognize those who made it possible!

    Celebrate successes

  • Celebrate successes by recognizing team members for their hard work and dedication to the task at hand.

  • Show your appreciation for their efforts with awards, certificates, or other recognition.
  • Take the time to express your gratitude for their work and encourage them to continue striving for success.
  • Schedule regular team meetings to review progress, celebrate successes, and discuss any areas of improvement.
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When team members are regularly recognized for their efforts and have regular opportunities to celebrate success, you will know that you have successfully completed this step.

    Overview of Free Leadership Training Programs

  • Research and compile a list of free leadership training programs available

  • Identify programs that may be beneficial to your team and company goals
  • Consider relevant criteria, such as cost, duration, flexibility, and content
  • Compare and contrast the various free leadership training programs to determine which is the best fit for your team
  • When you have identified the most suitable program for your team and company, you can move on to the next step.

    Discuss the different types of free leadership training programs available

  • Research available free leadership training programs to get a better idea of what’s out there

  • Make a list of potential programs that may suit your particular needs
  • Compare the different programs to determine which one is the best fit for you
  • Ask for input from your team or other leaders in your organization about the different programs
  • Once you make a decision, sign up for the program and familiarize yourself with the curriculum
  • You'll know you've completed this step when you have a list of free leadership training programs at your disposal and you have a clear understanding of which one you plan to pursue.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Research the advantages and disadvantages of each type of training program available

  • Consider the cost, convenience, and time investment associated with each program
  • Make a list of the benefits and drawbacks of each program
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of the different programs to decide on the best fit for your needs
  • When you are comfortable with the training program that best suits your needs, you can move on to the next step.

    Outline the advantages and disadvantages of each type of training program

  • Research different types of training programs for leaders and make a list of the advantages and disadvantages for each type

  • Consider the cost, time commitment, and outcome of each program
  • Evaluate which program is best suited to your needs
  • Once you have identified the type of program that is best for you and have outlined the advantages and disadvantages of each type, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Leveraging Free Leadership Training Programs

  • Identify the type of leadership training program you are interested in (e.g. online courses, in-person workshops, webinars, etc.).

  • Research available free leadership training programs and compare their advantages and disadvantages to determine which one is the best fit for you.
  • Analyze the needs of your organization and determine if the free leadership training program is the best solution to meet those needs.
  • Assess the quality of the free leadership training program and determine if it will provide the desired outcome.
  • Create a plan of action to ensure the free leadership training program is properly implemented and has maximum impact.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified the type of leadership training program, researched and compared the available free leadership training programs, assessed the quality, and created a plan of action for implementation, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Research available free leadership training programs

  • Conduct an online search for free leadership training programs

  • Research any reviews or testimonials of the programs
  • Compare the features and benefits of different programs
  • Make a list of the programs that appear to be of the highest quality
  • Contact the program organizers to ask any additional questions
  • Once you have a list of potential programs, you can move on to the next step.

    Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each program

  • Review the information and details you have gathered on each program

  • List the benefits and drawbacks of each free leadership training program
  • Ask yourself which program is likely to provide the most value and the best return on investment
  • Make notes on any potential risks or challenges you might encounter with each program
  • Compare the benefits and drawbacks of each program and decide which one is the most suitable for your needs
  • When you have completed this step, you will have a clear understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of each program and can confidently move on to creating an action plan.

    Create an action plan to make the most impact

  • Break the plan into manageable chunks and set achievable goals

  • Establish timelines and deadlines to ensure the plan is completed in a timely manner
  • Assign tasks and track progress to ensure the plan is being executed as intended
  • Utilize the resources identified in the previous step to guide implementation
  • Incorporate feedback from team members to ensure the plan is feasible and appropriate
  • Identify any potential issues or risks that may arise and develop backup plans
  • Review and adjust the plan as needed
  • Once all the components of the plan are complete and the team is on board, the plan can be considered ready for implementation.

    Identify resources to help implement the plan

  • Research available online and in-person leadership training programs, such as those offered by universities, organizations, and companies.

  • Identify resources that align with your goals and objectives.
  • Develop a budget to account for costs associated with the training.
  • Once you have identified the resources you need and have developed a budget, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

    Set goals and objectives

  • Brainstorm ideas and create measurable goals and objectives for the leadership training program

  • List out the goals and objectives and decide how to measure success
  • Decide which methods will be used to measure progress (surveys, tests, feedback, etc.)
  • Track progress and evaluate the results of the program to determine how well goals and objectives are being met
  • Record and adjust goals and objectives as needed based on results
  • When measurable goals and objectives have been set and progress is being tracked, you can move on to the next step.

    Evaluate the progress of the program

  • Monitor the program and its participants to see if objectives and goals are being met.

  • Track the progress of participants and review the results on a regular basis.
  • Gather feedback from participants to measure the effectiveness of the program.
  • Compare the results of the program against the initial goals and objectives.
  • Make adjustments to the program as needed based on the feedback and results.
  • Once you have observed and evaluated the progress of the program, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next.

    Measuring Success and Adjusting

  • Collect feedback from participants on their experience of the leadership training program

  • Analyze the data and assess the impact of the program on the participants
  • Identify areas of success and areas that need improvement
  • Adjust the program accordingly based on the feedback and data collected
  • Create a plan for ongoing evaluation of the program
  • Implement the plan and track progress regularly
  • Check off this step when you have collected feedback and adjusted the program accordingly.

    Measure the success of the program

  • Establish clear objectives and goals for the program before it begins

  • Track progress and results throughout the program
  • Collect feedback and data from participants
  • Compare program results to established goals and objectives
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • When program goals are met, you can move on to the next step of evaluating the impact of the program.

    Evaluate the impact of the program

  • Assess the effectiveness of the program by measuring the performance of the participants before and after the completion of the program
  • Analyze the feedback received from the participants and identify areas of improvement
  • Compare the success of the program to the objectives set out prior to commencement
  • Determine the return on investment from the program
  • When all the data is compiled, review the results to determine if the program was successful or not
  • Once you have evaluated the impact of the program, you can move onto the next step of adjusting the program to ensure maximum impact.

    Adjust the program to ensure maximum impact

  • Identify areas where the program can be improved or modified.

  • Establish clear objectives for the program.
  • Develop an implementation plan for the program, including timelines, goals, and resources.
  • Adjust the program to meet the desired objectives and outcomes.
  • Monitor the success of the program and make adjustments as needed.
  • When the program is adjusted and is meeting the desired objectives and outcomes, you can move on to the conclusion step.


  • Review the progress made during the executive coaching program.

  • Determine how the organization has benefited from the program.
  • Identify any areas needing improvement.
  • Create a plan to implement the lessons learned from the program.
  • Develop a strategy to ensure the lessons are applied in the future.
  • Summarize the results and impact of the program.
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step.

    Summarize the results and impact of executive coaching

  • Make a list of points that highlight the key successes of executive coaching

  • Identify any areas of improvement or development, and how they can be addressed
  • Analyze the data collected during the executive coaching sessions, and determine the areas where improvement is needed
  • Use the results to create a plan of action for future executive coaching sessions
  • When finished, you can move on to discussing potential future plans and strategies for executive coaching.

    Discuss potential future plans and strategies

  • Identify goals and objectives that you would like to achieve in the future
  • Brainstorm ideas and gather input from key stakeholders
  • Develop an actionable plan to achieve the identified goals and objectives
  • Prioritize the identified goals and objectives
  • Outline a timeline for achieving each goal
  • Set up a system for tracking progress and success
  • Identify any potential challenges or risks
  • Create a strategy for overcoming any identified challenges or risks
  • Schedule regular check-ins to review progress and adjust the strategy as needed
  • When all goals and objectives have been discussed and the plan is in place, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker