Unlocking the Power of Leadership: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Leadership Development Program for Your Company

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  • Identify the key stakeholders

  • Planning and implementation

  • Develop a plan of action
  • Define objectives
  • Identify resources
  • Establish timeline
  • Implement the program
  • Assign roles and responsibilities
  • Gather feedback from stakeholders
  • Establish accountability
  • Monitor and manage progress
  • Track progress against objectives
  • Make adjustments as needed

  • Measurement and evaluation

  • Establish evaluation criteria
  • Set clear goals
  • Identify metrics
  • Analyze and report the results
  • Use data to identify areas of improvement
  • Communicate results to stakeholders

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize key points and actionable steps
  • Highlight successes
  • Make recommendations for improvement


I've written this to provide business owners and leaders with a step-by-step guide to creating a successful leadership development program. The article explains the importance of developing strong leaders, and outlines the key steps required to create an effective and successful program. It covers the need for clear objectives and purpose, the importance of assessment, the need for feedback and coaching, and the need for a well-defined and structured process. It also provides practical advice on how to plan, implement, and manage a successful program, and how to measure its success. Ultimately, the article aims to equip leaders with the necessary knowledge and tools to develop a successful leadership development program and unlock the potential of their employees.

Get started

Identify the key stakeholders

  • Identify the key individuals who need to be involved in the development of the leadership program
  • Consider the different roles and perspectives of each individual and how they can contribute to the success of the program
  • Make sure to involve a wide range of stakeholders from different departments to ensure a well-rounded and comprehensive program
  • Hold a meeting with all stakeholders to discuss the objectives of the program and how each individual can contribute to its success
  • Clarify expectations and roles for each stakeholder and ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Once the stakeholders and their respective roles have been identified and agreed upon, the next step can be taken.

    Planning and implementation

  • Set up a planning team to design and implement the program

  • Determine the resources needed to effectively run the program
  • Establish goals and objectives for the program
  • Create a timeline for the program
  • Draft a budget for the program
  • Secure approval from the stakeholders
  • Develop a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed
  • Determine a plan of action for monitoring and evaluating the program

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have secured approval from the stakeholders, drafted a budget, and developed a plan of action for monitoring and evaluating the program, you are ready to move on to the next step.

Develop a plan of action

  • Outline the goals and objectives of the leadership development program
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each party involved
  • Develop an outline of the program’s activities, including topics, speakers, and facilitators
  • Create a timeline to track the program’s progress
  • Create a budget to cover program costs
  • Identify and assess potential risks associated with the program
  • Develop a communication strategy to ensure everyone involved is kept up to date on the program’s progress

You'll know you can move on to the next step when you have a complete plan of action that outlines the goals, objectives, roles, responsibilities, activities, timeline, budget, risks, and communication strategy of your leadership development program.

Define objectives

  • Clarify the desired outcomes of your leadership development program
  • Ask yourself what key skills you want your leaders to develop and how
  • Identify the purpose of the program and what it is meant to achieve
  • Establish measurable goals that can be tracked and evaluated
  • When you have clear objectives, you will be ready to move on to the next step of identifying resources.

    Identify resources

  • Create a list of all resources available to you, such as staff, technology, materials, and budget
  • Brainstorm and discuss with your team what resources you may need to reach your leadership development objectives
  • Research external sources such as books, podcasts, online courses, seminars, and industry experts to gain further knowledge
  • Identify which resources should be allocated to the leadership development program
  • Once the resources are identified, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish timeline

  • Create a timeline for rolling out the leadership development program.

  • Allocate time for each step of the program, such as research, development, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Consider the amount of time needed for each step and the desired end date for the program.
  • When you have a timeline established, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Implement the program

  • Put the plan into action by introducing the leadership development program to employees
  • Invite a select group of participants to join the program and provide them with resources, such as a program guide and materials
  • Ensure all participants have access to any necessary technology to be able to join in the program
  • Arrange and facilitate training sessions, workshops, one-on-one meetings and other activities as needed
  • Monitor and track progress of the program to ensure desired outcomes are being met
  • Provide participants with feedback and guidance
  • Adjust the program as needed
  • When all activities have been completed, evaluate the success of the program and make adjustments as needed
  • Celebrate the success of the program and recognize the participants for their hard work and dedication
  • You will know when you can check this off your list when the program is complete and all the desired outcomes have been met.

    Assign roles and responsibilities

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, such as leadership team members, managers, and employees

  • Assign roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder, such as who will lead the program, who will help with implementation, and who will provide feedback
  • Create a timeline for when each stakeholder will complete their responsibilities
  • Document these roles and responsibilities in a central place to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Check off this step when each stakeholder has been assigned their roles and responsibilities, and the timeline has been documented.

    Gather feedback from stakeholders

  • Reach out to stakeholders and invite them to provide feedback on the leadership development program

  • Collect feedback from stakeholders on all aspects of the program, including the objectives, activities, timeline, and budget
  • Use the feedback to make adjustments, if necessary, to ensure the program meets the needs of stakeholders
  • Once all feedback has been collected, assess the feasibility of incorporating the feedback into the program
  • When all feedback has been assessed, create a report summarizing the feedback and the changes made to the program, if any
  • Check this off your list when the report has been finalized and accepted by the stakeholders.

    Establish accountability

  • Identify who will be held accountable for the success of the leadership development program.

  • Set up a system to track progress and hold individuals accountable for their performance.
  • Create a feedback loop to ensure accountability for the leadership development program.
  • Develop a system of rewards and recognition for successful leadership development program participants.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified the individuals who will be held accountable for the success of the leadership development program, set up a system to track progress, created a feedback loop, and developed a system of rewards and recognition.

    Monitor and manage progress

  • Create a timeline for progress measurements and set up reporting systems for monitoring

  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and performance
  • Establish ownership and accountability for each person or team responsible for delivering results
  • Track progress against objectives and ensure that any issues or challenges are identified and addressed as soon as possible
  • Monitor team performance and provide feedback and recognition to motivate and encourage success
  • Create systems to ensure that tasks are completed on time and within budget
  • Identify and address any deficiencies or areas of improvement
  • When the objectives have been achieved, review the program and assess the impact of the leadership development program on overall performance.
  • You will know you can check off this step and move on to the next when all of the objectives have been achieved and the program has been successfully implemented.

    Track progress against objectives

  • Review the objectives of the leadership development program to ensure they are being met.

  • Track progress of participants against objectives to measure the effectiveness of the program.
  • Analyze results and identify areas for improvement.
  • Provide feedback and recognition to participants.
  • Adjust objectives and activities if necessary.
  • You'll know when you can check this off your list when you have tracked progress and made any necessary adjustments.

    Make adjustments as needed

  • Monitor progress of the program implementation and adjust as needed

  • Reach out to participants to get feedback on the program, and make changes based on feedback
  • Work with stakeholders to ensure program objectives are being met
  • Make sure any new objectives are communicated to all participants and stakeholders
  • Address any issues or obstacles that arise during the implementation of the program and adjust accordingly
  • You will know you can check this step off your list when the program is running smoothly and the objectives are being met.

    Measurement and evaluation

  • Analyze the leadership development program's effectiveness by collecting feedback from stakeholders, participants, and others

  • Compare the program's success to the goals, objectives, and expectations established
  • Leverage quantitative and qualitative data to inform the evaluation process
  • Identify any areas of improvement and potential areas for future expansion
  • Once the evaluation is complete, document the results and share them with relevant stakeholders
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step of Establishing Evaluation Criteria

    Establish evaluation criteria

  • Create a list of criteria to evaluate leaders and leadership development initiatives

  • Consider factors such as communication, organizational skills, problem solving ability, and interpersonal skills
  • Include criteria that measure the impact of the program on the organization
  • Evaluate the leadership development program on both an individual and an organizational level
  • Determine how you will assess the success of the program

Once you have developed the evaluation criteria, you will know that you can move on to the next step.

Set clear goals

  • Identify the desired outcomes of your leadership development program
  • Establish a timeline for achieving these outcomes
  • Communicate these goals with all relevant stakeholders
  • Create an action plan with specific steps and milestones to reach the goals
  • Monitor progress towards these goals in order to adjust and refine the program as needed
  • When all goals are set, communicated, and an action plan is created, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Identify metrics

  • Define the desired outcome of the leadership development program and set clear goals
  • Decide on the metrics that will measure the success of the program
  • Create a way to track the progress of each individual participating in the program
  • Identify how the impact of the program can be measured over time
  • Establish reporting protocols and timelines for collecting and analyzing the data
  • When you have identified the metrics to be used, checked that they are set up correctly, and are able to track the progress of each individual, you can move on to the next step.

    Analyze and report the results

  • Gather the data gathered in the previous step and look for trends, correlations and key insights
  • Create a report that outlines the findings and provide recommendations
  • Present the report to key decision makers and stakeholders
  • Make adjustments based on feedback
  • Once the report is finalized and approved, you can move on to the next step of using data to identify areas of improvement.

    Use data to identify areas of improvement

  • Evaluate survey results, analyze employee feedback, and review other data to identify areas of improvement in the company

  • Review what areas need to be addressed and create a plan of action
  • Identify potential challenges that may occur in the implementation of the plan
  • You will know when you can check this step off the list when you have identified the areas of improvement and created a plan of action to address them.

    Communicate results to stakeholders

  • Develop a plan to communicate the results of the leadership development program to stakeholders.

  • Consider who should receive the results, how the results will be shared, and the desired outcome from sharing the results.
  • Prepare presentations and/or documents that summarize the key findings of the program.
  • Once the plan for communicating the results is complete, execute the plan and present the results to stakeholders.
  • Monitor how stakeholders respond to the results and adjust the plan accordingly.
  • When stakeholders have been informed of the results and have accepted them, the step is complete.


  • Gather feedback from participants and stakeholders to determine if the leadership development program was successful

  • Analyze results and create a report summarizing the results of the program
  • Make changes to the program, if necessary, and re-evaluate
  • Develop a plan to sustain and maintain the program in the future
  • Use the report to develop a communication plan to share the program’s successes with the rest of the organization
  • Celebrate the successes of the leadership development program
  • You can check this step off your list when you have created a plan to sustain and maintain the program, developed a communication plan to share the program’s successes, and celebrated the program’s successes.

    Summarize key points and actionable steps

  • Reflect on the leadership development program created and the journey taken to get there.

  • Write down the key points and actionable steps that were taken.
  • Make sure to highlight the successes and lessons learned.
  • Ask yourself if any changes should be made to the program.
  • Create a list of actionable steps that must be taken for the program to become successful.
  • Share the information with stakeholders and ensure that everyone understands the key points and actionable steps.
  • Once all of these steps have been taken, you can move on to the next step in the process.

    Highlight successes

  • Identify recent successes within the company that had a leadership component to them

  • Create a list of these successes and use them as a starting point to focus on what is working
  • Share these successes with the team and use them to inspire and reinforce the importance of leadership development
  • Use these successes to educate the team on what works, and the impact leadership can have on the organization
  • Once you have identified and shared the successes with the team, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

    Make recommendations for improvement

  • Review your existing leadership development program and document any areas that need improvement

  • Identify any gaps in knowledge, skills, or attitudes that need to be addressed
  • Brainstorm ideas on how to better address the identified gaps
  • Develop an action plan to implement the identified improvement recommendations
  • Once the plan is developed, put it into action and measure the effectiveness of the changes
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the plan based on the results of the effectiveness measurement
  • Celebrate any successes of the plan and document any lessons learned
  • When the desired results are achieved, you can check this step off your list and move to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker