Advance Your Career with an Executive Career Coach – A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Finding the right coach
  • Research available coaches
  • Consider qualifications and experience
  • Review coach’s reviews and testimonials
  • Compare different coaches and determine the best fit

  • What to expect from the coaching process

  • Establish clear goals and objectives
  • Identify and address areas of improvement
  • Create a plan of action
  • Set expectations and timelines
  • Monitor progress and evaluate results

  • Maximizing success

  • Remain open-minded and proactive
  • Stay accountable and committed
  • Adapt to changes as needed
  • Utilize available resources
  • Implement feedback and advice
  • Reflect on progress and learn from experiences

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points and benefits of executive career coaching
  • Celebrate successes and recognize improvement
  • Set new goals and continue the momentum


I've written this to provide an introduction to executive career coaching, and to help readers understand the benefits of working with an experienced coach. The article outlines how to find the right coach, what to expect from the process, and the key steps to take to maximize the success of the partnership. It also offers practical advice on how to ensure the executive career coaching experience is a positive and successful one. The article is designed to help people who are looking to take their career to the next level, by helping them gain clarity, focus, and direction to achieve their goals. It also provides readers with an understanding of the benefits of executive career coaching, and how to make the most of the experience.

Get started

Finding the right coach

  • Assess your personal career goals and objectives
  • Identify the type of executive coach that best fits your needs
  • Consider the specific qualities you want in a coach
  • Research the credentials and experience of available executive coaches
  • Check out the references and reviews of the coaches you are considering
  • Ask for an initial consultation with the coaches you are considering
  • Decide upon the coach that best fits your needs

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a clear idea of the type of executive career coach that best fits your needs and the credentials and experience of available coaches. You will also have a list of potential coaches to choose from.

Research available coaches

  • Make a list of potential coaches from online searches, professional associations, or recommendations from current or past colleagues
  • Create a spreadsheet or use a note-taking app to list out their names, contact information, website links, and a brief summary of their services
  • Research each coach: look up their qualifications and experience, read reviews and testimonials, and check their website and social media accounts
  • Narrow down your search by eliminating those who don’t meet your criteria and who don’t have a good track record
  • You can check this step off your list when you have identified and made a list of potential coaches that meet your criteria.

    Consider qualifications and experience

  • Read through coach’s website, CV, and experience to get a better idea of their qualifications

  • Make sure coach has the right experience and qualifications to support your career goals
  • Ask the coach to provide references and evidence of past success
  • Ask the coach to provide a list of past and current clients
  • Check if the coach is a member of any professional organizations or associations
  • When you have a clear understanding of the coach’s qualifications and experience, you can move on to the next step of reviewing coach’s reviews and testimonials.

    Review coach’s reviews and testimonials

  • Read online reviews on the coach's website and social media platforms

  • Ask the coach to provide referrals you can contact
  • Look for reviews that mention the coach’s ability to help advance careers and create career success
  • Ask the coach to provide a list of former clients you can contact for references
  • When you have a clear picture of the coach’s skills and abilities, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Compare different coaches and determine the best fit

  • Research different executive career coaches and their qualifications, credentials, and individual approaches.

  • Identify the 3-5 coaches that best fit your needs and goals.
  • Reach out to the coaches you are considering and ask questions about their experience and expertise.
  • Request sample sessions with the coaches you are considering and evaluate the experience.
  • Make an informed decision on which coach is the best fit for you and your career goals.
  • When you have chosen the coach that is the best fit for you, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    What to expect from the coaching process

  • Determine what type of coaching is best for you

  • Ask the coach questions to ensure they have the experience, qualifications and style you need
  • Understand the coach's approach to helping you reach your goals
  • Learn what specific services the coach provides
  • Discuss expectations and evaluate the coach's willingness to meet them
  • Have a clear understanding of the coaching process and what to expect
  • Set clear boundaries and expectations for the coaching relationship
  • Establish a timeline for your coaching process
  • When you are ready, decide to move forward and begin the coaching process
  • Know when you have completed this step and can move on to the next step in the guide.

    Establish clear goals and objectives

  • Identify the areas of your professional life that you'd like to improve upon

  • Create realistic, attainable goals that are measurable and time-bound
  • Outline specific objectives for each goal, such as meeting certain milestones or deadlines
  • Track your progress against these goals and objectives
  • Adjust your goals and objectives as needed
  • Once you have established concrete goals and objectives, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify and address areas of improvement

  • Take time to reflect on your current career and identify any areas you would like to improve upon

  • Analyze your successes and failures, and make sure to learn from them
  • Consider feedback from colleagues and bosses and take their thoughts into account
  • Examine your skills and areas of expertise, and determine what you need to work on to move forward
  • Ask yourself honest questions to evaluate where you are in your career
  • Develop strategies to improve your skills and address any weaknesses
  • Set goals to help you focus on the improvements you want to make
  • When you feel like you have a good understanding of what you need to do to advance your career and have identified areas for improvement, you can move on to the next step.

    Create a plan of action

  • Take an inventory of your career goals, strengths and weaknesses

  • Decide on the areas you want to focus on and the timeline for achieving them
  • Break down each goal into smaller, achievable steps
  • Prioritize your goals, and create a timeline for completing each step
  • Schedule regular check-ins with your executive career coach to monitor progress
  • Take notes after each meeting to help you stay on track
  • Once you've achieved your goals, take a moment to reflect and celebrate your success!

    Set expectations and timelines

  • Identify what success looks like for your career

  • Establish short-term and long-term expectations for yourself
  • Set realistic timelines for reaching your goals
  • Have an accountability partner to check in with you on your progress
  • Create a timeline for regular check-ins with your coach
  • Keep track of your progress and timeline to make sure you are staying on track

    Monitor progress and evaluate results

  • Set up regular check-ins with your career coach to review your progress
  • Track your progress and successes to identify areas of improvement
  • Take notes during each session with your career coach to review any action items
  • Reflect on the progress you've made and evaluate the results of your actions
  • Celebrate your successes and recognize the effort you've put in to advance your career
  • Once you feel that you are making steady progress, you can move on to the next step.

    Maximizing success

  • Identify and clarify career goals

  • Evaluate current job against career goals
  • Develop an action plan to help you achieve career goals
  • Set goals that are achievable and measurable
  • Monitor progress and adjust action plan as needed
  • Utilize available resources to achieve career goals
  • Incorporate feedback into action plan
  • Take advantage of career-oriented networking opportunities
  • Remain open-minded and proactive

You will know you have completed this step when you have identified, clarified, and developed an action plan for your career goals, and taken advantage of available resources and networking opportunities in order to maximize success.

Remain open-minded and proactive

  • Develop an understanding of what it takes to succeed in an executive role
  • Read books, attend seminars, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry
  • Seek advice and feedback from mentors, colleagues, and other professionals in the field
  • Be willing to try new strategies and methods to achieve success
  • Remain flexible to adapt to changing circumstances
  • Take the initiative when it comes to improving your skills and abilities
  • Once you’ve taken these steps, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Stay accountable and committed

  • Set goals for yourself that are challenging yet attainable.

  • Make sure your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, results-focused, and time-bound.
  • Make a plan to reach your goals and take action.
  • Track your progress and review your goals regularly.
  • Have a support network to help you stay accountable.
  • Reassess your goals as needed and adjust your plan accordingly.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you feel you have reached a certain level of progress in achieving your goals.
  • When you have established a support network to hold you accountable and help you stay on track.
  • When you have reviewed and adjusted your goals as needed.

    Adapt to changes as needed

  • Monitor your progress and quickly adjust your plan if you’re not seeing the desired results
  • Set up regular check-ins with your career coach to review your progress and make adjustments as needed
  • Make sure any changes to your plans are taken into account when setting your long-term goals
  • Be open to new ideas and advice from your career coach
  • Be prepared to adjust as the job market and industry changes
  • When you’re able to successfully make adjustments as needed, you can move on to the next step.

    Utilize available resources

  • Research resources in your local area that may be beneficial to your career goals, such as networking events or mentorship programs
  • Reach out to professional contacts who may be able to connect you with resources or suggest ideas
  • Take advantage of online resources, such as job boards, career advice websites, and career coaches
  • Keep an open mind and explore any resources that appear to be helpful, even if they are outside of your comfort zone
  • Take notes on what resources are available and how you plan to utilize them
  • When you have identified and taken advantage of resources that you feel may be helpful to your career, you can move on to the next step.

    Implement feedback and advice

  • Implement the advice and feedback you have received from your executive career coach.
  • Make sure to take the advice that resonates with you and discard what doesn’t.
  • Be mindful of any questions you may have and be sure to ask your coach if there's something you don't understand.
  • Follow through on any specific actions that have been suggested by your coach.
  • Take notes and document your progress.
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have implemented all the advice and feedback that have been suggested by your executive career coach.

    Reflect on progress and learn from experiences

  • Identify any successes and areas for improvement from the feedback and advice you’ve implemented

  • Reflect on your progress and learn from past experiences
  • Make a plan for how you can build on the successes, and improve on the areas for improvement
  • Identify any resources you will need to help you achieve your goals
  • Celebrate your successes, and use any setbacks to motivate you to keep going

You will know you have completed this step when you have identified your successes, areas for improvement, and have a plan for how to build on them and create a path for success.


  • Reflect on the journey you have taken thus far in your career and the progress you have made
  • Acknowledge any successes and lessons learned from your experiences
  • Thank your executive career coach for the guidance and support they have provided
  • Celebrate the progress and successes you have achieved on your journey
  • Take time to reflect on the progress, successes and lessons learned and how to apply them to future goals
  • When you have taken the time to reflect and are ready to move on to summarizing the key points and benefits of executive career coaching, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Summarize the key points and benefits of executive career coaching

  • Take time to reflect on the key points and benefits of executive career coaching
  • Consider what executive career coaching could do for you and your career
  • Identify the areas that you can work on with the help of an executive career coach
  • Evaluate the potential impact of executive career coaching on your current and future goals
  • Understand the potential risks and rewards of investing in executive career coaching

When you can check this off your list: When you have identified the key points and benefits of executive career coaching and evaluated the potential impact it could have on your career.

Celebrate successes and recognize improvement

  • Acknowledge any successes you have experienced since you started working with your executive career coach
  • Identify any progress you have made towards your career goals
  • Celebrate the progress you have made, no matter how small
  • Take the time to recognize and acknowledge your achievements
  • Share your successes with your coach so they can help you build on them
  • Use your successes to motivate yourself to continue on the path to achieving your career goals
  • Keep track of your successes and progress in a journal or document, so you can refer back to them
  • Once you have celebrated your successes and recognized the progress you have made, you can move on to setting new goals and continue the momentum.

    Set new goals and continue the momentum

  • Identify next steps or goals to move your career forward.

  • Break down the goals into smaller achievable tasks, steps or milestones.
  • Track your progress and keep a record of successes.
  • Set yourself deadlines and rewards for completing each step.
  • Stay motivated with positive self-talk, reminders, and accountability partners.
  • Review and adjust your goals as needed.
  • When you complete a goal or task, celebrate your successes and recognize your progress.

You'll know you can move on to the next step when you have identified your next goals and have broken them down into achievable tasks, set deadlines and rewards, and have tracked your progress.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker