Gain the Respect You Deserve: An Executive Presence Coaching How-To Guide

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  • Establish goals
  • Analyze current skills and abilities

  • Evaluation

  • Define metrics to measure progress
  • Monitor progress and adjust coaching as needed
  • Set benchmarks and identify areas of improvement
  • Develop an action plan to address areas of improvement

  • Action Plan

  • Research and identify new strategies for gaining respect in the workplace
  • Establish a timeline for implementation
  • Develop a plan for consistent communication and feedback
  • Utilize available resources to support the action plan
  • Implement the action plan and measure progress

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize key points and review the benefits of executive coaching
  • Review the action plan and evaluate effectiveness
  • Assess any adjustments that need to be made
  • Reflect on the coaching experience and identify areas for improvement


I've written this to provide a guide to those who are looking to gain more respect in the workplace and the world. It is aimed at both individuals and organizations looking to build up their executive presence. This article covers the basics of executive presence and how it can be developed and improved. It includes information on how to assess one's current executive presence, what behaviors and strategies can be used to improve it, and how to measure the progress of one's executive presence. It also provides tips for developing and maintaining an executive presence that will create trust, build relationships, and create effective communication. Lastly, it provides an action plan for those looking to gain respect in the workplace and the world.

Get started

Establish goals

  • Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound)
  • Create a vision for yourself as an executive presence coach
  • Identify the skills and knowledge you need to gain in order to become an executive presence coach
  • Identify the resources you need to develop executive presence coaching skills
  • Establish a timeline for achieving your goals
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: You will have clear SMART goals, a vision and timeline, as well as a list of resources and skills to develop in order to become an executive presence coach.

    Analyze current skills and abilities

  • Identify your current strengths and weaknesses in the areas of communication, executive presence, and leadership
  • Assess how you interact with and influence people, how well you manage your time and resources, and how you handle stress
  • Identify any gaps between current and desired skills and abilities
  • Utilize feedback from mentors and colleagues to gain insight on areas of improvement
  • When you feel you have a clear understanding of your current strengths and weaknesses, you can move on to the next step.


  • Take inventory of current skills and abilities

  • Identify areas where you need to build confidence
  • Evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Assess current level of executive presence
  • Set measurable goals and objectives
  • Identify milestones and benchmarks
  • Create a timeline for achieving goals
  • Monitor progress on a regular basis
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Adjust goals and timeline as needed
  • Celebrate successes

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have identified your current skills and abilities
  • When you have taken inventory of your strengths and weaknesses
  • When you have assessed your current level of executive presence
  • When you have set measurable goals and objectives
  • When you have created a timeline for achieving your goals
  • When you have identified milestones and benchmarks to measure progress

    Define metrics to measure progress

  • Identify areas of focus (e.g. influence, communication, self-awareness, etc.)

  • Establish measurable objectives or goals for each area
  • Create criteria to assess success or progress in each area
  • Set milestones or checkpoints to measure progress
  • Document metrics to track and measure progress
  • When all metrics have been established, you can check this step off the list and move on to the next step.

    Monitor progress and adjust coaching as needed

  • Meet regularly to review progress and discuss ways to adjust the coaching

  • Track progress on defined metrics to measure success and identify areas of improvement
  • Determine if any further action needs to be taken to reach the desired outcome
  • Discuss any changes that need to be made to the coaching approach
  • Encourage open dialogue and active participation from the coachee
  • Revisit benchmarks and adjust them as necessary to ensure success
  • Make sure the coaching is tailored to the individual's needs and goals
  • Confirm that the coaching is meeting the desired outcomes before moving on to the next step

You'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the desired outcomes have been reached, the metrics have been met, and the coachee is feeling confident and motivated.

Set benchmarks and identify areas of improvement

  • Take a step back and assess your current executive presence
  • Identify key areas to improve in order to gain the respect you deserve
  • Brainstorm and create measurable goals to track your progress
  • Set benchmarks and timelines to measure your success
  • Research and leverage resources to help you reach your goals
  • You will know this step is complete when you have identified areas to improve, set benchmarks, and have researched and leveraged resources to help you reach your goals.

    Develop an action plan to address areas of improvement

  • Break down your areas of improvement into actionable tasks that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time
  • Prioritize the tasks to ensure that the most important ones get done first
  • Set deadlines for each task to ensure that they are completed in a timely manner
  • Allocate resources that are necessary to complete each task
  • Determine what support and feedback you will need to complete each task
  • Track your progress and make adjustments to the action plan as needed
  • When you have completed all of the tasks in your action plan, you will know that you are ready to move on to the next step.

    Action Plan

  • Brainstorm actionable steps you can take to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in terms of executive presence

  • Identify resources (people, books, online courses, etc.) that can help you reach your goals
  • Create a timeline with realistic expectations and milestones you can use to measure your progress
  • Set up a series of checkpoints with your mentor or coach to review your progress and provide feedback
  • When you have identified resources, created timeline, and set up checkpoints, you can move on to the next step.

    Research and identify new strategies for gaining respect in the workplace

  • Use online resources, books, and magazines to research potential strategies for gaining respect in the workplace

  • Identify a few strategies that you think may be applicable to your situation
  • Speak with colleagues who have succeeded in gaining respect in the workplace
  • Take note of the strategies they used and any advice they provide
  • Speak with a mentor or coach who can provide guidance on how to forge a path to gaining respect in the workplace
  • Once you have identified a few strategies that seem promising, check them off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish a timeline for implementation

  • Identify what needs to be implemented

  • Set a timeline that outlines when each step will be completed
  • Create checkpoints along the way to assess progress
  • Develop a timeline that is realistic, achievable, and measurable
  • Set deadlines for each step to ensure the timeline is adhered to
  • Identify potential roadblocks and plan for how to overcome them
  • Determine how long the timeline should be to achieve the desired outcome
  • You'll know you can move on to the next step once you have established a timeline for implementation that is realistic, achievable, and measurable.

    Develop a plan for consistent communication and feedback

  • Identify the key stakeholders who need to be included in the plan for consistent communication and feedback
  • Brainstorm different ways to communicate and provide feedback to stakeholders, e.g. regular meetings, email, text, etc.
  • Develop a timeline or schedule for communication and feedback
  • Establish a format or template for consistent messaging and feedback
  • Decide on the right tools and resources to support the plan, e.g. online meetings, shared documents, etc.
  • Identify potential challenges or roadblocks that could disrupt the plan
  • Put measures in place to ensure that the plan is executed as intended
  • Establish a way to track progress and measure the effectiveness of the communication and feedback plan
  • When the plan is in place and the communication and feedback processes have been tested, you can move on to the next step.

    Utilize available resources to support the action plan

  • Research and identify industry-specific resources that can support your action plan.

  • Leverage personal networks and consult with mentors and peers to gain insight into the resources available in your field.
  • Utilize online resources such as blogs, articles, and webinars.
  • Join professional organizations and tap into their resources and connections.
  • Utilize the expertise of coaches or consultants to gain additional insight and support.

You will know that you can move on to the next step when you have identified the available resources and have taken steps to access them.

Implement the action plan and measure progress

  • Set timelines and benchmarks for each action and track progress
  • Identify opportunities to adjust the action plan based on progress
  • Track and measure progress based on benchmarks and goals established
  • Celebrate successes and adjust goals as needed
  • When progress can be measured and the action plan is being implemented, move on to the next step.


  • Review the goals you set out to achieve during the executive presence coaching program
  • Reflect on the changes you have made in terms of your communication, body language, and presence
  • Celebrate your achievements and the progress you have made
  • Identify any areas where you can continue to develop
  • Consider any remaining challenges and discuss how you can continue to work towards your goals
  • Document your progress and action plan for future reference
  • When you feel comfortable that you have achieved all of your goals, you can check off this step and move on to summarizing the key points and the benefits of executive coaching.

    Summarize key points and review the benefits of executive coaching

  • Review the key points of executive presence coaching and summarise the main takeaways

  • Identify the benefits of executive presence coaching, such as increased self-awareness, improved communication skills, and refined leadership capabilities
  • Consider how executive presence coaching can help you gain the respect you deserve in the workplace
  • When you have summarised the key points and identified the benefits of executive presence coaching, you will have completed this step and can move on to the next one.

    Review the action plan and evaluate effectiveness

  • Review the action plan created during the executive coaching process

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the action plan in achieving the desired outcome
  • Identify any changes or adjustments that need to be made to the action plan
  • Discuss any additional steps or resources needed to help reach the desired outcome
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the action plan
  • Make sure the action plan is measurable and achievable
  • Record any progress made in the action plan
  • Use an evaluation system to track the progress of the action plan
  • When the action plan has been reviewed and any necessary adjustments have been made, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Assess any adjustments that need to be made

  • Analyze your progress since the last coaching session.
  • Consider the feedback you have received from coworkers, peers, and other stakeholders.
  • Identify any changes that should be made to your plan in order to reach your desired outcome.
  • Make adjustments to your plan based on elements that need improvement.
  • Seek feedback from your coach on the changes you have made.
  • Discuss any new challenges that have arisen since your last session.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified any changes that should be made and have adjusted your plan accordingly.
  • When you have received confirmation from your coach that the changes you have made are appropriate and work towards your desired outcome.

    Reflect on the coaching experience and identify areas for improvement

  • Take time to reflect on the coaching session and identify what went well and what could have gone better

  • Ask yourself questions such as: What did I do well? What did I not do so well? What could I have done differently?
  • Write down the areas that need improvement and set a timeline and action plan for achieving them
  • Ask the executive coach for their opinion on what could be done to improve
  • When you feel like you have identified all of the areas for improvement and have a plan in place to address them, you can move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk


mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker