Prepare for Executive Interviews: A Comprehensive Guide with a Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Identify stakeholders and potential obstacles

  • Planning

  • Establish a timeline
  • Create a list of objectives
  • Plan out a series of meetings
  • Develop a budget
  • Assign tasks to team members

  • Implementation

  • Execute the plan
  • Monitor progress and adjust as needed
  • Have regular check-ins to ensure progress is being made
  • Document results and track progress

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize key points and reiterate the goals
  • Evaluate the success of the program
  • Discuss steps for continuing or replicating the program in the future
  • Provide feedback to stakeholders


I've written this to provide a comprehensive guide to help individuals prepare for executive interviews. It includes a step-by-step guide that outlines the key steps and tasks that should be completed prior to the interview. It provides information on how to research companies and potential employers, how to practice and perfect answers to common interview questions, and how to dress professionally and present oneself in the best light. Additionally, the article provides advice on how to follow up after the interview, including a sample thank you letter. The article is designed to help individuals make the best impression possible and stand out from other candidates.

Get started

Identify stakeholders and potential obstacles

  • Make a list of stakeholders who will be involved in the executive interview process
  • Understand the roles and interests of each stakeholder
  • Identify potential obstacles that could emerge during the interview process
  • Discuss potential solutions for overcoming any identified obstacles
  • Create a plan for monitoring and addressing any issues that arise

When you have identified the stakeholders, potential obstacles and have created a plan for monitoring and addressing any issues that arise then you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Brainstorm potential questions and topics you may be asked during the interview
  • Prepare and practice your responses
  • Gather relevant documents, such as resumes and references
  • Research the company and the executives you will be meeting with
  • Get to know the culture of the company
  • Rehearse the interview with a colleague or friend
  • Be confident in your abilities and have a positive attitude

You can check this step off your list once you have brainstormed potential questions and topics, prepared and practiced your responses, gathered relevant documents, researched the company and executives and rehearsed the interview.

Establish a timeline

  • Create a timeline to follow leading up to your interview, including when you will research the company and practice answers to common questions
  • Break the timeline into smaller, achievable goals to help you stay on track
  • Set reminders in your cell phone or calendar to remind yourself of upcoming tasks
  • When you have completed all tasks in your timeline, you can be assured that you are as prepared as possible and can move on to the next step

    Create a list of objectives

  • Think about your overall career goals and the job position you are applying for

  • Make a list of objectives to focus on during the executive interview
  • Make sure to include a mix of professional and personal goals
  • Try to keep the list concise and achievable
  • Set goals that are realistic and measurable
  • Use this list to stay focused during the interview
  • When you are happy with the list, move on to the next step

    Plan out a series of meetings

  • Research the company, goals, and culture of the organization you're interviewing with.

  • Research the job role, responsibilities, and expectations for the position you're interviewing for.
  • Reach out to contacts you may have at the organization to gain insight into the hiring process.
  • Identify the key decision makers and stakeholders that you'll need to meet with.
  • Schedule a series of meetings with each decision maker or stakeholder, allowing enough time to cover all the topics you need to discuss.
  • Confirm all of your meeting times and dates with the hiring team.
  • When all of the meeting times and dates have been confirmed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Develop a budget

  • Analyze the financial requirements of the project and create a budget that is cost-effective and meets the project’s needs

  • Identify all the resources you need for the project and create a timeline for when each resource should be acquired
  • Include any expenses, such as materials, travel and labor costs
  • Develop a budget that includes contingency funds for unanticipated costs
  • Once the budget is completed, review it with your team and determine if it is realistic and achievable
  • Make any necessary revisions to the budget and ensure that everyone is aware of and agrees to the changes
  • You will know that you have completed this step when the budget is finalized and everyone on the team has approved it.

    Assign tasks to team members

  • Decide on the roles and responsibilities for each team member based on the budget that you created in the previous step

  • Create a timeline for each team member and assign tasks accordingly
  • Make sure that each team member understands their tasks and has the resources they need to complete them
  • Check in periodically with each team member to ensure tasks are on track
  • Once all tasks are assigned and the timeline is created, you can move on to the implementation step.


  • Make sure each team member knows their individual tasks

  • Create a timeline and stick to it
  • Establish a communication plan to stay in contact with the team
  • Monitor progress and make necessary adjustments
  • Provide any necessary support and resources to the team
  • Ensure the team has the resources and skills to deliver results
  • Assess the team's performance and provide feedback
  • Celebrate successes and milestones achieved

When you can check this off your list:

  • Once tasks have been assigned and the communication plan is in place
  • When all team members have the necessary resources and skills to complete their tasks
  • When the timeline has been established and the team is executing the plan

    Execute the plan

  • Make sure that all the necessary documents, materials, and resources are ready and available to be used

  • Assemble a team that can help execute the plan
  • Set clear expectations for each team member
  • Delegate tasks based on individual strengths and weaknesses
  • Establish a timeline for tasks and deliverables
  • Hold team members accountable for meeting deadlines
  • Monitor progress of the plan and make necessary adjustments
  • Celebrate successes and milestones along the way

You'll know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have successfully completed all the tasks outlined in the plan.

Monitor progress and adjust as needed

  • Monitor progress by tracking milestones and evaluating results
  • Set checkpoints for yourself to ensure that you're on track
  • Adjust the plan as needed to keep up with changes in goals and timelines
  • Check in with your team regularly to review progress and make any necessary changes
  • When milestones have been met and progress is going according to plan, you can move on to the next step.

    Have regular check-ins to ensure progress is being made

  • Schedule regular check-ins with your team to ensure progress is being made.

  • Check-ins should be done on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on the complexity of the project.
  • During the check-ins review the progress of the project and identify any areas where further work is needed.
  • After each check-in, document the results and track the progress of the project.
  • Once the project is completed, you can check off this step and move onto the next step in the guide.

    Document results and track progress

  • Track progress of the project or initiative you are leading by documenting results in a spreadsheet

  • Keep a record of successes, challenges and setbacks
  • Make sure to document the key decisions you made
  • Compile a record of all the work you have done
  • Monitor your progress over time to make sure you are on track
  • Once you have documented your results and tracked your progress, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Spend some time reflecting on the overall process, what went well and what could have gone better.

  • Review the notes from the executive interviews and focus on the areas of improvement.
  • Summarize the key points from the interview in a document that you can refer to for future interviews.
  • Evaluate the process and the results of the interview.
  • Make sure to thank the executives for their time and participation.
  • Once you've completed the above steps, you'll be ready to move on to the next step.

    Summarize key points and reiterate the goals

  • Review notes from the entire process and summarize the key points of the preparation process

  • Identify the main goals of the executive interviewing process
  • Make a list of the goals and review them to make sure they have been met
  • Make sure any unanswered questions have been addressed
  • Reiterate the goals and key points to ensure there is a clear understanding of where the preparation process stands
  • When you have completed these steps, you know you are ready to move onto the next step of evaluating the success of the program.

    Evaluate the success of the program

  • Gather feedback from participants
  • Analyze data from surveys and interviews
  • Compare program results with objectives
  • Assess whether goals have been met
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Document successes and areas for improvement
  • When you have completed the above steps, you can move on to the next step of discussing steps for continuing or replicating the program in the future.

    Discuss steps for continuing or replicating the program in the future

  • Assess the pros and cons of continuing/replicating the program

  • Draft a timeline of possible milestones to continue or replicate the program
  • Identify potential funding sources for the program
  • Identify key stakeholders who will be impacted by the continued/replicated program
  • Set up a meeting with key stakeholders to discuss the program
  • Develop a plan for continuing/replicating the program
  • Obtain the necessary resources for continuing/replicating the program
  • Monitor the program’s progress

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a comprehensive plan for continuing/replicating the program
  • When you have a timeline for the program
  • When you have identified potential funding sources for the program
  • When you have identified key stakeholders who will be impacted by the continued/replicated program
  • When you have obtained the necessary resources for continuing/replicating the program

    Provide feedback to stakeholders

  • Schedule a meeting with stakeholders to discuss the program's results and impact
  • Assemble data (survey responses, quantitative analytics, etc.) to demonstrate how the program has been successful
  • Provide an analysis of the data to stakeholders to explain how the program has achieved its goals
  • Discuss any lessons learned and how the program can be improved in the future
  • Document feedback from stakeholders and incorporate their feedback into the program
  • Utilize the feedback from stakeholders to adjust the program as necessary
  • Once all feedback has been addressed and adjustments have been made, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker