Maximizing Your Leadership Skills with a Training Course: A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  1. Establish an effective working relationship
    • Set expectations with the client
    • Establish a safe, non-judgmental environment
    • Clarify roles, responsibilities and boundaries
  2. Assess the client's current situation
    • Gather data from the client
    • Analyze the data to identify challenges, goals, and potential solutions
  3. Develop a plan of action
    • Set clear, achievable goals
    • Identify strategies to achieve those goals
    • Develop a timeline for implementation
  4. Implement the plan
    • Monitor progress and measure results
    • Facilitate the process
    • Provide feedback and guidance
  5. Re-assess progress
    • Gather data to measure progress
    • Identify areas of improvement
  6. Adjust the plan
    • Adapt the plan to meet changing needs
    • Make adjustments to the timeline as needed
  7. Celebrate success
    • Acknowledge and celebrate successes
  8. Provide follow-up
    • Follow up with client to ensure goals are still being met
    • Develop strategies to maintain progress
  9. Maintain records
    • Document the coaching process
  10. Wrap up
    • Summarize key learnings
    • Discuss next steps


I've written this to provide a free guide on how to maximize one's leadership skills through training courses. This article provides an overview of several critical steps that must be taken in order to effectively develop one's leadership skills and maximize their potential. The article begins by discussing the importance of self-awareness and how it can help one become an effective leader. It then goes on to outline the importance of setting clear, achievable goals and how to measure progress against them. Finally, the article provides tips on how to get the most out of a training course, such as how to choose the right course, what to look for in a training provider, and how to create an action plan. The article is designed to provide readers with the necessary information to leverage their existing leadership skills and take them to the next level.

Get started

  1. Establish an effective working relationship

  2. Greet the client with a professional, friendly demeanor

  3. Listen to the client's needs and objectives
  4. Ask questions to ensure understanding
  5. Share your own goals, expectations, and needs
  6. Work together to establish a timeline for the project
  7. Build a plan of action for the project
  8. Encourage open communication
  9. Discuss potential obstacles in the project
  10. Reach a mutual agreement on the working relationship

You can check this step off your list when you and the client have clearly established expectations, timelines, and plans of action. You should both feel comfortable with the working relationship.

  • Set expectations with the client

• Ask the client about their expectations for the training course. • Clarify any misunderstandings and make sure that expectations are reasonable. • Come to an agreement on the goals, expectations, and outcomes of the training course. • Agree on responsibilities and accountability measures. • Document the expectations and keep a copy for reference.

You can check off this step when you have established a clear agreement between you and the client on the goals, expectations, and outcomes of the training course.

  • Establish a safe, non-judgmental environment

  • Create an atmosphere of trust and respect by allowing participants to openly share their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgement.

  • Invite participants to contribute to the conversation without judgement or criticism.
  • Demonstrate empathy and understanding for all perspectives.
  • Speak in a respectful manner and avoid aggressive or hostile language.
  • Create a space for open dialogue and encourage everyone to actively participate.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the atmosphere is one of trust, respect, and understanding and all participants feel comfortable and safe to express themselves without fear of judgement.
  • Clarify roles, responsibilities and boundaries

• Discuss and define the roles, responsibilities and expectations of all involved, including the leader, team members, and other stakeholders. • Explain the boundaries of the team’s responsibilities, including any limits to their authority, scope of work, and control over resources. • Set clear expectations, including desired outcomes and timelines. • Discuss and document any potential conflicts of interest. • Agree on an appropriate level of communication and accountability. • Establish a process for resolving conflicts, disputes, or disagreements.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when all participants have agreed to the roles, responsibilities, expectations and boundaries and these have been documented.

  1. Assess the client's current situation

  2. Identify the client's current leadership skills, strengths and weaknesses

  3. Determine the areas where the client needs to develop their skills
  4. Ask the client about their goals and objectives for the training course
  5. Identify the client's organizational culture and the leadership traits that may be successful in that environment
  6. Consider how the client's existing skills and traits can complement the training course

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified the client's current leadership skills, strengths and weaknesses, determined the areas where they need to develop their skills, asked the client about their goals and objectives for the training course, identified the client's organizational culture and the leadership traits that may be successful in that environment, and considered how the client's existing skills and traits can complement the training course.

  • Gather data from the client

• Identify the data that needs to be collected from the client (e.g. current leadership style, team dynamics, communication preferences). • Reach out to the client to determine the best way to collect the data (e.g. interviews, surveys, focus groups). • Create the appropriate data collection tools (e.g. surveys, questionnaires). • Collect the data using the appropriate data collection tools. • Analyze the data to ensure it is complete and accurate.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once the data has been collected and analyzed, you will have a complete picture of the client's current situation and can move on to the next step of analyzing the data to identify challenges, goals, and potential solutions.

  • Analyze the data to identify challenges, goals, and potential solutions

• Create a master list of challenges, goals, and potential solutions based on the data gathered from the client. • Review the data and look for patterns or trends that could help you identify challenges, goals, and potential solutions. • Analyze the data to determine the areas where challenges, goals, and potential solutions are needed the most. • Make notes of any challenges, goals, and potential solutions identified in the data. • Once you have identified the challenges, goals, and potential solutions, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

  1. Develop a plan of action

  2. Break down the challenge at hand into smaller, manageable tasks

  3. Brainstorm potential solutions and pick the most appropriate one
  4. Establish a timeline and assign duties to each team member
  5. Develop a tracking system to measure progress
  6. Create a detailed plan of action
  7. When the plan of action is complete, you will be able to move on to setting achievable goals.
  8. Set clear, achievable goals

• Analyze the skills and knowledge you already have, and what you need to learn • Brainstorm a list of achievable goals • Prioritize your goals and create a timeline for when you want to achieve them • Evaluate the risks associated with each goal and devise a strategy for mitigating them • Break down each goal into smaller, achievable objectives • Monitor your progress and adjust your timeline as needed • Identify any resources you need to achieve your goals

Once you have set clear, achievable goals, you will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have created a timeline and identified any resources you need to achieve them.

  • Identify strategies to achieve those goals

• Brainstorm the strategies you think might be most effective for achieving your goals. • Identify any resources you may need to achieve the goals and create a plan for acquiring them. • Research best practices in your field and note any strategies that seem most applicable. • Consider any potential obstacles and brainstorm solutions to overcome them. • Get feedback from colleagues and mentors on which strategies may be the most effective. • Once you have developed a list of potential strategies, assess their feasibility and decide which ones to prioritize and implement. • How you'll know when you can check this off your list: When you have assessed the feasibility of multiple strategies and decided which ones to prioritize and implement.

  • Develop a timeline for implementation

• Break down the strategies identified in the previous step into achievable tasks • Assign a timeframe to each task • Decide on a timeline based on the estimated time needed to complete each task • Assign deadlines to each task to ensure completion of the plan • Set up regular check-ins to review progress and make adjustments if needed • When the timeline is in place and tasks are assigned to team members, you can move on to the next step.

  1. Implement the plan
  • Gather the required resources (e.g. mentors, materials, funding, etc.)
  • Outline roles, responsibilities, and expectations
  • Set up regular progress meetings
  • Execute the plan
  • Monitor and adjust the plan as needed
  • Track progress and results
  • Celebrate successes

You'll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you've completed the tasks outlined and you have implemented the plan.

  • Monitor progress and measure results

• Set up a system to track and monitor progress of your team’s training process. • Track the measures and metrics that you have identified as key performance indicators. • Monitor the results of the training program and adjust the plan as needed. • Review progress regularly and adjust the plan if needed. • Identify areas of improvement and address them quickly. • Document the progress and measure the results to see what works and what doesn’t. • Celebrate successes and take note of areas that need improvement.

You can check off this step when you have set up a system to track and measure the progress of your team’s training process, reviewed progress regularly, identified areas of improvement, and documented the progress and measured the results.

  • Facilitate the process

• Identify the necessary steps for training success and ensure everyone has the resources and motivation to complete the course. • Develop checklists and timelines to ensure everyone has the same expectations. • Monitor progress and provide guidance to ensure everyone is on track. • Ask questions to ensure understanding and to identify areas of improvement. • Offer constructive feedback and work with team members to help them refine their skills. • Celebrate successes and recognize progress.

Once these steps are completed, you can move on to the next step of providing feedback and guidance.

  • Provide feedback and guidance

• Encourage participants to give honest feedback and opinions on their experience. • Listen and observe carefully to ensure everyone has a chance to express their views. • Provide constructive criticism and guidance to ensure everyone is learning something new. • Ask questions and offer help as needed. • Give praise and recognition for successful outcomes.

When you have provided feedback and guidance to all participants, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

  1. Re-assess progress

• Hold regularly scheduled meetings with your team to review progress and new learning objectives • Ask team members for feedback on their progress and any areas for improvement • Identify any additional resources or skills needed for team members to reach their goals • Adjust training goals and objectives accordingly • Identify any areas where team members are struggling and provide additional support • Celebrate successes and recognize team members for their progress • Gather data to measure progress

You can check this off your list once you have held regularly scheduled meetings with your team, asked for their feedback and adjusted your training goals and objectives accordingly. Celebrating successes and recognizing team members for their progress is also key to completing this step. Finally, gather data to measure progress to determine how successful the training course was.

  • Gather data to measure progress
  • Identify which metrics you need to track progress and success
  • Set up a tracking system to measure and monitor the metrics
  • Record results and compare against the outcomes you set in earlier steps
  • Use data to identify which strategies are working and which are not
  • Make necessary adjustments to improve results
  • When you’re able to collect and analyze data, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Identify areas of improvement

  • Review the data you gathered and identify which areas you are currently lacking in as a leader

  • Determine which areas are most in need of improvement and focus on those first
  • Make a list of the areas that need improvement and prioritize them based on their relevance
  • Ask for feedback from colleagues, friends and family on how you can improve in specific areas
  • Consider what additional skills you may need to acquire in order to become a better leader
  • When you feel confident that you have identified all of the areas that need improvement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Adjust the plan
  • Analyze the progress made since the plan was implemented
  • Compare the results of the plan with the original objectives
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and identify any areas of improvement
  • Make changes to the plan to meet changing needs
  • Monitor the results of the changes and adjust the plan accordingly
  • Ensure the plan is meeting the original objectives
  • You will know you can move on to the next step when you have evaluated the effectiveness of the plan and made any necessary changes to meet changing needs.
  • Adapt the plan to meet changing needs

• Assess the plan to determine which areas need to be adapted for changing needs. • Make changes to the plan to accommodate the new needs. • Involve relevant stakeholders who can provide input and advice on the adaptations to the plan. • Make sure the changes to the plan are documented and communicated to the team. • Revisit the plan on a regular basis to ensure that it is still meeting the changing needs of the organization.

You will know you can move on to the next step when the plan has been adapted to meet the changing needs of the organization and the changes have been documented and communicated to the team.

  • Make adjustments to the timeline as needed

• Assess the progress made and identify any areas that need improvement • Use feedback from team members to determine the changes that need to be made • Adjust the timeline accordingly to ensure that the training course is completed effectively • Communicate the changes to the team to ensure everyone is aware of the new timeline • Monitor the progress throughout the course to ensure the timeline is being followed

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When the timeline has been adjusted to reflect the changes needed, and once the team has been informed of the new timeline, you can move on to the next step.

  1. Celebrate success

• Give yourself and your team a reward for a job well done. • Acknowledge their hard work and dedication with a team lunch or outing. • Celebrate reaching each milestone with a small token of appreciation. • Show appreciation for your team members’ efforts in front of their peers. • Make the celebration personal and meaningful for each team member. • Send an email thanking the team for their hard work and dedication.

You can check this off your list when you have completed the celebration and everyone has been thanked for their hard work.

  • Acknowledge and celebrate successes
  • Identify successes and celebrate them - Acknowledge successes with a team meeting, or an email, or a thank you note
  • Celebrate successes with rewards or recognition - Celebrate with food, a team event, or a bonus
  • Celebrate successes with team members - Highlight individual contributions to the success
  • Document successes and share the lessons learned - Document successes in a project report and share the lessons learned with the team
  • You can check this off your list once you have identified and celebrated successes, rewarded and recognized team members, and documented and shared the lessons learned.
  • Provide follow-up
  • Schedule follow-up meetings with all participants to ensure goals and objectives are being met
  • Create an action plan for the next meeting based on the outcomes of the previous meeting
  • Set up a system for providing feedback or offering assistance as needed
  • Stay in contact with participants regularly to ensure they are on track
  • Monitor progress and provide support as needed
  • Make necessary adjustments to ensure goals are met

Once all participants have achieved their goals and objectives, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

  • Follow up with client to ensure goals are still being met

  • Schedule regular check-in calls with the client to stay up-to-date with their progress

  • Ask for feedback on the training course and provide further assistance if necessary
  • Track the client's progress and make adjustments to the course if needed
  • Ensure goals are being achieved and maintained
  • When the client has achieved their goals and is satisfied with the course, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Develop strategies to maintain progress

• Identify any potential obstacles or areas of improvement • Analyze progress and determine what is needed to continue progress • Create a plan to address any areas of improvement and to maintain progress • Implement the plan with the team and measure progress regularly • Adjust plan as needed and provide feedback to team • Celebrate successes and accomplishments

You can check this step off your list once you have identified potential obstacles, created and implemented a plan, regularly measured progress, and adjusted the plan as needed.

  1. Maintain records
  • Set up a system to track progress and results of the training course
  • Decide which metrics to use to measure progress and results
  • Establish a timeline for when progress should be measured
  • Collect data on a regular basis to track progress
  • Make sure all records are organized, accurate, and up to date
  • When data is collected, review and analyze it to determine if any changes need to be made to the training course
  • When changes are made, update records accordingly
  • When the training course is complete, review all records to ensure accuracy
  • When all records are accurate, you can move on to the next step of the guide.
  • Document the coaching process

• Document the coaching process as it progresses. • Make sure to record the progress of each participant and their development. • Note any areas of improvement and successes during the training course. • Keep a detailed log of the process, so that you can review and evaluate it later. • When you have documented the training process and all of the participants’ progress, you can move on to the next step.

  1. Wrap up

  2. Review your notes and documents from the coaching process

  3. Reflect on the progress made throughout the course
  4. Assess the successes and challenges of the training program
  5. Document any remaining action items
  6. Celebrate the accomplishments of the training program
  7. You can check this off your list when you have reviewed your notes, reflected on the progress and successes, and documented any remaining action items.
  8. Summarize key learnings

  9. Take time to reflect on what you've learned from the training course

  10. Review the notes you took during the course
  11. Create an action plan with the key takeaways and tasks that need to be completed
  12. Ensure that all of your questions have been answered
  13. Share your key learnings and action plan with your colleagues
  14. Make sure you check off all the items in your action plan
  15. You know you've completed this step when you have a summary of the key learnings and an action plan to put your new knowledge into practice.
  16. Discuss next steps

• Review the key learnings from the training course and determine which ones you need to focus on in order to maximize your leadership skills. • Identify resources and methods to help you continue your learning and practice the skills you have learned from the training course. • Meet with your mentor or supervisor to discuss how to apply the skills and knowledge you learned in the training course to your current and future roles. • Develop a plan to practice and implement the skills you have learned in the training course. • Create an action plan that outlines the steps you will take to achieve your goals. • Schedule regular check-ins with your mentor or supervisor to review progress and discuss any challenges you have faced. • Once you have completed the steps in your action plan, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step in the guide.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker