Creating Lasting Change Through Executive Coaching: A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Finding a coach
  • Assess qualifications
  • Ensure compatibility
  • Research credentials
  • Interview potential coaches
  • Discuss expectations

  • Developing a plan

  • Identify areas of need
  • Establish an action plan
  • Establish a timeline
  • Set achievable goals
  • Identify resources

  • Implementation

  • Follow the action plan
  • Record progress
  • Track results

  • Evaluation

  • Measure results
  • Assess progress
  • Adjust as necessary
  • Review the action plan
  • Re-establish goals and timelines
  • Make necessary changes


I've written this to provide a free step-by-step guide to creating lasting change through executive coaching. The article outlines how executive coaching can help leaders to develop new skills and create lasting transformation in their organizations. It explains how executive coaching provides an opportunity to identify and understand core issues that may be preventing a leader from achieving the desired goals. It then provides a step-by-step guide to help leaders create positive change through executive coaching. It includes tips on how to find a qualified coach and how to develop a plan of action to identify and address areas of need. Finally, it provides guidance on how to evaluate the success of the coaching process and ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved.

Get started

Finding a coach

  • Research different executive coaching services to find the best fit for you and your goals.
  • Search for reviews, testimonials, and background information on potential coaches.
  • Have a conversation with the coach to discuss your goals and expectations.
  • Ask the coach questions about their experience, credentials, and approach.
  • Make sure to understand the cost of the coaching services and any additional fees.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have selected a coach that fits your budget, goals, and expectations.

Finding a coach

  • Research coaches in your area and read reviews to get a better understanding of what each offers
  • Narrow down your list of potential coaches and contact them to ask questions about how they operate, their coaching style, and their experience
  • Determine if the coach is a good fit for you, your business goals and objectives, and the needs of your team
  • Once you have chosen a coach, set up a meeting to discuss the details of your coaching plan and the expectations you have for the coaching engagement
  • When you have a clear understanding of the coach's services and have agreed to the terms, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Assess qualifications

  • Evaluate the coach's qualifications and experience in executive coaching
  • Assess whether they have the right certifications, qualifications and references
  • Ask potential coaches questions to determine their level of expertise and ability to help you reach your goals
  • Review the coach's portfolio of past and current clients
  • Compare the potential coach's qualifications to those of other executive coaches
  • Once you have evaluated the qualifications and experience of the coach, you will know if they are right for you and your needs
  • You can then move on to the next step: ensuring compatibility.

    Ensure compatibility

  • Identify the executive's goals, values and objectives to ensure that the coaching is compatible with their needs and expectations
  • Ask the executive to provide feedback on their experience with the coach before beginning the coaching process
  • Meet with the coach and the executive together to discuss their expectations and to ensure that the coach and the executive have the same understanding of the goals and objectives
  • Agree on a timeline for the coaching process, including when the executive will have check-in points with the coach and when the executive will receive feedback from the coach
  • Ensure that the executive is comfortable with the coach and that the coach is knowledgeable about the executive's goals and objectives
  • Keep an ongoing dialogue with the executive and the coach throughout the coaching process to ensure that they are in alignment with the executive's goals and objectives.

You'll know that you've completed this step when you've identified the executive's goals, values and objectives, met with the coach and the executive together, agreed on a timeline for the coaching process, ensured that the executive is comfortable with the coach and that the coach is knowledgeable about the executive's goals and objectives, and maintained an ongoing dialogue with the executive and the coach throughout the coaching process.

Research credentials

  • Research potential coaches’ credentials and certifications to ensure they are qualified
  • Make sure the potential coach is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and has applicable certifications from other professional organizations
  • Verify the coach’s background and experience to ensure they have the appropriate knowledge and expertise for your desired outcome
  • Check for reviews and testimonials from past clients to get an idea of the coach’s methods and abilities
  • When you’ve done your research and are satisfied with the coach’s qualifications and experience, you can move on to the next step: interviewing potential coaches.

    Interview potential coaches

  • Make a list of potential coaches and review their credentials

  • Contact potential coaches and ask them about their experience, specializations, and approaches
  • Set up phone, video, or in-person interviews for each potential coach
  • Ask questions about the coach's experience, specializations, and approaches
  • Interview each coach until you find the right fit
  • Check references and confirm credentials
  • When you've found the right coach, discuss expectations and determine the terms of the engagement
  • Check off this step when you've found the right coach and discussed expectations and determined the terms of the engagement.

    Discuss expectations

  • Review the coach’s credentials and certifications

  • Discuss the coach’s experience and specialties
  • Ask the coach to describe their approach to executive coaching
  • Set expectations for the coaching relationship, such as frequency and duration
  • Agree on the goals and objectives of the coaching
  • Make sure both the coach and executive have a clear understanding of the objectives
  • Discuss the desired outcome of the coaching
  • Agree on the timeline and process
  • Determine the level of confidentiality
  • Set a code of ethics
  • Discuss payment terms and fees
  • Once all expectations have been discussed and agreed upon, the coaching can begin!

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all expectations have been discussed and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step of developing a plan.

    Developing a plan

  • Clarify the goals for the executive coaching process

  • Define a timeline for how long the executive coaching should last
  • Define the scope of the executive coaching process and what it will cover
  • Discuss the budget for the executive coaching process and any associated costs
  • Set up a system to track progress and meet milestones
  • Establish a communication plan between the executive coach, executive, and other stakeholders
  • When all objectives and expectations have been agreed upon, the plan is ready to be implemented.

    Identify areas of need

  • Take the time to sit down with the executive and honestly assess their needs, strengths, and weaknesses
  • Ask questions that help you understand the executive's current situation and goals
  • Assess the executive's current performance and determine what needs to be improved
  • Identify areas of need that can be addressed through executive coaching
  • Analyze the executive's current environment and identify any potential barriers to success
  • When you have a clear understanding of the executive's needs and goals, you can move on to developing an action plan.

    Establish an action plan

  • Identify specific goals and objectives you want to achieve through executive coaching

  • Brainstorm potential strategies and tactics that could help you reach those goals
  • Prioritize the strategies and tactics that you believe will have the most impact
  • Map out a timeline for when you will complete each of the strategies and tactics
  • Establish a plan for measuring the success of the strategies and tactics
  • Establish a timeline for when you will review the progress of the plan and make any necessary adjustments
  • Once you have established the action plan, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish a timeline

  • Set a timeline for the executive coaching journey

  • Consider the time frame that works best for the executive, taking into account the scope of the coaching and the executive’s availability
  • Agree on a timeline for achieving results, and work backward from there to decide when the coaching should begin
  • Determine how frequent the coaching sessions should be, and plan for them accordingly
  • Make sure to include checkpoints along the way to ensure that progress is being made
  • Once the timeline is established and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step
  • You'll know you've completed this step when you have a timeline that is mutually agreed upon by the executive and the coach.

    Set achievable goals

  • Brainstorm and decide what goals you want to work on with an executive coach.

  • Identify SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals that will help you reach your desired outcome.
  • Outline a plan to achieve each goal, including any resources or assistance you’ll need to complete them.
  • Make sure that the goals are clearly defined and achievable.
  • When you’re done, you’ll have a list of achievable goals that you can use as a starting point for your executive coaching sessions.

    Identify resources

  • Establish a list of resources that are available to the executive, such as books, online courses, and coaching programs.

  • Consider the executive's budget and what resources they can access without having to take out additional loans or investments.
  • Research the best coaching programs and materials that are tailored to the executive's specific needs.
  • Assess the quality of the resources before investing in them.
  • Check with the executive's team to get their input on what resources they think would be best for the executive.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a comprehensive list of resources that is tailored to the executive's specific needs, budget and desired outcomes.


  • Outline the action plan for the executive to follow

  • Collaborate with the executive to ensure the action plan is realistic and achievable
  • Provide the executive with resources and support to help them carry out the plan
  • Monitor the progress of the executive and adjust the action plan accordingly
  • Celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement
  • You will know that you can move on to the next step when the action plan has been finalized and the executive is ready to begin implementation.

    Follow the action plan

  • Create an action plan that outlines the goals you want to achieve with executive coaching
  • Schedule regular meetings with your coach to review and update your action plan
  • Make sure to regularly review your goals and adjust your action plan accordingly
  • Set clear benchmarks and track your progress to ensure you are making meaningful progress
  • Celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement as you move forward
  • When you feel like you have achieved your desired results, you can check off this step and move on to the next one.

    Record progress

  • Keep track of all the progress made in each coaching session by taking notes

  • Record the conversations, actions, and goals set in each session
  • Track the progress and results achieved
  • Keep a record of the coaching process, including any changes or adjustments made
  • Monitor the progress of each goal and track the results to ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved
  • Measure the impact of the coaching sessions on the client and the organization
  • Use the data collected to assess the effectiveness and impact of the coaching session
  • Review the progress made at regular intervals to ensure that the goals and objectives are met
  • Have a plan in place for how to adjust or adjust the coaching approach if the desired results are not being achieved
  • Once the results have been achieved, be sure to celebrate the successes and document them for future reference.

    Track results

  • Monitor and measure the progress of the executive coaching sessions

  • Track the changes in the executive’s behavior and attitude
  • Observe the results of the executive coaching through feedback surveys
  • Track the performance of the executive to identify areas of improvement
  • Measure the effectiveness of the executive coaching sessions
  • Analyze the data collected to identify any areas of improvement or further development
  • When these results are tracked and analyzed, the executive can move on to the next step in the process.


  • Establish metrics and benchmarks for success in order to evaluate the progress of executive coaching

  • Review the progress of the executive coaching program and measure its success against the established metrics and benchmarks
  • Create a list of action items to address any areas of improvement identified during the review
  • Adjust the executive coaching program as needed based on the review and action items
  • Consider having an independent third-party review the executive coaching program to ensure its success
  • Determine when the executive coaching program has achieved its goals and is ready to be evaluated

    Measure results

  • Establish metrics for success prior to the coaching process

  • Determine the desired outcomes of the executive coaching process
  • Set specific goals that can be measured and tracked
  • Identify the ways in which progress can be monitored
  • Monitor progress and results throughout the coaching process
  • Measure and track progress against established goals
  • Assess the success of the executive coaching program by measuring results against goals
  • Evaluate the results achieved and document successes and lessons learned

    Assess progress

  • Take time to review your progress, successes, and challenges since the beginning of the executive coaching process
  • Observe and analyze the progress of your team and any changes in their behavior
  • Reflect on the progress of the executive, including any changes in their attitude, outlook, and decision-making
  • Monitor the impact of the executive coaching process on the organization as a whole
  • When you are satisfied with the progress made, you can move on to the next step in the executive coaching process.

    Adjust as necessary

  • Evaluate your progress against the action plan and adjust it as necessary to ensure success.
  • Discuss any changes or modifications to the action plan with your executive coach.
  • Develop new strategies and objectives if needed to ensure that the action plan remains effective.
  • Monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure success.
  • Have your executive coach review the changes and approve them.
  • Once the adjustments have been made, review the action plan and begin implementing it.
  • You will know you have successfully completed this step when the action plan has been modified to address any changes and is ready for implementation.

    Review the action plan

  • Read over the action plan and look for any potential issues or inconsistencies.

  • Consider whether the goals and timelines are still relevant and realistic.
  • If necessary, adjust the goals and timelines to make sure they are still achievable.
  • Ask for feedback from the executive coach and other stakeholders to ensure that the action plan is still on track.
  • Once the plan has been reviewed and adjusted as necessary, move on to the next step.

    Re-establish goals and timelines

  • Review the goals and timelines that were previously established and decide how to move forward with the action plan
  • Discuss the specifics of the goals and timelines with the executive coaching client
  • Determine if the goals and timelines need to be revised or readjusted
  • Set up a timeline for the execution of the action plan
  • Establish a timeline of check-ins with the executive coaching client to ensure progress is being made
  • Make sure the goals and timelines are realistic and achievable
  • Once you and the executive coaching client have agreed on the goals and timelines, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Make necessary changes

  • Identify and prioritize areas of change

  • Work with the executive to develop strategies to implement those changes
  • Develop a system of accountability to ensure that changes are sustained
  • Track progress and provide feedback on a regular basis
  • Celebrate successes and continue to hold the executive accountable for making necessary changes
  • Monitor the progress of changes to ensure that they are lasting and effective
  • When you can see that the executive is successfully making lasting changes, you can move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker