Equipping Your Managers with Effective Frontline Leadership Training: A Free Guide

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  • Finding a Coach
  • Identify the right fit for your organization
  • Research potential candidates
  • Analyze qualifications and experience
  • Set up initial interviews

  • Implementing a Coaching Program

  • Establish a timeline and milestones
  • Define objectives and goals
  • Establish a timeline
  • Set milestones to measure progress
  • Ensure ongoing communication and support
  • Agree on communication protocols
  • Make sure coaches have access to resources
  • Set up regular review meetings

  • Measuring Success

  • Evaluate performance
  • Track progress against milestones
  • Measure improvement in skills and knowledge
  • Analyze feedback from stakeholders
  • Reward success
  • Agree on rewards for meeting objectives
  • Celebrate successes with the team
  • Offer incentives for further improvement

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the article and offer an actionable takeaway
  • Summarize the main points
  • Offer an actionable takeaway
  • Encourage readers to take the next step


I've written this to provide advice and guidance to those who are looking to equip their managers with frontline leadership training. The article outlines the purpose and benefits of such training, and provides practical steps that can be taken to help ensure success. It covers topics such as the types of training available, the importance of having qualified trainers, the need to measure and evaluate results, and the importance of ongoing communication and support. The article also provides a free guide to help organizations to create an effective frontline leadership training program. It explains the steps to take and provides a template for creating a program that is tailored to the organization's specific needs. The article also offers advice on how to ensure the training is effective, and the importance of rewarding success. In conclusion, this article is designed to provide practical advice on how to equip managers with effective frontline leadership training.

Get started

Finding a Coach

  • Research and compile a list of potential coaches that are qualified to provide frontline leadership training
  • Reach out to coaches to obtain information on their experience, qualifications, and approach to training
  • Evaluate each coach based on their qualifications, experience, and approach to training
  • Select a coach to provide frontline leadership training
  • You will know you have completed this step and can move on to the next when you have selected a coach and discussed the details of the training program.

    Identify the right fit for your organization

  • Assess the existing skills and knowledge of your team and identify gaps

  • Determine the needs of your organization based on your goals
  • Research potential coaches and their areas of expertise
  • Decide on the best fit for your organization and team
  • Draft a job description and set expectations
  • Check references and ask for a portfolio of their past work
  • Make sure the coach is certified and has the right qualifications
  • Check that their style of coaching is a good fit for your organization
  • When you have selected the coach, contact them and arrange a meeting
  • When you have finalized the details and have agreed on the terms and conditions, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Research potential candidates

  • Create a job description and post it on relevant job boards or websites

  • Contact local universities and other academic institutions to request referrals
  • Reach out to industry associations to inquire about potential candidates
  • Evaluate resumes and applications to narrow down the list of qualified candidates
  • Conduct initial phone interviews to further narrow the list of potential candidates

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once the list of potential candidates has been narrowed down to a few qualified prospects, you can then move on to the next step of analyzing qualifications and experience.

  • Analyze qualifications and experience

• Create a checklist of essential qualifications and experience you are seeking for the position. • Review applications/resumes for evidence of the required qualifications and experience. • Contact references, if necessary, to ensure the candidate meets the qualifications and experience you are looking for. • Make a note of any gaps in the candidate's qualifications or experience.

When you can check this off your list: • When you have reviewed all applications, resumes and references, and have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

  • Set up initial interviews

  • Set up individual interviews with each prospective manager to assess their skills and determine what kind of frontline leadership training they will require

  • Make sure to include questions about the individual’s experience, qualifications and current job role
  • Ask whether they have any previous experience of frontline leadership training
  • Allow the individual to provide their own opinions and questions
  • Take notes during the interview, keeping track of any key points made by the individual

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all the initial interviews are completed, review the notes taken and assess the individual’s skills and requirements. This will help you to determine the next steps in providing effective frontline leadership training.

    Implementing a Coaching Program

  • Decide on the type of coaching program you'll use (e.g. one-on-one, group, etc.)
  • Identify the relevant skills and knowledge that the managers need to learn
  • Develop the training materials and resources needed for the coaching program
  • Recruit and select coaches to lead the program
  • Establish a timeline and milestones for the program, including when trainings should be held, how often they should be held, and how long they should last
  • Schedule the coaching sessions and communicate the dates and times to the participants
  • Monitor the progress of the participants and provide feedback
  • Evaluate the program and assess its effectiveness
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once the coaching program is complete and the participants have achieved the desired learning outcomes, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish a timeline and milestones

  • Assign a project leader to manage and oversee the training program

  • Create a timeline of expected completion dates for each milestone of the program
  • Outline the steps needed to complete each milestone
  • Create a list of key stakeholders for the program and assign roles and responsibilities
  • Schedule regular check-ins with key stakeholders to ensure the program is progressing according to plan
  • Monitor progress and adjust timeline and milestones as needed
  • Set an overall completion date for the entire program
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When the timeline and milestones are established, the project leader is assigned, and key stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities are identified.
  • Define objectives and goals

  • Identify the training objectives, desired outcomes, and goals

  • Outline the objectives and goals for the training program in writing
  • Discuss the objectives and goals with management and stakeholders to gain buy-in
  • Finalize the objectives and goals and incorporate into the training program
  • Check off this step once you can confirm the objectives and goals are agreed upon and written down.
  • Establish a timeline

  • Determine the overall timeline for the frontline leadership training program.

  • Allocate sufficient time for learning activities and assessments.
  • Prioritize resources and time needed to complete the program.
  • Estimate the total number of hours required for the program.
  • Create a timeline for the completion of the program.
  • Break down the timeline into measurable milestones, such as module/topic completion dates.
  • Assign dates for any external resources, such as guest speakers and mentors.
  • Estimate how long it will take to evaluate and measure the outcomes.
  • Check for any conflicts with other events or activities.
  • You can check this off your list when the timeline is established and milestones set.
  • Set milestones to measure progress

  • Define measurable objectives and metrics that can be used to track your frontline management team's progress

  • Set realistic and achievable milestones that the team can work towards
  • Monitor progress to ensure that milestones are met and that objectives are being met
  • Track results and compare them to expected outcomes
  • Adjust goals and objectives as needed to ensure continued progress
  • Celebrate successes and achievements along the way to motivate team members and build morale
  • When all milestones have been met and objectives are being achieved, you can move on to the next step.

    Ensure ongoing communication and support

  • Establish a regular schedule of check-ins with managers to discuss progress, reinforce goals, and address any issues or questions

  • Create a system for managers to report back regularly on their progress, including successes and challenges
  • Provide ongoing support and guidance to managers as they complete their training
  • Encourage discussion and feedback from managers on their learning experience
  • Set expectations for managers to demonstrate their newfound skills in the workplace

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When regular check-ins are established and managers are given the support and guidance they need to complete their training, you can move on to the next step.
  • Agree on communication protocols

  • Establish a clear line of communication between managers and their team members

  • Set expectations for how often managers should communicate with their team members (i.e., once a week, etc.)
  • Define what type of communication is appropriate (i.e., emails, phone calls, etc.)
  • Establish a protocol for how feedback should be given to team members
  • Create an outlet for team members to provide feedback to their managers
  • Set expectations for how quickly managers should respond to team member inquiries

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • All managers have agreed to the communication protocols
  • All managers have been trained on the communication protocols
  • Team members have been informed of the communication protocols
  • Make sure coaches have access to resources
  • Identify any training materials, resources, or other documents that need to be shared with managers before they start their frontline leadership training.
  • Create a template or process for sharing these materials with managers.
  • Make sure that all materials are available digitally in a centralized location so that managers can access them whenever they need them.
  • Ensure that all materials are up-to-date and accurate.
  • Test out the process for sharing materials with managers to make sure that it's working properly.
  • Check off this step when all materials are available and the process for sharing them is working properly.
  • Set up regular review meetings

• Schedule review meetings with frontline managers at regular intervals (e.g. monthly). • Ensure that there is an agenda prepared in advance, and that it covers the topics the managers need to review. • Make sure that the managers have enough time to discuss any issues and come up with actionable solutions. • Identify any areas of improvement and plan follow-up meetings if needed.

When you can check this off your list: • When all of your managers have had regular review meetings. • When you have identified areas of improvement and have made plans to follow up on them.

Measuring Success

  • Create a system to measure the success of your frontline leadership training program.
  • Begin by establishing baseline performance metrics to measure against.
  • Identify the goals and objectives of your program and create key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress.
  • Track your KPIs and analyze the data to measure your team's progress.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your program and adjust the measurements accordingly.
  • Once the program has been running for a while, compare the baseline performance metrics to the current performance metrics to see how much progress has been made.
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have established baseline performance metrics, identified goals and objectives, and tracked and analyzed KPIs to measure progress, you can move on to the next step of evaluating performance.

    Evaluate performance

  • Assess the performance of each manager to determine the effectiveness of the training
  • Measure their performance against the goals set before the training
  • Identify any areas where the manager may still need additional training
  • Set up a system of feedback to ensure the manager is consistently meeting the standards set during the training
  • Utilize surveys and other feedback mechanisms to track progress
  • When the desired performance level is achieved, the manager can be considered trained and the process can move on to the next step.
  • Track progress against milestones
  • Set specific goals and milestones that managers need to achieve to demonstrate success in their roles
  • Establish a timeline for when these goals and milestones should be achieved
  • Assign an accountable person to monitor and evaluate progress against these goals and milestones
  • Use a tracking tool to document progress and enable managers to check their progress
  • Regularly review progress against milestones and take corrective action if needed
  • When the goals and milestones have been achieved, you can move on to the next step.
  • Measure improvement in skills and knowledge

• Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure training progress. • Collect data on KPIs before, during, and after training to track improvement. • Compare KPIs to baseline data to assess progress. • Use surveys, interviews, and other assessment methods to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of the training. • Analyze the data to determine the impact of the training and identify areas for improvement. • Design and implement a corrective action plan to address any identified issues and maintain an effective training program.

Once you have collected the data on KPIs, surveyed stakeholders, and analyzed the results, you can check off this step and move on to the next step of analyzing feedback from stakeholders.

  • Analyze feedback from stakeholders

  • Gather feedback from stakeholders related to the frontline leadership training that was provided.

  • Compile the feedback from stakeholders into a summary document that outlines the overall response to the training.
  • Look for common themes or patterns in the feedback.
  • Identify areas of opportunity that can help improve the frontline leadership training program.
  • When you have a summary of the feedback with the common themes and opportunities identified, you can move on to the next step.

    Reward success

  • Identify key objectives that need to be met

  • Decide on a suitable reward system for successful objectives
  • Develop a plan on how to reward team members
  • Consider how to track and monitor rewards to ensure they're given fairly
  • Determine how to communicate the reward system to managers and team members
  • Monitor the reward system and make adjustments as needed
  • When managers and team members have been sufficiently informed and understand the reward system, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Agree on rewards for meeting objectives
  • Brainstorm reward ideas with your team to motivate and recognize success
  • Make sure rewards are meaningful and relevant to each team member
  • Decide on the criteria for receiving rewards
  • Set clear expectations for managers and employees on how rewards will be earned
  • Document the rewards and criteria for achieving them
  • Set a timeline for rewarding success
  • Implement the rewards system and share it with your managers and employees

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: You'll know you can move on to the next step when the rewards system is implemented and shared with your managers and employees.

  • Celebrate successes with the team

• Acknowledge successes: Celebrate successes in a way that is appropriate and meaningful to the team. • Make it meaningful: Acknowledge successes with awards and recognition. • Show appreciation: Show team members that you’re proud of their accomplishments and provide positive reinforcement for future success. • Make it memorable: Celebrate successes in a way that will be remembered by the team. • Show gratitude: Show your appreciation for the hard work and dedication that went into achieving success.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have successfully implemented a plan to acknowledge and celebrate successes with the team.

  • Offer incentives for further improvement

  • Research what sort of incentives would be most beneficial to your managers

  • Consider offering rewards for achievements such as completing a course or hitting a goal
  • Identify the incentives you will offer and communicate them clearly to managers
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the incentives you provide and make adjustments if needed
  • When you see that your managers are responding positively to the incentives and are motivated to continue their improvement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Summarize the key points of the article and provide an actionable takeaway.

  • Reinforce the importance of frontline leadership training to equip managers with the skills to effectively lead.
  • Highlight the potential benefits of frontline leadership training, such as improved team performance, increased motivation, and better work relationships.
  • Offer incentives to managers to encourage them to continue learning and developing their skills.
  • You can check this step off your list when you have summarized the article and offered an actionable takeaway.

    Summarize the article and offer an actionable takeaway

  • Read through the article and create a summary of the main points, emphasizing any actionable takeaways or recommendations.

  • Ensure the summary is concise and to the point to make sure readers understand the key points.
  • Highlight any resources, tips, or strategies that the reader can use to implement the article's recommendations.
  • When you have created a summary, review it to make sure it conveys all the key points in the article and offers a clear takeaway for the reader.
  • Summarize the main points

  • Identify the key components of effective frontline leadership training

  • Understand the importance of providing managers with clear expectations and feedback
  • Develop an action plan to ensure that frontline managers have the tools and resources they need to lead effectively
  • Create a culture of feedback and accountability to ensure that training goals are being met
  • Ensure that frontline leaders are consistently held to high standards
  • Track your progress and adjust your approach as needed to ensure effective frontline leadership training
  • Offer an actionable takeaway
  • Provide a clear takeaway that your managers can implement immediately to start cultivating their leadership skills.
  • Ensure the takeaway is specific and measurable.
  • Give an example of how the takeaway can be applied in a practical setting.
  • Provide resources that can help managers carry out the takeaway and gain additional leadership knowledge.
  • Remind managers of the long-term benefit of the takeaway and how it can help them become more effective leaders.
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on: Your managers should have an actionable takeaway that they can apply and measure in their leadership practices.
  • Encourage readers to take the next step

• Invite readers to sign up for the frontline leadership training. • Explain the advantages of taking part in the training. • Highlight the skills they can learn, such as communication, problem-solving or conflict resolution. • Make the sign-up process easy and straightforward. • Make sure readers know how to contact you if they have questions or need help. • Have a way of tracking who has signed up and remind them of their upcoming training sessions. • Have a plan in place to follow up with readers who have not yet signed up. • Once readers have taken the next step and signed up, thank them and remind them of their upcoming training session. • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: when a majority of the intended readers have signed up for the frontline leadership training.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker