A Beginner's Guide to Finding Free Leadership Training Near You

Note: If you want to skip the guide and get in touch, please do.


  1. Review budget 1.1 Assign budget to coaching services 1.2 Allocate resources to support coaching services
  2. Analyze necessary resources 2.1 Research potential coaching services 2.2 Assess the level of expertise needed
  3. Establish timelines 3.1 Schedule coaching sessions 3.2 Determine the length of each session
  4. Develop coaching goals 4.1 Identify desired outcomes 4.2 Identify objectives
  5. Create action plan 5.1 Outline achievable steps 5.2 Identify resources
  6. Monitor progress 6.1 Track progress towards goals 6.2 Analyze data to identify areas for improvement
  7. Adjust plan 7.1 Adjust plan as needed 7.2 Provide feedback
  8. Celebrate successes 8.1 Acknowledge successes 8.2 Celebrate progress
  9. Summarize the importance of executive coaching 9.1 Explain the impact of coaching 9.2 Discuss the long-term benefits of executive coaching
  10. Assess results 10.1 Analyze results 10.2 Identify areas for further development


I've written this to provide a beginner's guide to finding free leadership training near you. This article is for anyone who is looking for ways to develop their leadership skills without having to pay for expensive courses. It provides detailed information on how to find free leadership training, including online resources and in-person courses. It also explains why leadership training is important and provides tips on how to make the most of the available resources. In addition, it offers advice on how to get the most out of the free training, such as networking and taking advantage of free resources. Finally, it highlights the importance of ongoing learning and development, and how to continue growing as a leader.

Get started

  1. Review budget

• Check your budget to determine how much you can afford to spend on leadership training • Consider the cost of travel and accommodation if the training is out of state • Set aside a reasonable budget for learning materials and other necessities • When you have determined a realistic budget, you can move on to the next step. 1.1 Assign budget to coaching services

  • Calculate the amount of money you're willing to invest in leadership training
  • Consider whether you’re willing to spend more money for certain training services
  • Estimate the cost of the materials required for the training
  • Research the market rate for coaching services in your area
  • Set a budget that is realistic and achievable

When you can check this off your list:

  • You have allocated a realistic and achievable budget for the coaching services.
    1.2 Allocate resources to support coaching services

  • Research available organizations or businesses that offer free leadership training near you

  • Utilize online resources to search for free leadership training and compare options
  • Create a list of the options that best fit your needs and budget
  • Contact each organization to confirm details, such as location, cost, and duration of training
  • Allocate the necessary resources—time, money, staff support—to cover the cost of the coaching services
  • When you have confirmed the resources to support your coaching services, you can move onto the next step.
  • Analyze necessary resources

  • Examine your budget to determine the amount of resources you can allocate to finding free leadership training

  • Determine what type of training you would like to receive (i.e. online courses, instructor-led courses, etc.)
  • Research what types of leadership training are available in your area
  • Ask colleagues, friends, and family if they know of any resources that could help you find free leadership training
  • Once you have all of the information you need, you can move on to researching potential coaching services. 2.1 Research potential coaching services

  • Visit online job boards and search for ‘free leadership training’ or ‘leadership coaching’

  • Research local training and coaching companies online
  • Ask around in your local business community and see if anyone knows of any free leadership training opportunities
  • Check local universities and colleges for free leadership courses or seminars
  • When you have a list of potential coaching services, review their websites and look at the services they offer
  • When you have identified potential services that match your needs, you can move on to the next step of assessing the level of expertise needed. 2.2 Assess the level of expertise needed
  • Take a look at the leadership training programs you’ve identified and assess the level of expertise needed for each.
  • Consider the type of leadership training you need. Does it require specific knowledge or expertise? Are there any prerequisites?
  • Look for programs that match your current level of experience and knowledge.
  • Make sure the program fits your budget, timeframe and other needs.
  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified leadership training programs that match your level of expertise and other requirements.
  • Establish timelines

  • Identify the timeline for completion of the training program

  • Set dates for when the training should take place
  • Develop a timeline for each course module
  • Make sure to account for time needed for practice and preparation
  • Create an overall timeline for the entire training program

Once all the dates are set, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step. 3.1 Schedule coaching sessions

  • Research available coaching sessions in your area or online
  • Ask local organizations or businesses if they offer free leadership coaching sessions
  • Contact local universities and colleges to see if they offer free coaching sessions
  • Determine the best schedule for coaching sessions that fits your available time
  • Reach out to coaches and inquire about scheduling a session
  • Set the date and time for the first coaching session

You'll know you have completed this step when you have successfully scheduled your first coaching session. 3.2 Determine the length of each session

  • Contact each provider and inquire about the length of their training sessions.
  • Ask how long each session is, and if they offer a discount for a certain number of sessions.
  • Make notes on each provider and the length of the sessions they offer.
  • When you have information from each provider, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Develop coaching goals

  • Brainstorm goals that you want to achieve with your coaching sessions

  • Identify the specific areas you want to improve
  • Outline the objectives you want to reach with each session
  • Create a list of measurable goals to track your progress
  • Establish timelines and deadlines for each goal
  • When you have established your goals and objectives, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step. 4.1 Identify desired outcomes
  • Consider what skills and knowledge you'd like to gain from the leadership training
  • Identify any specific challenges you'd like to address or any potential areas for growth
  • Make a list of the desired outcomes you'd like to achieve from the training
  • Ask yourself what leadership qualities you want to develop and how you want to apply them
  • When you have a clear list of desired outcomes, you can move on to the next step: 4.2 Identify objectives. 4.2 Identify objectives

  • Consider what skills, knowledge, or behavior changes you want to gain from the leadership training.

  • Develop a list of objectives for the training that will help you reach your desired outcomes.
  • Prioritize the objectives based on what you feel is most important or urgent.
  • When you have a clear list of objectives, you can move on to the next step of creating an action plan.
  • Create action plan

  • Create a timeline for completing the training and set a timeline for achieving your objectives.

  • Break down the overall objectives into achievable goals and steps, and note any resources or support you will need to complete each step.
  • Ensure that each step is measurable, so you can track your progress.
  • Assign tasks to yourself and/or team members to complete the action plan.
  • Establish checkpoints and timelines for each task, and review progress at regular intervals.
  • When the action plan is complete, you will have a clear roadmap for achieving your objectives. 5.1 Outline achievable steps

  • Make a list of the steps that need to be taken to achieve your goal of finding free leadership training.

  • Break down the steps into manageable chunks.
  • Identify the skills and knowledge that you need to gain or develop.
  • Estimate how long each step will take.
  • Set realistic deadlines for each step.
  • When you have a complete list of achievable steps, you can check off this step and move on to the next. 5.2 Identify resources
  • Look for local training programs through your city or county government, local business organizations, or even non-profits in your area
  • Ask friends, family, and colleagues if they know of any free leadership programs in your area
  • Search online for free leadership training in your area using relevant keywords
  • Check with your local library for any resources or classes available
  • Contact local universities or college to inquire about any free leadership training opportunities
  • Look for online webinars, podcasts, and other online resources related to leadership training in your area

When you can check this off your list: You will know that you have completed this step when you have identified at least a few free leadership training opportunities in your area.

  1. Monitor progress
  • Set up a system for tracking progress towards goals, such as a spreadsheet or calendar
  • Monitor progress regularly and adjust goals as needed
  • Celebrate successes and reward yourself for accomplishments
  • Identify areas that need improvement and create a plan to address them
  • When goals have been achieved or you feel comfortable with your progress, move on to the next step. 6.1 Track progress towards goals
  • Make a spreadsheet or chart to track your progress on a weekly or monthly basis
  • Monitor your progress towards the goals you have set
  • Make sure to keep track of any successes or setbacks along the way
  • Use this data to assess your progress and identify areas that may need improvement
  • When you are satisfied with the progress you are making, you can move on to the next step. 6.2 Analyze data to identify areas for improvement

  • Review the progress data you tracked in Step 6.1

  • Identify any areas for improvement to help you reach your goals
  • Compare the progress data to your original goals
  • Analyze which tasks are taking too long and which tasks can be completed more quickly
  • Identify any skills that need to be improved or developed
  • Make a list of the areas for improvement

You can check off this step when you have identified all the areas for improvement and have made a list of them.

  1. Adjust plan
  • Review data to identify areas of improvement and determine which areas need to be addressed first
  • Create a timeline to prioritize which areas of improvement need to be targeted and by when
  • Assign tasks to team members to implement the plan
  • Regularly review progress and adjust plan as needed
  • When all areas of improvement have been addressed and the plan is in place, this step will be complete and you can move on to the next step. 7.1 Adjust plan as needed
  • Identify any areas where you need to make changes to the plan
  • Evaluate the feedback you received and make any necessary changes to the plan
  • Consider the resources available, such as time and budget, and adjust the plan accordingly
  • Make sure that the plan still meets the needs and objectives of the organization
  • Once you have made the necessary adjustments, ensure that the plan is realistic and achievable
  • You can check this off your list when you are satisfied that the plan is as complete and realistic as possible. 7.2 Provide feedback

  • Ask the people who have participated in the leadership training for their feedback

  • Take notes on their responses and make any necessary changes to the plan accordingly
  • Keep track of the changes you make and why you made them
  • When you are satisfied with the feedback, you can move on to the next step.
  • Celebrate successes

  • Take the time to recognize and show appreciation for the hard work and successes of others.

  • Show your team members that their success is meaningful and important to you.
  • Acknowledge successes in a public way - such as in a team meeting - to make sure the whole team is aware of the successes.
  • Celebrate successes with something tangible - such as a bonus or a team event - to show that you recognize their accomplishments.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have taken the time to recognize and show appreciation for the successes of your team, and when you have acknowledged those successes in a public way and with something tangible, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step. 8.1 Acknowledge successes
  • Give yourself a pat on the back for all the effort you’ve put into searching for leadership training near you.
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments and the progress you’ve made thus far.
  • Remind yourself of how far you’ve come and how much you’ve achieved.
  • Celebrate your successes, no matter how small – they all add up!
  • You can check this step off your list once you’ve taken the time to recognize your achievements. 8.2 Celebrate progress

  • Take some time to celebrate your successes.

  • Think about the progress you’ve made on your journey and how far you’ve come.
  • Celebrate with colleagues, friends, or family members.
  • Make a list of your successes and post it somewhere you can see it regularly.
  • Give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you’ve taken some time to celebrate your successes and recognize your progress.

  1. Summarize the importance of executive coaching

• Understand the importance of executive coaching: Executive coaching can be a powerful tool to help leaders develop their skills and become better in their roles. • Identify the benefits of executive coaching: Executive coaching can help leaders gain insight into their behavior, become more self-aware, and learn how to make better decisions. It can also help leaders to develop their communication, conflict management, and emotional intelligence skills. • Recognize the impact of executive coaching: Executive coaching can have a huge impact on a leader’s career and help them to reach their full potential.

You'll know you've successfully completed this step when you are able to succinctly explain the importance of executive coaching and the benefits it can provide. 9.1 Explain the impact of coaching

  • Identify the elements of executive coaching and how it can benefit a leader
  • Understand how executive coaching can help leaders develop their skills and abilities
  • Explain how executive coaching can help leaders become more effective in their roles
  • Understand how executive coaching can help leaders better manage time and resources
  • Understand how executive coaching can help leaders develop better decision-making skills
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the positive impact of executive coaching on individual performance and organizational outcomes

You can check this off your list when you have identified, understood, and explained the impact of executive coaching on individual and organizational performance. 9.2 Discuss the long-term benefits of executive coaching

  • Identify the long-term benefits of executive coaching for you and your team, such as improved communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills
  • Research the various types of executive coaching available and decide which is the most suitable for your particular needs
  • Consider the financial aspects of the various coaching options
  • Consider the time commitment involved in executive coaching
  • Ask for referrals from colleagues or professional organizations
  • When you have a clear understanding of the long-term benefits of executive coaching and have identified the most suitable type for your needs, you can move on to the next step.
  • Assess results

  • Read through the results of your search and compare the different courses available

  • Note the cost and duration of each course, as well as any other details that may be important to you
  • Make a list of the courses that best suit your needs, including any that may be free
  • Contact the organization or instructor offering the course to confirm the details and ask any additional questions
  • When you have all the information you need, decide which course you want to take and sign up.
  • You know you can check this step off and move to the next one when you have registered for a course. 10.1 Analyze results

  • Look for common themes throughout the results

  • Identify any gaps in the type of training that is offered
  • Compare the results to find the best training option for your needs
  • Make notes of any fees associated with the training
  • Once you have identified the training that best suits your needs, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step. 10.2 Identify areas for further development

  • Review the results of your search and note leadership topics that you feel you need to improve on

  • Consider any feedback provided by colleagues, supervisors, and other people in your life that could help you identify areas of improvement
  • Identify any gaps in your current knowledge or skills that need to be filled in order to become a more effective leader
  • Make a list of at least three areas for improvement that you can focus on when searching for free leadership training
  • When you have identified at least three areas for improvement, you can move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker