Develop Your Executive Presence: A Free Step-by-Step Guide to Success

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  1. Develop the Plan 1.1 Gather data 1.2 Analyze data 1.3 Establish objectives
  2. Execute the Plan 2.1 Assign tasks 2.2 Monitor progress 2.3 Adjust plan as needed
  3. Monitor Progress 3.1 Track progress 3.2 Analyze progress 3.3 Identify areas needing improvement
  4. Conclusion 4.1 Summarize the key points

  5. Introduction

  6. Discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching

  7. Develop the Plan

  8. Gather data
  9. Analyze data
  10. Establish objectives

  11. Execute the Plan

  12. Assign tasks
  13. Monitor progress
  14. Adjust plan as needed

  15. Monitor Progress

  16. Track progress
  17. Analyze progress
  18. Identify areas needing improvement

  19. Conclusion

  20. Summarize the key points
  21. Celebrate success and achievements


I've written this to provide a comprehensive yet easy to follow guide to developing a strong executive presence. It contains actionable steps for becoming more confident, influential, and persuasive in the workplace. This is important for career success, as it allows you to build a reputation as a leader and be taken seriously by colleagues and superiors. I provide a number of techniques for improving executive presence, such as learning how to listen actively and make strong eye contact. Additionally, I explain ways to become more assertive and navigate challenging conversations. Finally, I provide guidance on developing a professional image and creating an organized workspace. This article is aimed at anyone looking to take their professional development to the next level and become a more successful executive.

Get started

  1. Develop the Plan

• Identify your skills and strengths • Analyze the expectations of your role • Set realistic goals and objectives • Create a timeline for your goals • Identify potential people and resources that can help you reach your goals

You will know you have completed this step when you have identified your skills, set realistic goals and objectives, created a timeline for your goals, and identified potential people and resources to help you reach your goals. 1.1 Gather data

  • Research the skills and qualities associated with executive presence
  • Speak with trusted colleagues and mentors to learn more about what is expected of you in terms of executive presence
  • Identify and assess any gaps that exist between your current level of executive presence and what is expected
  • Brainstorm potential solutions to address any gaps identified
  • Set achievable goals for yourself and track your progress
  • When you have gathered enough data to understand what is required to increase your executive presence, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step (1.2 Analyze data). 1.2 Analyze data

• Analyze the data you gathered from Step 1.1. Look for patterns and trends, and draw conclusions from the data. • Use the information you have collected to identify potential issues, problems, or opportunities. • Create a report or presentation of the data and your conclusions. • When you have completed your analysis, you should be able to identify opportunities, risks, and/or issues that need to be addressed. • Once you have analyzed the data and drawn conclusions, you have completed Step 1.2. 1.3 Establish objectives

  • Identify what success looks like for your executive presence
  • Outline the goals and objectives you want to achieve
  • Define the timeline for each goal
  • Set measurable metrics to track progress
  • Once you have established these objectives, you can move on to the next step.
  • Execute the Plan

  • Break down each of your objectives into actionable steps

  • Assign tasks to each team member and delegate responsibilities
  • Establish timelines for each of the tasks
  • Monitor progress and adjust the plan as needed
  • When all tasks are completed and objectives achieved, you can move on to the next step. 2.1 Assign tasks

  • Identify the tasks that need to be completed

  • Determine who is the most qualified to complete each task
  • Distribute tasks and make sure each person knows what they need to do
  • Set a timeline for when each task needs to be completed
  • Make sure each person has the resources they need to complete the task
  • Check in with each person as they progress on their task

You will know you have completed this step when all tasks are assigned and distributed to the right people with the right resources and timelines. 2.2 Monitor progress

  • Track progress of tasks assigned to team members
  • Set up weekly check-ins with team members to ensure tasks are on track
  • Keep a record of each team member’s progress
  • Compare the progress of each team member with the timeline and goals set
  • Document any issues and challenges that a team member may have encountered
  • Provide feedback and guidance to team members to help them stay on track
  • When progress is made, celebrate successes and recognize the team for their efforts
  • Once all tasks have been completed and the timeline and goals have been met, move on to the next step. 2.3 Adjust plan as needed
  • Analyze progress against the plan and make adjustments as needed
  • Re-evaluate goals, objectives and timelines
  • Make adjustments to resources, strategies and any other tasks
  • Re-align goals, objectives and timelines with the overall goal
  • Measure progress against the new timeline and objectives
  • When progress is measured and adjustments are made, you can move on to the next step.
  • Monitor Progress

  • Set milestones for yourself and for your team

  • Monitor progress against those milestones
  • Identify what is working, what isn't and adjust accordingly
  • Evaluate the progress of your team and yourself
  • Make sure you and your team members are on the same page
  • Celebrate successes
  • When you have reached your milestones, you can move on to the next step--3.1 Track progress. 3.1 Track progress

  • Establish a tracking system to monitor your progress

  • Use a spreadsheet, document, or other tool to record your successes and areas for improvement
  • Set up check-in points to review progress regularly
  • Decide how often you will check in and review progress (e.g. weekly, monthly, etc)
  • Track progress on goals, skills, and behaviors you want to improve
  • Track how much time you’re dedicating to your executive presence development
  • Celebrate successes, and make note of areas for improvement
  • When you’ve established a tracking system, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step. 3.2 Analyze progress

• Review the results of tracking your progress – what have you learned? • Identify patterns or trends and consider how you can use this data to improve your executive presence • Note any areas where you’ve made significant progress, and any areas that need more work • Take some time to reflect on your progress, and the goals you’ve achieved • Think about the changes you need to make in order to continue developing your executive presence • When you’re finished, you can move on to the next step: Identifying areas needing improvement. 3.3 Identify areas needing improvement

  • Reflect on the feedback you’ve received from your colleagues and supervisors
  • Identify any areas you can improve upon
  • Take note of your strengths and weaknesses
  • Make a list of areas that you can focus on to help you improve
  • Set goals and objectives that you can accomplish in the next month or two
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have identified any areas you can improve upon and have made a list of goals and objectives that you can accomplish in the next month or two.
  • Conclusion
  • Review the notes and key points from each of the steps in this guide
  • Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in each of the areas covered and identify areas that need improvement
  • Consider how you can use the strategies you have taken from this guide to further develop your executive presence
  • Develop an action plan to help you focus on the areas that need improvement
  • Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes
  • Track your progress and make adjustments to your plan as needed
  • When you’re confident that you have achieved the goals you set out to reach, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next one. 4.1 Summarize the key points

  • Review your research and notes to compile the key points you want to make

  • Make sure your points are clear and easy to understand
  • Organize your points logically
  • Craft a conclusion that ties your points together
  • When you have a succinct summary that captures the most important points, you can move on to the next step.


  • Understand why executive presence is important

  • Identify what executive presence is and how it’s defined
  • Learn how to develop and maintain executive presence
  • Understand how executive presence can help you achieve success
  • Realize the benefits of executive presence
  • Check off this step when you have a good understanding of executive presence and its importance.

    Discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching

  • Research the different types of executive coaching available

  • Identify the areas of focus, such as presentation skills, communication, problem-solving, etc.
  • Understand the benefits of executive coaching, such as increased confidence, improved communication skills, and improved leadership skills
  • Discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching with a potential coach to help identify the best fit for you
  • Decide on the best executive coaching option for you

Once you have researched the different types of executive coaching available, identified the areas of focus, and discussed the purpose and benefits of executive coaching with a potential coach, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Develop the Plan

  • Create a timeline for the executive coaching process
  • Set goals and objectives that are measurable and achievable
  • Identify skills and knowledge gaps that need to be addressed
  • Identify resources needed to support the coaching process
  • Determine the desired outcome of the coaching
  • Assess the current and desired level of performance
  • Analyze the current organizational environment
  • Develop an action plan to address identified gaps and objectives
  • When the timeline, goals, objectives, and action plan have been developed, you can move on to the next step.

    Gather data

  • Brainstorm the data you need to make an informed decision about your executive presence

  • Research and gather the data from the relevant sources, such as professional and personal networks, surveys, and industry research
  • Make sure to collect data from a variety of sources and perspectives
  • Create a summary of the data that you have collected
  • When you have gathered enough data to make a descriptive conclusion, you can check this step off your list and move on to analyzing the data.

    Analyze data

  • Review data you’ve gathered and look for patterns, trends, and anomalies
  • Make sure to take notes on what you find and any questions that arise
  • Run additional analyses to check assumptions and validate results
  • Look for any potential issues or problems that may arise from your analysis
  • Compare your findings to industry standards or benchmarks
  • Ensure that all data is accurate and up-to-date before making decisions
  • Identify areas of improvement and opportunities for growth
  • Once all of your analysis is complete, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step.

    Establish objectives

  • Identify your goals and objectives and how they align with the company's mission and vision

  • Break your long-term goals into achievable short-term objectives
  • Set audacious but achievable objectives and align them with the team's goals
  • Articulate your objectives in a way that is easy for others to understand
  • Prioritize objectives based on their value and importance
  • When you have established your objectives, review and adjust your objectives as needed
  • When all objectives are set and clear, you are ready to move on to the next step of the executive presence plan.

    Execute the Plan

  • Create a timeline and set deadlines for each task

  • Outline the specific actions needed to reach each goal
  • Assign tasks to team members and make sure they understand the objectives
  • Track progress and adjust as needed
  • Monitor team performance to ensure tasks are being completed as expected
  • Celebrate successes as each milestone is reached
  • Once all tasks are completed, review the overall objectives and outcomes
  • Adjust and refine the plan before moving on to the next step

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all tasks have been completed and the objectives have been met, you can move on to the next step.

    Assign tasks

  • Define tasks that need to be completed and assign them to the appropriate team members
  • Ensure that everyone has the resources and support they need to complete their tasks
  • Set deadlines for each task and provide updates as needed
  • Monitor team members to make sure tasks are completed within the deadlines and to the required standard
  • Once all tasks are completed, you can move on to the next step of the plan.

    Monitor progress

  • Track progress of tasks assigned to ensure they are completed on time

  • Monitor morale of team and address any issues that arise
  • Take note of any changes in the plan or process that need to be made
  • Use metrics and other tracking tools to measure progress
  • Celebrate successes and recognize team accomplishments
  • When tasks are completed within the expected timeframe and the team is productive, you can move on to the next step.

    Adjust plan as needed

  • Identify areas for improvement and adjust your plan accordingly

  • Take feedback into consideration when making changes
  • Assess if your goals are still realistic and achievable
  • Make sure your plan is still aligned with your objectives
  • Take time to reflect and evaluate your progress
  • Know when to move on from a plan that isn’t working
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you are confident that your plan is adjusted according to your goals and objectives, you can move on to the next step of monitoring your progress.

    Monitor Progress

  • Measure progress against the goals you set in the previous step

  • Regularly review your progress and adjust your plans accordingly
  • Check in with your peers and mentors to get feedback on how you are progressing
  • Be aware of any challenges you may be facing and adjust your plans accordingly
  • Celebrate the successes you have achieved and use them as motivation to keep going
  • Monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure success
  • Once you’ve hit your goals, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Track progress

  • Set realistic, measurable goals that you can track

  • Make sure your goals are aligned with the objectives of your organization
  • Keep track of your progress in a journal or planner
  • Reflect regularly on your progress and make necessary adjustments to your plan
  • Celebrate your successes and learn from your failures
  • Monitor your progress with your mentor or supervisor, if applicable
  • Measure progress against your goals on a regular basis
  • When you hit your goal, check it off your list and move on to the next step!

    Analyze progress

  • Review progress from the past weeks or months

  • Compare your progress to your original goal
  • Identify successes and areas for improvement
  • Make a list of successes and areas needing improvement
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies
  • Make a plan to adjust strategies or find new ones
  • Once all successes and areas of improvement have been identified, move on to the next step.

    Identify areas needing improvement

  • Take an honest look at yourself and identify areas you think need improvement.

  • Consider feedback that you have received from colleagues, supervisors, and mentors.
  • Make a list of areas to focus on for improvement.
  • Ask for honest feedback from colleagues and mentors on areas that need improvement.
  • Take notes on any suggestions for improvement from others.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified the areas that need improvement and have taken note of any feedback from others.


  • Reflect on what you have learned and the improvements you have made

  • Consider what else you can do to further enhance your executive presence
  • Re-evaluate your progress on a regular basis to ensure you are continuing to grow
  • Celebrate your successes and the progress you have made
  • Check off ""Develop Your Executive Presence: A Free Step-by-Step Guide to Success"" from your list and move on to the next step.

    Summarize the key points

  • Take the time to review what you've learned and reflect on the progress you've made

  • Make a list of the main points of the guide and review it regularly
  • Remember the importance of the three key components: self-awareness, communication, and leadership
  • Summarize the key takeaways and how they can help you in your professional development
  • When you can confidently recall the key points and how to apply them, you can check this step off your list.

    Celebrate success and achievements

  • Acknowledge team members and colleagues who have helped you achieve success

  • Take the time to thank those people who have been instrumental in your successes
  • Give credit where credit is due, both internally and externally, to show your appreciation
  • Celebrate your success with others, whether it be a team pizza night or a celebratory lunch
  • Celebrate your personal successes, such as completing a project or meeting a goal. Reward yourself with a treat, even if it’s something small
  • Set goals for yourself and celebrate when you reach them
  • Share your successes with your team and colleagues to build your executive presence
  • How you'll know when you've completed this step: You will have taken the time to thank those who have helped you reach success, celebrated successes internally and externally, and set goals and rewarded yourself for meeting them.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker