Take Control of Your Leadership Management Development with a Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Developing a plan
  • Establish a timeline
  • Decide on a realistic timeline
  • Break down the timeline into milestones
  • Create a framework
  • Identify goals
  • Break down goals into actionable steps
  • Set action steps
  • Assign tasks to team members
  • Define a timeline for each task

  • Implementing the plan

  • Monitor progress
  • Track progress against the timeline
  • Adjust the timeline as needed
  • Adjust as needed
  • Make changes to the original plan
  • Re-evaluate and adjust goals if needed
  • Celebrate successes
  • Celebrate small successes along the way
  • Celebrate the overall success at the end

  • Resources

  • Provide useful resources for continued growth and development
  • Identify and research available coaching resources
  • Utilize the resources to inform your coaching plan
  • Consider feedback from the team on which resources are helpful
  • Monitor progress with the resources over time to maximize effectiveness


I've written this to provide an informative and comprehensive guide to help leaders take ownership of their own leadership management development. The article begins by outlining the importance of leadership development and how it can often be neglected. It then explains the importance of having a plan to ensure your leadership development is aligned with the goals of your organization. Next, the article provides a step-by-step guide to help you create your own personalised leadership development plan. This includes an outline of the steps needed to create your plan, as well as a workflow that helps to ensure that each step is completed correctly. Finally, the article provides resources to help you continue to develop your leadership skills and make the most of the opportunities available.

Get started

Developing a plan

  • Brainstorm ideas for the goals you want to achieve with your leadership development
  • Set measurable objectives that you can track and measure
  • Identify the strategies and tactics you'll use to reach your goals
  • Create an action plan that outlines each step you need to take and the timeline for completing them
  • Review and adjust your plan regularly to make sure it remains relevant
  • When you have a clear plan in place, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish a timeline

  • Set a timeline in line with the overall plan you developed in the previous step

  • Consider the resources you have available and factor in any external factors that may impact your timeline
  • Make sure you have built in time for any unexpected delays or changes
  • Factor in milestones for checking in and making sure you are on track
  • Once you have established a timeline that works for your leadership development plan, record it and refer back to it to keep yourself on track
  • You'll know you have completed this step when you have set a timeline that works for your plan and is realistic and achievable.

    Decide on a realistic timeline

  • Estimate how long it will take to reach the goals you have established in the previous step

  • Confirm that the timeline is realistic, taking into account the resources you have available and the level of difficulty of the tasks
  • Break down the timeline into smaller milestones to make it easier to track progress
  • Set specific dates for each milestone and ensure that you have a plan to reach them
  • Take into account any external factors that could affect your timeline, such as events or holidays
  • Make sure to leave yourself some room for any unexpected delays or hiccups
  • Once you have a timeline that you are confident with, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Break down the timeline into milestones
  • Break down your timeline into smaller, achievable milestones

  • Consider what needs to happen in each phase of the project
  • Assign a timeline to each milestone
  • Set regular checkpoints to review progress and make adjustments
  • Track progress to ensure you are on track to meeting your timeline
  • When all milestones are completed and the timeline is met, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Create a framework

  • Develop a framework that outlines the basics of leadership management development and the areas in which you would like to focus
  • Set expectations for yourself and the team, including any deadlines and goals
  • Determine how you will measure success and how you will track progress
  • Create a timeline of the development process that identifies key milestones and tasks
  • When you have a clear framework for the development process and timeline, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify goals

  • Set realistic goals for yourself and your team to strive for
  • Brainstorm the desired outcomes you'd like to achieve with leadership management development
  • Write down your goals and the timeline for achieving them
  • Prioritize what needs to be done first and what can be done later
  • Ask for help from your team or colleagues if needed
  • When you have identified and written down your goals, you can move on to the next step.
    Break down goals into actionable steps
  • Brainstorm specific action steps that will help you reach your identified goals.
  • Think about the steps you need to take to make progress towards each identified goal.
  • Ask yourself questions like ""What specific tasks do I need to complete?"", ""What resources do I need?"", and ""What support do I need?""
  • Write down the tasks and steps you come up with, and prioritize them.
  • Once you've written down your action steps and tasks, review them to make sure each step is clear and achievable.
  • You'll know you're done with this step when you feel confident that each step will help you reach your goals.

    Set action steps

  • Make a list of all the tasks that need to be completed in order to reach your goal

  • Break down each task into smaller, actionable steps
  • Determine the resources and time needed for each step
  • Identify any risks or challenges related to each step
  • Assign each step to a team member
  • Set deadlines for each step
  • Track progress on each step
  • You will know you can move on to the next step once all tasks are completed and all deadlines have been met.

    Assign tasks to team members

  • Identify which tasks need to be assigned to which team members
  • Make sure the tasks are tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of the team members
  • Ensure that each team member is comfortable with the tasks assigned to them
  • Communicate clearly to each team member what the tasks are, what their expected outcomes are, and the timeline by which they should be completed
  • Clarify any questions team members may have
  • Check in regularly with team members to provide additional support and guidance
  • When all tasks have been assigned and team members understand the expectations, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Define a timeline for each task
  • Estimate the time each task will take and create a timeline for completion

  • Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency
  • Determine dependencies between tasks, and adjust timeline accordingly
  • Establish milestones to ensure progress is being made
  • Set deadlines for each task and milestone
  • Communicate timeline to team members
  • Monitor progress and adjust timeline if necessary
  • When timeline is complete, you can move on to implementing the plan

    Implementing the plan

  • Create a detailed action plan for the tasks identified in the previous step, including a timeline and the resources required to complete each task.
  • Set up a system for tracking progress on tasks, such as a spreadsheet or project management software.
  • Delegate tasks to the relevant people on your team.
  • Provide support to ensure tasks are completed in a timely manner.
  • Monitor progress regularly to ensure tasks are on track and to provide feedback when necessary.
  • Adjust the timeline and resources as needed.
  • When all tasks are completed, check off the step and move on to the next one.

    Monitor progress

  • Monitor progress of the overall plan, as well as progress of individual tasks.

  • Schedule regular check-ins with team members to review progress and discuss any challenges or issues.
  • Monitor the timeline for the plan to ensure the timeline is being met.
  • Make adjustments to the plan and individual tasks as needed based on changes in the environment or feedback from team members.
  • When tasks have been completed and the plan is on track, check off this step and move onto the next.

    Track progress against the timeline

  • Create a timeline for your leadership management development plan and set deadlines.
  • Use a project management tool to track progress against the timeline.
  • Monitor progress regularly against the timeline and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Ensure that all goals and objectives are on track and achieved by their respective deadlines.
  • Check off this step when all goals are achieved and the timeline is complete.
    Adjust the timeline as needed
  • Review the timeline to determine if it is still appropriate for the current goals and objectives
  • Consider adding or removing tasks, changing durations, or altering the sequence of tasks
  • Make sure the timeline still reflects the desired outcome of the project
  • Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the timeline reflects the desired outcome
  • Discuss any timeline changes with your team and get agreement from all involved
  • Once changes have been made, document the new timeline and communicate it to all involved
  • Check off this step when the timeline has been adjusted to reflect the desired outcome.

    Adjust as needed

  • Analyze the timeline and assess the progress of the leadership management development

  • Modify the timeline to better suit the plan if needed
  • Make sure the timeline is achievable and realistic
  • Make sure the timeline is still within the overall scope of the plan
  • Update the timeline to reflect changes and document them
  • Check the timeline regularly to ensure progression and make any needed adjustments
  • When the timeline is updated and adjusted, the step is complete and ready to move on to the next step.

    Make changes to the original plan

• Review the results of the previous steps. • Identify where changes are needed to the original plan. • Assess the impact of the proposed changes. • Make appropriate revisions to the plan. • Seek feedback from stakeholders and team members. • Make any necessary adjustments. • Document the changes made.

Once you have reviewed the results and identified where changes are needed to the original plan, assessed the impact of the proposed changes, made appropriate revisions to the plan and sought feedback from stakeholders and team members, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Re-evaluate and adjust goals if needed
  • Take some time to reflect on your progress so far.
  • Assess if any changes are needed to the original plan in order for you to reach your goals.
  • Consider the current situation, resources available, and any other variables that may have changed since you set the original goals.
  • Make changes to the plan and goals as needed.
  • Ensure that the goals are achievable, realistic and measurable.
  • Document any changes made to the plan.
  • You will know when you have completed this step when you have adjusted and documented any changes to the original plan.

    Celebrate successes

  • Acknowledge progress and accomplishments when they happen, no matter how small they may seem.

  • Use recognition and rewards to celebrate successes, such as verbal praise, awards, promotions, and bonuses.
  • Celebrate successes with your team and recognize their efforts.
  • Celebrate successes with stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and partners.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have acknowledged progress and accomplishments, used recognition and rewards to celebrate successes, celebrated successes with your team and stakeholders, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Celebrate small successes along the way

  • Acknowledge your own successes, no matter how small they may be.

  • Reward yourself for completing tasks or reaching goals.
  • Congratulate yourself and your team for any milestones or successes.
  • Celebrate small successes with your team and recognize their contributions.
  • Appreciate the work that you and your team have done.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You have acknowledged your own successes and rewarded yourself.
  • You have congratulated your team and recognized their contributions.
  • You have celebrated the small successes with your team.
  • You have appreciated the work that you and your team have done.

    Celebrate the overall success at the end
  • Hold a special event or gathering to celebrate the end of the leadership management development program.

  • Thank everyone who was involved and contributed to the success of the program.
  • Present rewards or recognition to those who went above and beyond in their efforts.
  • Make sure to document the success of the program and all that was achieved.
  • You will know you can check this off your list when the event is over and you have documented the success of the program.


  • Gather resources to support leadership development, such as books, articles, videos, podcasts, and other materials

  • Research and identify key topics, such as communication, decision-making, and problem-solving
  • Create a list of resources and a plan for how to use them
  • Set aside time for reading, viewing, and listening to the resources
  • Track progress and take notes on key takeaways
  • You can check this step off your list once you have identified and gathered enough resources to help you in your leadership development.

    Provide useful resources for continued growth and development

  • Identify and research available leadership management development resources, such as books, online courses, and webinars
  • Research and compile a list of resources that are most relevant to your particular development goals
  • Consider the cost and time commitment associated with each resource and decide which ones best align with your needs
  • Prioritize which resources you will use and when
  • Utilize the resources to gain valuable knowledge and insights into leadership management development
  • Track your progress with each resource and assess the impact on your development
  • When you have identified and used the resources that best align with your goals, you will be ready to move to the next step in the guide.

    Identify and research available coaching resources

  • Compare and contrast different types of leadership coaching and development resources to identify the best fit for your personal/professional needs

  • Identify potential resources that could be beneficial to your development goals, such as books, articles, seminars, webinars, and online courses
  • Research and evaluate the credibility of the resources you have identified
  • Ask for referrals from mentors and colleagues who have used successful resources in the past
  • Make a list of the best resources for your needs
  • When you have identified and researched the best resources for your needs, you can move on to the next step.

    Utilize the resources to inform your coaching plan
  • Develop a plan to use the resources identified in the previous step.

  • Incorporate the resources into your leadership management development program.
  • Identify the areas of the program that can benefit from the resources and assess how they can be used.
  • Discuss the resources with your team members to determine which ones are most helpful and relevant.
  • Make sure the resources are accessible to the team and easily understood.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have developed a plan to use the resources.
  • When you have identified the areas of the program that can benefit from the resources.
  • When you have discussed the resources with the team and determined which ones are most helpful.
  • When you have made sure the resources are easily accessible and understood.
    Consider feedback from the team on which resources are helpful
  • Ask your team which resources they found the most helpful in their leadership management development
  • Take their suggestions into account when creating your coaching plan
  • Ask for specific feedback on the resources they found most effective
  • Make sure to take note of any resources that may have been used in the past that didn't yield the desired results
  • Ask your team to provide feedback on the current plan and any adjustments that can be made to maximize effectiveness
  • Monitor the success of the resources and take note of any changes that need to be made
  • Once you have collected feedback from your team and have made any necessary adjustments, you can move on to the next step. ####### Monitor progress with the resources over time to maximize effectiveness
  • Set up a regular progress review with the team to discuss the effectiveness of the resources
  • Track the progress of the team through regular surveys or interviews
  • Ensure that the resources are being used effectively and up-to-date
  • Make adjustments to the resources as needed to maximize effectiveness
  • Identify any new resources or changes that need to be made
  • When you can see that the resources are helping the team reach its goals, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker