Uncovering Your Perfect Executive Coach: A Free How-To Guide

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  1. Finding an Executive Coach 1.1 Researching available coaches 1.2 Evaluating credentials and experience 1.3 Asking the right questions
  2. Working with the Executive Coach 2.1 Establishing an effective working relationship 2.2 Setting expectations 2.3 Creating an action plan 2.4 Establishing a timeline for progress 2.5 Using technology to support the coaching process 2.6 Assessing progress and results 2.7 Getting the most out of the experience
  3. Conclusion 3.1 Summarize the key considerations and steps in the process 3.2 Outline the benefits of finding and working with an executive coach 3.3 Reflecting on the coaching experience 3.4 Developing a plan for ongoing development 3.5 Recommending executive coaching to others 3.6 Using executive coaching as part of an overall professional development plan


I've written this to provide a comprehensive guide to the process of finding and hiring an executive coach. This article provides an overview of the key considerations and steps involved in the search process. It also offers tips on how to identify and select the right executive coach for you, including questions to ask during the interview process and what to look for in a coach's credentials and experience. The article outlines the differences between executive coaching, mentoring and consulting, as well as what to expect from the coaching process. Finally, readers will find advice on how to create an effective working relationship with their coach and how to get the most out of the experience.

Get started

  1. Finding an Executive Coach

  2. Identify the type of executive coach you need, such as a career coach, business coach, or leadership coach

  3. Research the different coaching styles to determine which one is most compatible with your needs
  4. Make sure the executive coach you are considering is certified and has the qualifications you need
  5. Ask for a list of references and check with each one to ensure the coach has a solid track record
  6. Confirm the coach is available and can commit to the time needed for the coaching sessions
  7. When you have identified a coach that meets your criteria, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step. 1.1 Researching available coaches

  8. Utilize online resources to search for executive coaches in your local area

  9. Ask colleagues, friends and family for referrals
  10. Consult professional directories and websites
  11. Check out coach profiles on social media
  12. When you have a good list of possible coaches, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step. 1.2 Evaluating credentials and experience

  13. Review the credentials of each potential executive coach, including any relevant qualifications and professional certifications.

  14. Check the number of years of experience the executive coach has working in the field and any relevant specialty areas they may have.
  15. Ask the executive coach for written references from corporate and individual clients they have worked with, as well as any other details you need to make sure they are the right person for you.
  16. When you have collected enough information on each potential executive coach and compared credentials and experience, you can make an informed decision and check this off your list. 1.3 Asking the right questions

  17. Prepare a list of questions to ask potential executive coaches, such as:

    • What experience do you have working with executives?
    • How do you handle confidentiality?
    • What feedback do you receive from clients?
    • What results have you seen from working with clients?
    • What do you think sets you apart from other coaches?
  18. Make a note of which questions you asked each potential coach, and their answers.
  19. When you have asked each potential coach the same set of questions and have made notes of their answers, you can move on to the next step.
  20. Working with the Executive Coach

• Explore the Executive Coach’s experience and credentials: Ask them to provide references and check their professional background and experience. • Set clear expectations: Discuss the desired outcomes and the timeframe within which they are to be achieved. • Outline the coaching process: Ask the Executive Coach to provide a timeline of the coaching process, including how often you will meet. • Agree on fees: Discuss the fees and any additional costs associated with the coaching process. • Establish a trusting relationship: Establish a working relationship built on trust and respect.

You will know you have completed this step when you have discussed the Executive Coach’s experience and credentials, set clear expectations, outlined the coaching process, agreed on fees, and established a trusting relationship. 2.1 Establishing an effective working relationship

  • Discuss the working relationship and expectations with your executive coach, including topics such as confidentiality, payment, and communication methods.
  • Ask questions about the coach’s experience and qualifications to ensure that you are comfortable with the coach and their approach.
  • Create a plan for the coaching sessions, outlining the goals, objectives, and expectations for each session.
  • Agree to an action plan for the coaching relationship, including goals, progress review dates, and termination dates.
  • Discuss the potential challenges that may arise during the coaching process and how these will be addressed.
  • Establish trust and rapport with your executive coach and discuss any concerns or questions you have.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have discussed and agreed upon all of the points listed above, you will have established an effective working relationship with your executive coach and can move on to setting expectations for the coaching process. 2.2 Setting expectations

  • Create a list of your expectations for the executive coaching relationship

  • Take note of the qualities and abilities you would like to see in your coach
  • Discuss with your potential coach the expectations of both parties
  • Agree on the outcome that you would like to achieve
  • Set clear boundaries and expectations in terms of confidentiality and trust
  • Make sure both parties are clear on the expected duration and frequency of meetings
  • When both parties have agreed on the expectations, document them in a written agreement
  • Once both parties have agreed on the expectations and documented them, you can move on to the next step, creating an action plan. 2.3 Creating an action plan

  • Clarify your goals: what do you want to accomplish by working with an executive coach and what do you want to focus on?

  • Research potential executive coaches: compare various coaches and their specialties, and reach out to find the right fit.
  • Make a plan for how you will work with your executive coach: determine what type of coaching you need and how often you need it.
  • Set a timeline for progress: decide when you will assess and reassess your progress and determine when you will have achieved your goals.

Once you have clarified your goals, researched potential executive coaches, made a plan for how you will work with your executive coach, and set a timeline for progress, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step. 2.4 Establishing a timeline for progress

  • Break down goals into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Assign timelines to each task and decide how frequently you'll track progress
  • Set up an email reminder system or calendar alerts to help you stay on track
  • Assess the timeline regularly to ensure you're making progress and staying on track
  • When you've established the timeline and have a system in place to track your progress, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step. 2.5 Using technology to support the coaching process

  • Research technology options for tracking progress or setting goals for the coaching process.

  • Consider tools like an online planner or tracking app to help you manage your time and goals.
  • Make sure the technology you choose is secure and easy to use.
  • Create a plan for how you will use the technology to support your coaching process.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have researched technology options, chosen the appropriate technology and created a plan for using it to support your coaching process. 2.6 Assessing progress and results

  • Track progress and results with periodic assessments
  • Regularly review goals and objectives to ensure progress is being made
  • Review any feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement
  • Track the number of hours it's taking to complete the coaching process
  • Utilize surveys, reports, and other data to measure success
  • Monitor changes in attitude, behavior, and performance to identify successes
  • When you have achieved any goals, objectives, and measurable results, you can move on to the next step. 2.7 Getting the most out of the experience
  • Ask questions and take notes during your sessions with the coach
  • Identify specific goals for your executive coaching sessions
  • Make sure you are actively engaged in the process and open to feedback
  • Practice the skills and techniques you learn with the coach
  • Identify areas of improvement to focus on and track your progress
  • Take the time to reflect on the conversations and feedback you have with your coach
  • Check in with your coach regularly to discuss any successes and challenges you have faced

You'll know you have completed this step when you have actively implemented the techniques and strategies you have learned with your coach and have seen an improvement in your performance or outcomes.

  1. Conclusion

  2. Reflect on the process you just completed and the progress you have made in finding your perfect executive coach

  3. Take the time to celebrate the successes you have achieved during the process
  4. Identify any areas where you may have struggled and consider additional steps that could have been taken to further your progress
  5. Make a note of any areas where you could have improved and use this information to inform future decisions
  6. When you feel confident that you have completed the process to the best of your ability, you can check off this step and move on to the next one. 3.1 Summarize the key considerations and steps in the process

  7. Ask yourself what kind of executive coach you are looking for

  8. Make a list of the qualities and qualifications you need in a coach
  9. Research potential coaches and narrow down your list
  10. Reach out to the coaches on your list and ask any questions you may have
  11. Schedule a free consultation or introductory call with potential coaches
  12. Evaluate the coaches you spoke with and decide who will be the best fit for you
  13. Sign up for coaching with the executive coach you choose

Once you have done all of the above, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step. 3.2 Outline the benefits of finding and working with an executive coach

  • Being able to identify and articulate your professional needs and goals
  • Working with a coach to create a tailored action plan to achieve your goals
  • Receive objective feedback and regular check-ins for accountability
  • Benefit from the coach's experience and expertise to help you reach your goals
  • Experience increased self-awareness and confidence
  • Learn and develop new skills that can be applied to other areas of your life

You can check this off your list when you have identified and outlined the benefits of working with an executive coach. 3.3 Reflecting on the coaching experience

  • Analyze the process of finding an executive coach and the experience of working with them
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your experience to determine what you need to look for in the future
  • Identify any areas that need further growth or improvement
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching sessions and the impact they had on your professional development
  • Make a list of what you liked and didn’t like about the process
  • Consider how the coaching sessions could have been more beneficial
  • Think about what you would do differently if you had to go through the process again

You can check this step off your list once you've gone through the process of reflecting on the coaching experience, identified areas for improvement and growth, and taken notes on what you liked and disliked about the process. 3.4 Developing a plan for ongoing development

  • Identify areas you'd like to focus on for your ongoing development
  • Identify the support and resources you need to help you reach your goals
  • Develop a timeline to help you stay on track
  • Set regular checkpoints to measure your progress and make adjustments if needed
  • Create a plan for how you will evaluate and document the success of your executive coaching journey
  • Establish a system for regularly connecting with your executive coach

When you can check off this step: You can check off this step when you have identified areas for ongoing development, developed a timeline and checkpoints, created a plan for tracking success, and established a system for regularly connecting with your executive coach. 3.5 Recommending executive coaching to others

  • Ask colleagues and peers who have benefited from executive coaching for recommendations
  • Make sure to find a coach that specializes in the particular areas you are looking to improve
  • Research coaching professionals online and read reviews
  • Ask your network for referrals and recommendations
  • When you have a list of potential coaches, contact them and ask for an introduction
  • Set up a call or meeting with the executive coach to discuss your goals and expectations
  • Make sure to ask questions and get a feel for the coach’s personality and style

You'll know you can move on to the next step when you have identified at least one coach that you feel is a good fit. 3.6 Using executive coaching as part of an overall professional development plan

• Identify the skills and knowledge areas that need improvement within your organization • Discuss executive coaching with the individual to ensure it is the right fit for their development • Develop an individual plan that incorporates executive coaching as part of the professional development strategy • Establish goals and objectives for the executive coaching sessions • Measure progress throughout the coaching process • Evaluate the success of the executive coaching program • Adjust the individual plan as needed

You will know when you have completed this step when you have identified the skills and knowledge areas that need improvement, discussed executive coaching with the individual, developed an individual plan, established goals and objectives, measured progress, evaluated success and adjusted the individual plan as needed.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

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or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker