Designing a Leadership Development Workshop: A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  1. Clarify the goals of executive coaching
  2. Outline the approach and methods to be used
  3. Identify the expected outcomes of the coaching process

  4. Establish a trusting relationship

  5. Develop an understanding of the executive’s background, experience, and challenges
  6. Listen actively and provide feedback
  7. Respect the boundaries of the executive coaching relationship

  8. Identify areas for improvement

  9. Conduct an assessment of strengths and weaknesses
  10. Identify areas of improvement
  11. Set clear, achievable goals

  12. Establish goals and action plans

  13. Develop an action plan that outlines the steps to be taken
  14. Identify resources and tools to support the executive in achieving their goals
  15. Monitor and measure progress
  16. Develop strategies to ensure success
  17. Adjust goals and action plans as needed


I've written this to provide step-by-step guidance to designing a leadership development workshop. The article focuses on the various aspects of planning, designing and delivering a leadership development workshop. It covers topics such as identifying the purpose and objectives, gathering resources, and creating a timeline for the workshop. It also provides detailed advice on how to engage potential workshop participants, facilitate the workshop, and assess the impact of the programme. In addition, the article provides a range of tools to help plan and execute the workshop, including a leadership development workshop template, a checklist and a set of sample questions.

Get started

  1. Clarify the goals of executive coaching

  2. Assess the current leadership development needs of the organization

  3. Identify the desired outcomes of the workshop
  4. Research the existing literature and trends related to the topic
  5. Outline a set of objectives that will be addressed in the workshop
  6. Define the intended outcome of the executive coaching program
  7. Determine the metrics that will be used to measure success

You will know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have a clear understanding of the goals of the executive coaching program, a set of objectives for the workshop, and the metrics for success set in place.

  1. Outline the approach and methods to be used
  • Establish the content of the workshop and the methods that will be used to facilitate the learning process.
  • Assess the learning needs of the participants and determine how the content will be tailored to meet their individual needs.
  • Identify the resources, materials, and tools to be used during the workshop.
  • Develop a timeline and structure for the workshop that will ensure the learning objectives are met.
  • Decide on the appropriate format for the workshop (e.g., individual or group activities, lectures, etc.).
  • When you've completed the above steps, you can move on to the next step in the process.
  • Identify the expected outcomes of the coaching process
  • Assess the goals and objectives of the target audience
  • Brainstorm a list of potential outcomes that the workshop should help achieve
  • Prioritize the potential outcomes, deciding which should be the main focus of the workshop
  • Decide how to measure and assess the effectiveness of the coaching process
  • Create a plan for evaluating the results of the coaching process
  • Document the expected outcomes of the workshop

Once you have identified and documented the expected outcomes of the coaching process, you can move on to the next step of establishing a trusting relationship.

Establish a trusting relationship

  • Set aside time for the executive and yourself to get to know each other and build a foundation of trust
  • Ask the executive questions that focus on their experiences, values, and goals
  • Take the time to build a strong relationship and demonstrate that you are a trustworthy partner
  • Show that you are open and honest to their feedback and are committed to helping them achieve their goals
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When the executive feels comfortable opening up to you and trusting the process.
  • Develop an understanding of the executive’s background, experience, and challenges

  • Research the executive’s history, experience, and challenges

  • Ask questions to gain a better understanding of their goals and objectives
  • Take notes of key points from the conversation
  • When the conversation is complete, review the notes and summarize key points
  • Check off the list when you have a thorough understanding of the executive’s background, experience, and challenges.
  • Listen actively and provide feedback
  • Remain open and non-judgmental in order to create a safe space for the executive to share
  • Ask open-ended questions to explore the executive’s perspective, experiences, and goals
  • Make sure to focus on the executive’s agenda, rather than your own
  • Summarize the executive’s thoughts and feelings to ensure you have a clear understanding
  • Be honest, yet supportive, as you provide feedback to the executive
  • Use active listening techniques to gain a deeper understanding of the executive’s needs

You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have actively listened to the executive and provided them with honest feedback.

  1. Respect the boundaries of the executive coaching relationship

  2. Respect confidentiality: maintain the trust of the client by not disclosing any confidential information shared in the executive coaching session

  3. Create a safe space: ensure that the executive coaching session is a safe place for the client to feel open and honest without judgment or criticism
  4. Respect the coaching process: avoid giving advice or solutions, and help the client to find their own solutions or answers
  5. Establish clear boundaries: set expectations for the executive coaching relationship, such as the length of the meeting, the frequency of sessions, and the topics that will be discussed
  6. How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: once you have established clear boundaries with the client and have respected the confidentiality of the executive coaching session, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify areas for improvement

  7. Make a list of areas where you want to focus the workshop, such as communication, collaboration, problem-solving, decision-making, team-building, or other skills.

  8. Look for any gaps in leadership development that need to be addressed.
  9. Consider what skills are most important for the role and desired outcomes.
  10. Identify any specific challenges the group may be facing.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified the areas for improvement and the skills that need to be developed, you can move on to the next step of conducting an assessment of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Conduct an assessment of strengths and weaknesses

  • Research and review best practices for developing leadership skills

  • Gather feedback from current and past leadership development programs
  • Identify the areas of improvement that need to be addressed
  • Create a survey or questionnaire to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current leadership team
  • Compile the results and analyze the data to determine the areas that need most attention
  • When the strengths and weaknesses have been identified and analyzed, the next step can be taken.
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Analyze the assessment results to identify key areas of improvement for the workshop
  • Review common issues and concerns among the participants
  • Identify areas where the participants need further development
  • Make a list of potential topics to be addressed in the workshop

You will know you can move on to the next step when you have identified the areas of improvement based on the assessment results and have a list of potential topics for the workshop.

  1. Set clear, achievable goals

  2. Identify the desired outcomes for the leadership development workshop

  3. Brainstorm the goals that need to be achieved for the workshop to be successful
  4. Establish concrete objectives and timelines
  5. Make sure the goals are realistic and achievable within the specified timeframe
  6. Ensure that goals are measurable and can be tracked
  7. When all goals have been established, you can move on to the next step.

    Establish goals and action plans

  • Identify the desired outcomes of the workshop and develop measurable goals
  • Create a timeline for the workshop to ensure each goal is achieved
  • Set clear, achievable goals that all participants can strive to reach
  • Develop an action plan that outlines the steps to be taken to reach each goal
  • Discuss the action plan with all participants to ensure everyone understands their role and responsibilities
  • Make any necessary changes to the plan to ensure the goals and objectives of the workshop are met
  • Finalize the action plan and provide a timeline for completion of each step
  • Monitor the progress of the action plan and provide assistance as needed to ensure the goals are met
  • Develop an action plan that outlines the steps to be taken

  • Define the purpose and goals of the leadership development workshop

  • Brainstorm and identify specific activities that can be incorporated into the workshop
  • Determine the duration of the workshop and break it down into smaller, achievable tasks
  • Assign roles and responsibilities to the workshop participants
  • Set deadlines and benchmarks
  • Assess the progress and make any necessary changes to the plan
  • Evaluate the success of the workshop
  • When all steps have been planned out, check off this step and move on to the next step.
  • Identify resources and tools to support the executive in achieving their goals

• Identify existing resources and tools that can be used to support the executive in achieving their goals, such as online courses, books, articles, workshops, seminars, and webinars. • Research and find new resources and tools that may be beneficial to the executive in terms of helping them attain their goals. • Consider the budget available and determine which resources and tools are the most cost-effective. • Create a list of resources and tools that the executive can use to advance their skills and knowledge. • Determine how often the executive will need access to the resources and tools.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: • You will have identified the resources and tools that the executive can use to attain their goals. • You will have created a list of resources and tools that are cost-effective and fit the executive's budget. • You will have established how often the executive will need access to the resources and tools.

  1. Monitor and measure progress

  2. Establish measurable goals and objectives for the workshop

  3. Develop measurement and evaluation plans
  4. Develop reporting systems for tracking progress and results
  5. Conduct periodic assessments, such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys
  6. Analyze results of assessments, and compare against objectives
  7. Use assessment results to adjust and refine workshop goals and objectives

Once measurable goals and objectives have been established, reporting systems are in place, and assessments have been conducted, you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

  1. Develop strategies to ensure success
  • Brainstorm success strategies that will help you reach your objectives and goals
  • Identify and assign roles and responsibilities to different team members
  • Set up a timeline for achieving each goal and assign deadlines to each task
  • Identify resources needed to achieve the goals
  • Create a communication plan to inform and update all stakeholders
  • Develop a system to record and track progress regularly
  • Create a contingency plan in case of unforeseen circumstances
  • Make sure the plan is regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure success

When you have identified and implemented the strategies, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

  1. Adjust goals and action plans as needed

• Evaluate the progress made towards the established goals and action plans • Review feedback from participants and stakeholders • Make necessary adjustments to goals and action plans • Ensure that goals and action plans are still realistic and achievable • Confirm that the adjustments will still allow for the original objectives to be met • Document and communicate the changes to all involved • When you have adjusted goals and action plans to ensure success, check off this step and move on to the next.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


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Philip Crocker