Developing Leadership Traits in Your Employees: A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Identify the challenges of executive coaching

  • Assessment

  • Gather feedback from stakeholders
  • Assess the executive's current level of performance
  • Identify areas of improvement

  • Development

  • Establish objectives and outcomes
  • Develop a customized action plan
  • Establish a supportive environment
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback
  • Adjust objectives, outcomes and action plans as needed

  • Conclusion

  • Review of outcomes and action plans
  • Identify long-term goals and strategies for success
  • Celebrate successes and discuss next steps
  • Follow up with stakeholders to assess the impact of coaching
  • Document the coaching experience and outcomes


I've written this to provide a free step-by-step guide to help managers develop leadership traits in their employees. It outlines the importance of leadership and how to foster it in the workplace. It provides a comprehensive explanation of the key skills and attributes of a successful leader, including communication and decision-making capabilities. It also explores the concept of emotional intelligence, as well as how to create a supportive environment for employees that encourages them to display leadership traits. It then goes into detail about how to provide effective feedback, recognise and reward leadership, and how to develop a culture of continuous improvement. Finally, it provides an actionable plan for managers to implement these strategies.

Get started

Identify the challenges of executive coaching

  • Analyze the current situation to identify any potential challenges to developing leadership traits in your employees
  • Research the background of each employee and be aware of any potential issues that could hinder development
  • Identify any potential conflicts that may arise due to the differences between the executive’s and employees’ perception on leadership
  • Understand the different personalities in the team and how to effectively manage them
  • Consider any cultural differences and how to bridge them
  • Evaluate the current resources available to help develop leadership traits in employees

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified the challenges faced in executive coaching, you can move on to the next step of assessment.


  • Assess each employee’s current leadership traits

  • Identify areas for improvement for each employee
  • Establish goals for each employee to develop leadership traits
  • Establish an action plan for each employee to meet those goals
  • Track each employee's progress towards their goals
  • When the employee has met their goals, the assessment step is complete and you can move on to the next step.

    Gather feedback from stakeholders

  • Reach out to all relevant stakeholders (e.g. customers, colleagues, or managers) to collect their feedback on the executive's current performance
  • Ask for their honest feedback: what areas of the executive's performance could be improved upon?
  • Use an anonymous survey or interview format to ensure that stakeholders are comfortable offering their honest opinions
  • Review the feedback and summarize the key points
  • Make a list of any areas that need to be addressed in order to develop the executive's leadership traits
  • Check off this step when you have gathered the feedback and listed any areas to be addressed.

    Assess the executive's current level of performance

  • Create a performance assessment plan by determining the criteria to assess the executive's current performance level

  • Have the executive self-assess their performance level first
  • Gather feedback from stakeholders on the executive's performance level
  • Use the gathered data to assess the executive’s current performance level objectively
  • Record the assessment results and any observations
  • When all of the data is collected and recorded, you can move on to the next step of identifying areas of improvement.

    Identify areas of improvement

  • Analyze the executive’s performance and pinpoint any areas where they could be improved

  • Identify specific traits that need to be improved, such as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership
  • Identify any gaps between the executive’s current level of performance and the ideal level
  • Set achievable goals for the executive to work towards
  • Make sure these goals are realistic and can be achieved
  • Identify resources, such as training programs, books, and online courses, that can help the executive work towards these goals

Once you have identified the areas of improvement, you can move on to the next step of the guide: Development.


  • Clarify and communicate expectations to employees.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to practice leadership skills by giving them small tasks and gradually building up to more complex ones.
  • Encourage employees to take initiative and make decisions independently.
  • Observe employees to see how they handle different situations.
  • Provide feedback and constructive criticism in a positive and encouraging manner.
  • Guide employees in developing their own goals and objectives.
  • Coach employees on developing their own problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Once these steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step of establishing objectives and outcomes.

Establish objectives and outcomes

  • Take a close look at your organization's strategic plan and use it to identify the types of leadership traits you would like to develop in your employees
  • Brainstorm potential objectives and outcomes that would help achieve those goals
  • Consider the objectives and outcomes of previous leadership development initiatives, and how they could be improved or adjusted
  • Develop measurable objectives and outcomes that you and your employees can track and measure
  • Discuss the objectives and outcomes with your employees and make sure they understand what is expected of them
  • Assess and monitor progress regularly to ensure that the objectives and outcomes are being achieved
  • When the objectives and outcomes have been met, check them off your list and move on to the next step.

    Develop a customized action plan

  • Create a plan for each employee that is tailored to their individual skills, strengths, and weaknesses.

  • Make sure to involve the employee in the process to ensure buy-in and commitment.
  • Discuss the plan with the employee and how it will help them develop the desired leadership traits.
  • Establish measureable goals that are achievable and realistic.
  • Set a timeline for the plan to be completed.
  • Document the plan and any progress made.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the customized action plan for each employee is created, discussed, documented, and the timeline for completion is established.

    Establish a supportive environment

  • Create a safe environment where employees feel comfortable to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings
  • Provide employees with the necessary resources to help them become successful leaders
  • Develop a clear vision and mission for the team
  • Encourage employees to take ownership of their work and to stretch their potential
  • Foster a culture of collaboration and accountability
  • Provide feedback and recognition to employees who demonstrate leadership qualities
  • Offer opportunities for employees to learn new skills and be mentored by experienced leaders

Once these steps have been completed, you will know that you have established a supportive environment for developing leadership traits in your employees.

Monitor progress and provide feedback

  • Track your employees' progress regularly and provide feedback on their performance
  • Make sure to provide feedback that is both constructive and positive
  • Give your employees the opportunity to provide feedback on their own performance
  • Encourage employees to make suggestions on how to improve their work
  • Use data to assess the success of your team and individual employees
  • Use regular performance reviews to assess each employee's progress
  • Encourage employees to take on additional challenges that will help them grow
  • Offer positive reinforcement when employees reach their goals
  • Provide clear and specific instructions to employees when needed
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list: You should be able to measure progress and provide feedback on a regular basis. If your employees are consistently hitting their goals, you can feel confident that the steps you've taken to develop leadership traits in your employees have been successful.

    Adjust objectives, outcomes and action plans as needed

  • Evaluate your employees to see if they have achieved the goals set out in the objectives, outcomes and action plans
  • Monitor progress of employees and take note of any obstacles they may have encountered
  • Discuss with employees how they are performing and assess whether the objectives, outcomes and action plans need to be adjusted
  • Make any necessary changes to objectives, outcomes and/or action plans
  • Give employees feedback about their performance, as well as any modifications made to the objectives, outcomes and action plans
  • When the objectives, outcomes and action plans have been satisfactorily adjusted, move on to the next step.


  • Review the outcomes and action plans of your employees to ensure they have the necessary skills and traits to become successful leaders.
  • Create a summary of the results of your review and discuss with your employees their successes, opportunities for improvement, and any other feedback.
  • Offer continued support and mentorship to ensure that your employees continue to develop their leadership skills.
  • Congratulate your employees on their progress and thank them for their hard work and dedication.
  • Check off this step when your review is complete and you have discussed the results with your employees.

    Review of outcomes and action plans

  • Schedule regular meetings with employees to review their outcomes and action plans

  • Ask employees to evaluate their progress and provide feedback on what they’ve learned and how they can improve
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the action plans and outcomes and make adjustments as needed
  • Share best practices and success stories with employees to inspire them to continue developing their leadership skills
  • Celebrate successes and recognize employees for their efforts
  • When you’re satisfied with the progress, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify long-term goals and strategies for success

  • Assess the current leadership skills of your employees

  • Determine the long-term goals and strategies needed to meet these goals
  • Create a plan of action to achieve the desired goals and strategies
  • Identify resources and support needed to help employees reach their goals
  • Monitor progress regularly and provide feedback to employees
  • When the long-term goals and strategies are identified, you can move on to the next step.

    Celebrate successes and discuss next steps

  • Celebrate successes with your employees, whether individually or as a team. This could be in the form of verbal praise, a gift, or a celebration.
  • Discuss the successes and what can be improved upon. Ask questions to find out what went well and what could have been done better.
  • Ask employees what their next steps should be, and discuss their strategies for success.
  • Follow up with employees to make sure their strategies for success are working.
  • Once you have discussed successes, strategies, and follow up with employees, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Follow up with stakeholders to assess the impact of coaching

  • Create a follow-up survey or questionnaire and send it to the employee and all relevant stakeholders
  • Follow up with stakeholders individually to discuss the employee's progress and their perceptions of the coaching
  • Ask the employee for feedback on their experience and what they have learned from the coaching process
  • Document the feedback from the employee and all stakeholders
  • Analyze the data and review the impact of the coaching

Once you have collected the feedback from all stakeholders, you can check this step off your list and move on to documenting the coaching experience and outcomes.

Document the coaching experience and outcomes

  • Record the date, time, and location of the coaching session and the names of any participants
  • Document the coaching objectives, key topics discussed, and any key decisions made
  • Make a note of any action items set out during the coaching session
  • Summarize any positive outcomes of the coaching session
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When all the above elements have been documented, you can be confident that you have successfully completed this step and can move on to the next step in the guide.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker