Learn the Basics of Leadership Development: A Free Step-by-Step Guide to Get You Started

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  • Identify the key stakeholders
  • Establish trust and rapport
  • Facilitate open dialogue
  • Develop action plans

  • Working with the Client

  • Understand the client’s current situation
  • Define the client’s goals and objectives
  • Identify potential strategies for achieving those goals
  • Develop an action plan
  • Implement the plan

  • Review and Evaluation

  • Monitor progress
  • Adjust plans as needed
  • Measure success
  • Assess the effectiveness of the plan
  • Make changes, if needed
  • Celebrate successes

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the plan
  • Discuss results and lessons learned
  • Identify any additional resources needed


I've written this to provide a step-by-step guide to help people learn the basics of leadership development. Leadership development is an important skill for people in all areas of their lives and careers. This guide provides an overview of the fundamentals of leadership development, including understanding different leadership styles, developing a leadership vision, setting goals and objectives, and managing a team. It also offers practical advice on how to develop these skills, including tips on communication, decision-making, and problem-solving. Finally, the guide provides resources to help people gain an understanding of the latest leadership trends and best practices. Ultimately, this article aims to help readers become more effective leaders, by providing the information and resources they need to get started.

Get started

Identify the key stakeholders

  • Identify the key stakeholders that will be involved in the leadership development process
  • These stakeholders may include leadership team members, colleagues, and other professionals
  • Assess the roles of each stakeholder and how they will be involved in the leadership development process
  • Research the background and qualifications of each stakeholder involved
  • Create a summary of the key stakeholders, their roles, and their qualifications
  • When you have identified the key stakeholders and created a summary, you can move on to the next step.

    Establish trust and rapport

  • Spend time getting to know key stakeholders on an individual basis

  • Ask questions to learn about their background, interests, and goals
  • Demonstrate genuine interest in their thoughts and ideas
  • Provide honest feedback and be open to receiving criticism
  • Create a safe space for stakeholders to express themselves
  • Listen actively and seek to understand before offering a response
  • Remove any barriers to trust-building

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the key stakeholders feel comfortable with you and trust you to facilitate their dialogue.

    Facilitate open dialogue

  • Encourage your team to express their opinions and ideas openly.

  • Ask open-ended questions to stimulate conversation.
  • Listen actively and try to understand the perspectives of all members of the team.
  • Create an environment where everyone feels free to express themselves.
  • Summarize the discussion periodically to ensure everyone is on the same page.

You'll know you've completed this step when you can sense a sense of openness and collaboration among the members of the team and they feel comfortable voicing their opinions and ideas.

Develop action plans

  • Brainstorm potential action plans that could help the team reach their goals
  • Identify the resources and skills required for the action plan
  • Create timelines for each action plan
  • Outline the steps needed to reach the goals
  • Assign tasks to the relevant stakeholders
  • Monitor progress regularly
  • Make adjustments as needed

You'll know you have completed this step when you have a clear plan of action that outlines the tasks, timelines, and resources needed to reach the team's goals.

Working with the Client

  • Establish a relationship with the client by spending time talking to them and understanding their needs
  • Identify the client’s goals and objectives related to leadership development
  • Identify any existing leadership development initiatives and the results they have achieved
  • Develop a plan of action that meets the client’s needs and objectives
  • Ensure the plan of action meets the budget and timeline of the client

You will know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have developed a plan of action with the client that meets their budget and timeline.

Understand the client’s current situation

  • Gather information about the client’s current leadership development situation, including any current programs, initiatives, training, etc.
  • Ask the client questions to gain insight into their current goals and objectives.
  • Use the information gathered from the client to gain a better understanding of their current leadership development situation.
  • Document the information gathered to create a plan of action.
  • When you have a clear understanding of the client’s current situation, you can move on to the next step.

    Define the client’s goals and objectives

  • Ask the client to identify and articulate their goals and objectives

  • Work with the client to refine and prioritize their goals and objectives
  • Develop a timeline for achieving the goals and objectives
  • Make sure that the client is involved in this process and agrees with the outcome
  • Once the client’s goals and objectives have been clearly defined and agreed upon, move on to the next step.

    Identify potential strategies for achieving those goals

  • Research the client’s industry and the current best practices for leadership development.

  • Assess the skills and strengths of the client’s existing leadership team.
  • Brainstorm different strategies for achieving the desired goals and objectives.
  • Consider different methods and techniques for implementing the strategies.
  • Evaluate the potential risks and benefits associated with each strategy.

You know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified potential strategies for achieving the goals and objectives and have evaluated the potential risks and benefits associated with each strategy.

Develop an action plan

  • List the steps necessary to reach goals
  • Break each step into smaller, more manageable tasks
  • Identify resources that can help achieve goals
  • Set timelines for each task and goal
  • Assign each task to the appropriate team members
  • Track progress regularly
  • Make adjustments to the plan as needed

You'll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a complete action plan with assigned tasks and timelines in place.

Implement the plan

  • Allocate resources to the plan
  • Outline tasks and assign them to the appropriate personnel
  • Establish a timeline for completion of tasks
  • Monitor the progress of the plan
  • Make adjustments to the plan as needed
  • Ensure that all necessary stakeholders are informed of the plan and their role in it
  • Provide any necessary support or guidance to help complete tasks
  • Celebrate successes and accomplishments related to the plan

When you can check this step off your list:

  • When all tasks have been allocated, timelines have been established and communicated to stakeholders, progress is being monitored, and any needed adjustments have been made.

    Review and Evaluation

  • Discuss the original plan: review the goals and objectives to determine if they were fully met, and identify any areas for improvement

  • Analyze the data collected during the plan's implementation: look for trends, successes, and any areas that may need rethinking
  • Evaluate the results: assess the plan's effectiveness and determine if any changes need to be made
  • Review feedback from stakeholders: consider any comments and suggestions they may have
  • Document the plan's performance: record the successes, as well as any areas for improvement
  • When you have completed these steps, you can move on to the next step of monitoring progress.

    Monitor progress

  • Observe team members to see how effectively they are taking on new roles and responsibilities
  • Assess any changes in team dynamics
  • Track your team's progress to ensure goals are being met
  • Measure results against the original goals
  • Analyze the data and adjust plans as needed
  • Make sure that team members are given feedback, recognition, and support
  • You will know you can move to the next step when you have successfully monitored progress and have made any necessary adjustments.

    Adjust plans as needed

  • Analyze progress and results to identify areas for improvement

  • Adjust plans to capitalize on successes and address areas for improvement
  • Communicate adjusted plans to stakeholders
  • Monitor progress of implementation of adjusted plans
  • Reassess progress and results to ensure desired outcomes are being met
  • Make further adjustments accordingly
  • You will know you can move on to the next step when you have achieved the desired outcomes and adjusted plans as needed.

    Measure success

  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure success of the leadership development plan

  • Track progress against the KPIs over time
  • Analyze results and identify areas for improvement
  • Adjust goals and plans as needed
  • Check off this step when you have established and tracked KPIs, analyzed the results, and made necessary adjustments to the plan.

    Assess the effectiveness of the plan

  • Gather feedback from team members or stakeholders on their experience with the plan

  • Review what was accomplished and what objectives were met
  • Compare the results achieved to the goals set in the plan
  • Identify any potential issues or problems that arose during the process
  • Document any key insights or learning from the plan
  • When you have all the necessary feedback, insights and results, you can assess the effectiveness of the plan and decide whether it should be kept, modified or discarded.

    Make changes, if needed

  • Identify areas of improvement that need to be addressed in order to better achieve the goals of the leadership development plan
  • Assess the impact of the changes and how they will improve the overall plan
  • Make any necessary changes to the plan to ensure successful implementation
  • Communicate the changes to all stakeholders involved and ensure everyone is aware of the updated plan
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the changes and adjust as needed
  • When you are confident that the changes are successful and all stakeholders are on board, you can move on to the next step.

    Celebrate successes

  • Identify successes you have achieved while developing your leadership skills

  • Acknowledge successes with positive reinforcement to yourself and others
  • Recognize successes in a public setting such as through awards, presentations, or recognition events
  • Celebrate successes with team members to build morale and motivation
  • Use successes as learning opportunities to further develop your leadership skills

You'll know you can move on to the next step when you have identified successes you have achieved, acknowledged those successes in a meaningful way, and celebrated those successes.


  • Take the time to reflect on your journey so far.
  • Review the successes you've achieved, and the lessons you've learnt along the way.
  • Make a note of the areas that need improvement and the steps needed to make these improvements.
  • Share your experiences with others who are also learning leadership development.
  • When you can look back on the journey and see how far you have come, you will know that you have successfully completed this step-by-step guide.

    Summarize the plan

  • Review the goals, objectives and key strategies you identified in the previous steps

  • Create a summary of the plan that includes the goals, objectives and strategies
  • Make sure the summary is concise and includes all the necessary details
  • Once the summary is complete, you can move onto the next step in the guide - Discussing results and lessons learned

    Discuss results and lessons learned

  • Set aside time to talk with team members about what worked well and what could be improved
  • Identify areas of progress as well as areas of potential growth
  • Invite feedback from team members to see what they think worked, what didn’t, and what could be done better
  • Discuss any challenges that may have arisen and how they can be addressed
  • Share successes and best practices
  • Celebrate accomplishments and thank team members for their hard work
  • Identify any action items that need to be addressed
  • Document any lessons learned
  • When all of the above has been discussed and documented, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

    Identify any additional resources needed

  • Brainstorm a list of resources you may need to develop your leadership skills, such as books, articles, and courses.

  • Identify any personal or professional contacts who may be able to help you develop your leadership skills.
  • Research any local or online training courses that may be offered in leadership development.
  • Create a list of tools and resources that you will need to achieve your goals in leadership development.
  • Check for any government grants or funding opportunities available for leadership development.
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have identified all the additional resources that you need to develop your leadership skills, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker