Step Up Your Leadership Game with an Accelerated Program: A Free Guide

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  • Describe the main elements of executive coaching

  • Identify the Most Suitable Coaching Model

  • Assess the executive’s current leadership style
  • Analyze the executive’s goals and objectives
  • Determine the most suitable coaching model

  • Program Structure

  • Identify the length of the coaching program
  • Outline the program structure and objectives
  • Explain the roles of the coach and the executive
  • Discuss the frequency of coaching sessions

  • Resources

  • Provide a link to the free guide
  • Suggest books and websites for further reading
  • List online tools and resources for the executive
  • Offer additional resources and information

  • Evaluation and Follow-up

  • Set milestones to measure progress
  • Discuss methods of evaluating the success of the coaching program
  • Explain the importance of regular follow-up sessions

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the importance of developing leadership skills
  • Highlight the value of the accelerated leadership program
  • Outline the next steps for the executive
  • Discuss the long-term benefits of executive coaching


I've written this to provide an overview of an accelerated leadership program, a free guide to help people step up their leadership game. This article discusses the importance of developing leadership skills and how to go about doing so. It provides an overview of the program and the various topics it covers, such as communication, goal-setting, problem-solving, and decision-making. It also explains how the program can help individuals develop their leadership skills and become better managers. Finally, it provides a link to the free guide, offering readers further information and resources to help them develop their leadership.

Get started

Describe the main elements of executive coaching

  • Understand the purpose of executive coaching and the various types of executive coaching
  • Learn the different approaches to executive coaching and how to customize them for your needs
  • Identify the challenges faced by executive coaching clients and how to address them
  • Explore the various coaching tools and techniques used in executive coaching and how to select the right ones
  • Understand the process of executive coaching, including the role of the coach, the client, and the process itself
  • Discover how to measure the success of executive coaching and use the results to drive better outcomes
  • Understand the ethical considerations and best practices for executive coaching

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have a clear understanding of the main elements of executive coaching, the types of executive coaching, the tools and techniques used in executive coaching, the process of executive coaching, and the ethical considerations and best practices for executive coaching, you can move on to the next step.

Describe the main elements of executive coaching

  • Understand the purpose and objectives of executive coaching
  • Identify the key elements of executive coaching, such as assessment, feedback, and action planning
  • Research the different types of executive coaching models, such as the GROW model and the 360-degree feedback model
  • Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of each coaching model
  • Consider the cost versus the expected results of each model
  • Determine the most suitable coaching model for your organization

Once you have identified the most suitable coaching model and understand the key elements of executive coaching, you can move on to the next step.

Identify the Most Suitable Coaching Model

  • Research available coaching models and compare each against the executive’s goals and skills
  • Identify which model is the most appropriate to help the executive reach their goals
  • Ask the executive’s opinion on the identified model and make adjustments if needed
  • Finalize the coaching model that best suits the executive

You can check this off your list when you have identified and finalized a suitable coaching model for the executive.

Assess the executive’s current leadership style

  • Observe the executive in different leadership environments
  • Take note of the executive's strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify the executive's preferred leadership style
  • Analyze the executive's decision-making processes
  • Evaluate the executive's communication skills
  • Determine the executive's interpersonal skills

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a better understanding of the executive's current leadership style, which you can use to inform the next step in the guide.

Analyze the executive’s goals and objectives

  • Make a list of the executive’s goals and objectives
  • Identify potential areas or topics of focus
  • Ask questions to uncover underlying motivations or goals
  • Gather feedback from the executive’s team
  • Discuss the executive’s vision for success
  • Refine the list of goals and objectives

Once you have a complete list of the executive’s goals and objectives, you can move on to the next step.

Determine the most suitable coaching model

  • Analyze the executive's goals and objectives to determine what type of coaching model the executive needs
  • Start by looking at the executive's desired outcomes and objectives, then consider the executive's current situation, including team dynamics, organizational culture, and available resources
  • Consider the executive's personality, experience and communication style to determine which coaching model will be the most suitable
  • Review the pros and cons of different coaching models to determine which one will be the most effective in helping the executive reach their goals
  • Once you have determined the most suitable coaching model, move on to the next step.

    Program Structure

  • Develop a program structure that outlines the topics, activities, and timeline for the coaching program

  • Consider whether the program should be conducted in a group or individual setting
  • Break the program down into appropriate modules and specify the number of sessions per module
  • Consider the mix of activities such as lectures, workshops, individual work, and group discussions
  • Identify the target outcomes for each module and for the program as a whole
  • When the program structure is complete, you will have a clear timeline and activities for the coaching program.

    Identify the length of the coaching program

  • Determine the length of the coaching program - decide whether it will be short-term (1-3 months) or long-term (6 months or more)
  • Consider the time and resources available to you and the goals of the program
  • Discuss the length of the program with the coach to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Once the length of the program has been established, you can move on to outlining the program structure and objectives

    Outline the program structure and objectives

  • Determine the number of sessions, topics, and goals for the program

  • Create an outline of the program structure that includes start and end dates, frequency of sessions, and topics that will be discussed during each session
  • Outline the objectives of the program and the expected outcomes
  • Define the milestones that need to be achieved in order to complete the program successfully
  • Create a timeline for the program
  • Check off each session as it is completed
  • Evaluate the program to ensure objectives have been met and outcomes achieved

    Explain the roles of the coach and the executive

  • Explain the role of the executive: the executive's role is to provide guidance and support to the coach, provide feedback and ensure the program is meeting its objectives.

  • Explain the role of the coach: the coach's role is to assess the executive's needs, provide strategies and tools to help the executive develop leadership skills, and provide ongoing coaching and accountability throughout the program.
  • Outline the responsibilities of the coach and executive: the coach is responsible for facilitating the program, while the executive is responsible for actively participating in the program and providing feedback.
  • Discuss the importance of open communication: both the coach and executive should maintain open communication throughout the program in order to ensure successful outcomes.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have clearly explained the roles of the coach and the executive and outlined their respective responsibilities, as well as discussed the importance of open communication, you are ready to move onto the next step.

Discuss the frequency of coaching sessions

  • Agree on how often the coaching sessions will take place (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
  • Discuss how long each session should take
  • Establish the expectations for each session
  • Make sure both parties understand and agree on the frequency and length of the coaching sessions
  • Once a frequency and length is established, you can move on to the next step!


  • Research accelerated leadership programs offered by universities and other organizations

  • Compare programs to find the one that best meets your needs
  • Make a list of the materials and resources needed for the program
  • Acquire the materials and resources needed for the program
  • Check off this step when you have all of the materials and resources needed for the program.

  • Search for a reputable, free leadership guide online and provide the link to the guide in the article.

  • Make sure the link is working and can be accessed by readers.
  • Once the link is provided, you can move on to suggesting books and websites for further reading.

    Suggest books and websites for further reading

  • Research and compile a list of books and websites that would help your readers to increase their leadership skills

  • Find and review online reviews of each book and website to ensure they are accurate and helpful
  • Select and list 4-5 books and websites that you recommend for your readers
  • Include a short summary or description of each book and website
  • You'll know when you've completed this step when you have a list of 4-5 recommended books and websites with summaries included.

    List online tools and resources for the executive

  • Research and compile a list of online tools and resources that can help executives improve their leadership abilities.
  • Look for resources such as blogs, podcasts, webinars, and courses that can help executives develop their skills.
  • Consider listing both free and paid resources so executives have a variety of options to choose from.
  • Once you’ve compiled a comprehensive list of online tools and resources for the executive, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Offer additional resources and information

  • Identify any additional resources or information that might be beneficial to the executive.
  • Provide links to any relevant websites or documents.
  • Ensure all resources are easily accessible to the executive.
  • Make sure to check with the executive that they have all the necessary resources and information.
  • Monitor the executive’s progress and provide further guidance and support as needed.
  • Once the executive is comfortable with the resources and information provided, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

    Evaluation and Follow-up

  • Establish comprehensive and detailed evaluation criteria

  • Review performance on a regular basis, and document any areas of improvement
  • Monitor progress towards goals, and provide feedback to team members as needed
  • Provide additional resources and information when needed
  • Encourage open communication between team members and managers
  • Celebrate successes and recognize achievements
  • Once goals have been met and progress is visible, check off this step and move on to the next step.

    Set milestones to measure progress

  • Set clear, measurable goals that you and your team will strive to achieve

  • Break down the goals into smaller, manageable chunks that can be completed within a certain time frame
  • Create a timeline to measure progress and meet the milestones you have set
  • Develop methods to assess the team's progress and determine whether they have achieved the desired goal
  • Establish a system of rewards or incentives to motivate the team to reach the milestones
  • Celebrate each milestone to further motivate and encourage the team to keep striving for success

    Discuss methods of evaluating the success of the coaching program

  • Identify criteria to measure success, such as improvement in communication skills, team morale, or customer satisfaction

  • Establish performance targets and review them periodically to evaluate progress
  • Track the results of the coaching program, such as changes in employee performance, customer feedback, and team dynamics
  • Analyze the impact of the program on team and individual performance
  • Evaluate the satisfaction of the participants and their feedback on the program
  • Compare the results of the program to the initial criteria for success
  • Once the results have been evaluated, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Explain the importance of regular follow-up sessions

  • Schedule regular follow-up sessions with your coach to review progress and adjust your strategy as needed
  • Use these sessions to get feedback on how you're doing and what areas you need to focus on to continue developing your leadership skills
  • Make sure these sessions are meaningful, with a set agenda and clear outcomes
  • Follow up after the meeting to ensure that any identified actions have been completed and that progress is being made
  • Track the progress of your goals and how the coaching program is helping you reach them

You'll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have scheduled regular follow-up sessions with your coach, established a set agenda and clear outcomes, and tracked the progress of your goals.


  • Summarize the key points of your accelerated leadership program
  • Review the goals you have set and how they will be achieved
  • Outline the importance of regular follow-up sessions
  • Highlight the essential elements of successful leadership
  • Emphasize the importance of developing leadership skills
  • Leave the participants with a clear understanding of the next steps
  • Provide any additional resources that may be helpful
  • When you are finished, you can check this step off the list and move on to the next step.

    Summarize the importance of developing leadership skills

  • Understand the importance of developing leadership skills in order to achieve success

  • Understand why developing leadership skills is essential to grow your career
  • Recognize the benefits of honing your current leadership skills
  • Become aware of the challenges that come with developing leadership
  • Have an appreciation of the time and effort it takes to become an effective leader
  • Be able to assess and reflect on your current leadership capabilities

Checklist to complete this step:

  • Have a clearer understanding of the importance of developing leadership skills
  • Be able to assess and reflect on your current leadership capabilities
  • Have an appreciation of the time and effort it takes to become an effective leader

    Highlight the value of the accelerated leadership program

  • Identify how the program can help leaders reach their goals faster

  • Explain why the program is an effective way to develop leadership skills
  • Highlight the key benefits of the program and how it will help executives become better leaders
  • Demonstrate the value of the program with examples from past participants
  • Outline the advantages of the program over other leadership development programs
  • Showcase the success stories of those who have completed the program
  • When you have finished highlighting the value of the accelerated leadership program, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Outline the next steps for the executive

  • Schedule a meeting with the executive to discuss the proposed accelerated leadership program and long-term benefits of executive coaching

  • During the meeting, outline the key steps involved in the leadership program, such as:
    • Initial assessment and goal-setting
    • Weekly 1-on-1 sessions with a leadership coach
    • Weekly group coaching sessions
    • Monthly progress reviews
    • After-program follow up and further development
  • Ensure that the executive is clear on the full timeline and all expectations before the program starts
  • Once the executive is on board and has committed to the program, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Discuss the long-term benefits of executive coaching

  • Research and list the long-term benefits of executive coaching

  • Discuss the benefits of executive coaching with the executive, such as enhanced decision-making, improved communication skills, increased self-awareness, and increased confidence
  • Explain the impact executive coaching can have on their career, such as developing leadership skills, setting and achieving goals, and building relationships
  • Encourage the executive to take advantage of the opportunity for executive coaching
  • When the executive understands the long-term benefits of executive coaching, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

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Philip Crocker