Grow Your Professional Skillset with Leadership Development: A Free Step by Step Guide

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  • Identify key stakeholders

  • Strategies 1.1 Identify goals 1.2 Research best practices 1.3 Develop a plan of action 1.4 Measure progress

  • Resources 2.1 Outline helpful resources and approaches 2.2 Consider potential challenges 2.3 Research possible solutions 2.4 Offer guidance and support

  • Evaluation 3.1 Assess progress towards goals 3.2 Identify areas for improvement 3.3 Revise plan of action as needed 3.4 Measure outcomes and results


I've written this to provide a step-by-step guide for professionals looking to grow their leadership skillset. The article begins with an introduction to the concept of leadership development and the benefits it can bring. It then goes on to outline four key steps to take in order to develop a leadership skillset. These steps include setting leadership development goals, understanding the skills and qualities needed to lead, creating a plan of action, and measuring progress. Finally, the article offers suggestions for resources that can help professionals on their leadership development journey. With this guide, professionals can gain the skills and knowledge necessary for successful leadership.

Get started

""### Outline the process for the coaching engagement

  • Set expectations for the coaching engagement: What are the goals of the engagement, what does success look like, what will the timeline be and what's expected of both parties?
  • Agree on the communication strategy: How often will you communicate and what methods of communication will you use?
  • Establish a plan of action: What milestones do you need to hit and how will you monitor and measure progress?
  • Schedule periodic check-ins: When will you check-in to review progress and make adjustments if needed?
  • Define the scope of the engagement: What topics and areas will be covered?

You'll know you can check this off your list when you and the client have agreed on and documented the expectations, communication strategy, plan of action, periodic check-ins and scope of the engagement. Establishing a Relationship

  • Set aside time to meet with your coachee and get to know them on a personal level
  • Ask questions to get to know the coachee and understand their goals and motivations
  • Explain the coaching process and discuss the structure of the program with the coachee
  • Allow the coachee to ask questions and express any concerns
  • Establish an agreement between both parties
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: You will know you have established a relationship when you have discussed the coaching process and the coachee has expressed understanding of the program and has agreed to take part in it.

    Establishing a Relationship

  • Make an effort to get to know each participant personally, so that you can understand their needs, strengths, and preferences.

  • Seek out common ground, show interest in each person’s background and experiences, and be open and approachable.
  • Provide participants with a platform to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas about leadership.
  • Allow for an open dialogue, and ensure everyone has the chance to contribute.
  • Establish mutual respect and trust.

When you’ve established a positive, trusting relationship with all of the participants, you can move on to the next step.

Create a safe and trusting environment

  • Set clear expectations for yourself and for those you lead
  • Listen actively and without judgment to what is being said
  • Respect the opinions and ideas of others
  • Welcome open dialogue and discussion
  • Create an environment where team members can speak their minds without fear of criticism
  • Give feedback in a constructive and supportive manner
  • Recognize and appreciate the efforts of team members

When you have established a safe and trusting environment, you will know you have successfully completed this step when team members feel comfortable to express themselves and their ideas without fear of judgement or criticism.

Identify key stakeholders

  • Consider the people who will be impacted by your leadership and identify who has a vested interest in the outcome of your role
  • Think about who will be your allies and who will be your challengers
  • Determine who has the power to influence the success of the project
  • Make a list of the stakeholders and assess their level of influence
  • When you have identified the key stakeholders, you can move on to outlining expectations.

    Outline expectations

  • Clarify the goals and objectives of the leadership training

  • Determine what the expectations are for the participants
  • Outline the timeline of the training
  • Discuss the results that are expected to be achieved
  • Set clear guidelines for the participants
  • When expectations have been outlined and agreed upon, this step can be checked off the list and the next step can be completed.

    Assessing Needs

  • Identify areas of improvement needed for the team or organization

  • Analyze current strengths and weaknesses of the team
  • Observe team dynamics and communication patterns
  • Research common challenges faced by teams in the same field
  • Identify potential challenges the team may face in the future
  • Discuss the needs of the team with key stakeholders
  • Once you have a comprehensive understanding of the team's needs, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify current challenges

  • Create a list of any challenges you are currently facing in the leadership role
  • Brainstorm ideas for possible solutions to those challenges
  • Discuss the challenges with any superiors or peers for their insights
  • Research and read about any similar experiences other leaders have had and how they overcame them
  • Consider the skills, resources and knowledge you possess that could help you overcome the challenges
  • When you have identified the challenges and possible solutions, you can move on to analysing the desired results.

    Analyse the desired results

  • Examine the goals of the team or organization and the desired outcomes of the training

  • Identify the key skills, knowledge, and abilities required to achieve the desired results
  • Determine the gaps between the desired results and the current performance of the team or organization
  • Create a plan to bridge the gaps and achieve the desired results
  • When you have a clear understanding of the desired results and a plan to reach them, you can move on to the next step.

    Assess the team dynamics

  • Observe the team dynamics by watching how team members interact with each other

  • Note who takes charge in different situations, and how the team responds
  • Identify any personality clashes, communication breakdowns, or other issues that may be preventing efficient collaboration
  • Examine the team dynamics against the desired outcomes to identify if any changes to team dynamics are necessary
  • When you have identified the strengths and weaknesses of the team dynamics, you can move on to the next step in the leadership training guide.

    Clarifying Goals

  • Identify and prioritize the goals and objectives of the team

  • Ask relevant questions to better understand team goals
  • Clarify what success looks like for the team
  • Confirm and document the team's goals and objectives

You'll know you can check this step off your list when everyone on the team has agreed on the goals and objectives and they have been documented.

Define the objectives

  • Identify the leadership skills you would like to develop
  • Outline the desired outcomes of the training
  • Consider what resources are required to achieve those outcomes
  • Assess the timeframe for the training
  • Set goals for each stage of the training
  • When you have identified the objectives, goals, resources and timeframe for the training, you can move on to the next step.

    Set measurable goals

  • Define the desired outcome of each goal

  • Break down the goal into achievable objectives
  • Set deadlines for each objective
  • Assign accountability for each objective
  • Create a tracking system to measure progress
  • Make sure the goals are realistic and attainable
  • Celebrate successes and make adjustments to goals as needed
  • When all objectives have been met, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Set timeline for results

  • Break down goals into smaller, more achievable tasks

  • Assign each task a timeline (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)
  • Identify any potential roadblocks and develop a plan to overcome them
  • Estimate the amount of time required for each task
  • Identify resources needed to complete each task
  • Monitor progress against timeline and adjust as needed
  • When timeline is completed, review results and adjust goals and timeline as necessary
  • Evaluate overall effectiveness of timeline and adjust accordingly
  • Celebrate successful completion of timeline goals!

    Action Planning

  • Break goals down into actionable tasks

  • Assign tasks to yourself or other members of the team
  • Prioritize tasks in order of importance and urgency
  • Set due dates for completion of each task
  • Track progress of each task
  • Make sure that the tasks are realistic and achievable
  • Once all tasks are completed, you can move on to the next step in the leadership training process.

    Develop strategies to achieve the objectives

  • Brainstorm ideas that will help you achieve the objectives of your action plan.
  • Ask yourself what resources you need to accomplish these objectives and develop strategies on how to acquire them.
  • Consider any potential risks and challenges that may arise when trying to reach your goals and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.
  • Create a timeline for when you anticipate to complete each objective and be sure to remain flexible if any last minute changes occur.
  • Once you have established your strategies and timeline, review them to ensure they are feasible and realistic.
  • When you are satisfied with your strategies, you will know you can check off this step and move on to the next one.

    Establish accountability

  • Assign job roles and tasks to team members

  • Set measurable goals and deadlines
  • Explain the consequences for not meeting goals
  • Identify the team members’ areas of responsibility
  • Establish clear lines of communication
  • Establish a system of checks and balances
  • Hold regular meetings to ensure everyone is on track
  • Provide feedback and guidance to team members

When you have completed this step, you will have established a system of accountability for your team members, so that you can be assured that everyone is working together toward the shared objectives.

Outline the resources needed

  • Identify the resources needed to complete the training, such as materials, tools, and any other materials that are needed.
  • Create a list of those resources and prioritize them based on importance and availability.
  • Secure the necessary resources and ensure they are available when they are needed.
  • Set up a timeline for when the resources should be acquired and made available.
  • Monitor the timeline and ensure that the resources are acquired on time.

Once you have identified the resources that are needed, have created a list, secured the necessary resources and have a timeline for when they should be acquired, you can then check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Coaching Sessions

  • Identify the type of coaching sessions you need to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and attitudes for leadership (e.g. one-on-one coaching, team coaching, etc.)
  • Create an agenda for each session, including topics to cover, desired outcomes, and activities
  • Secure a coach or trainer to deliver the coaching sessions
  • Create and distribute materials needed for the coaching sessions (e.g. PowerPoint slides, handouts, etc.)
  • Schedule the coaching sessions
  • Evaluate the coaching sessions to measure effectiveness
  • Use the feedback from the evaluation to make improvements for future sessions

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all the coaching sessions have been delivered, evaluated, and the feedback incorporated.

    Identify areas of focus

  • List out the areas you feel need development in order to become an effective leader

  • Make sure to prioritize the areas you feel need the most attention
  • Ask for feedback from colleagues and mentors
  • Research topics related to the areas you identified
  • Once you have identified and researched the areas of focus, you can move on to the next step.

    Ask powerful questions

  • Brainstorm questions that will help you better understand the areas of focus you identified in the previous step.
  • Consider questions like: What processes can be put in place to ensure effective leadership? What should I do to prioritize the tasks that need to be completed? What do I need to know to help guide my team?
  • Record your questions and use them as a tool to help you move forward with your action plan.
  • When you feel confident that the questions you have identified will help you better understand the areas of focus, you can move on to the next step.

    Create an action plan

  • Break down your leadership goals into actionable tasks

  • Set a timeline for each task and create milestones to mark your progress
  • Identify any potential roadblocks that may prevent you from completing each task
  • Take time to evaluate your performance and make adjustments as needed
  • When you have a strategic plan in place and have identified any potential roadblocks, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Follow-up Coaching

  • Establish a timeline for check-ins with team members to review their action plans

  • Set up regular meetings with team members to discuss their progress, successes, and areas for improvement
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback and guidance as needed
  • Celebrate achievements and successes along the way
  • When team members have completed their action plans and met check-in goals, you can move on to the next step of the leadership training process.

    Review the action plan

  • Review your action plan with your coach and discuss any changes that need to be made to ensure success

  • Identify any potential roadblocks and discuss ways to overcome them
  • Identify a timeline for each step of the action plan
  • Make sure that all steps are measurable and achievable
  • You will know this step is complete when you have a revised action plan with a timeline for each step that is agreed upon by your coach.

    Monitor progress

  • Monitor your team's progress regularly by observing their behaviours and tracking their performance against the action plan.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with your team to discuss current progress, any adjustments that need to be made and any challenges they are facing.
  • Listen to your team and provide feedback that encourages their efforts and growth.
  • Celebrate successes and reward team members for their hard work.
  • Recognize areas of improvement and work with team members to devise strategies for improvement.
  • When progress is made and actions are completed, check off the corresponding items on the action plan and move on to the next step.

    Adjust the plan as needed

  • Review the progress made by each team member to determine if the goals and objectives of the leadership training plan have been met.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the plan to ensure that the goals and objectives are met.
  • Solicit feedback from each team member regarding their experience with the leadership training plan and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Review the plan regularly to ensure that it remains effective and relevant.
  • Track progress and measure the results to ensure that the plan is successful.
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have reviewed the progress of each team member, adjusted the plan as needed, solicited feedback, and tracked the results of the plan, you will have completed this step and can move on to the conclusion.


  • Take a moment to reflect on the journey and the steps taken to get to this point.

  • Celebrate your accomplishments and the progress you've made.
  • Set goals for the future and think ahead to how you can continue to develop your leadership skills.
  • Reflect on how you can apply the learnings to your current and future projects.
  • You can check this off your list when you have taken the time to reflect on the journey and have set your personal goals for the future.

    Summarize the key points

  • Identify the key points of the guide, such as the definition of leadership, the qualities of an effective leader, and the skills needed to become a successful leader

  • Summarize these key points in a concise statement that captures the main ideas of the guide
  • Make sure to include any important takeaway messages from the guide
  • Check your understanding of the guide by summarizing the key points to ensure that you've grasped the main concepts
  • When you can confidently summarize the key points of the guide, move on to the next step.

    Outline the benefits of effective leadership coaching

  • Identify the benefits of effective leadership coaching for others and yourself

  • Explain how effective leadership coaching can help others to develop their leadership skills
  • Describe how effective leadership coaching can help people to understand their own strengths and weaknesses
  • Explain how effective leadership coaching can help people to develop better relationships with their team
  • Highlight the positive impact that effective leadership coaching can have on the overall performance of a team

You can check off this step when you have outlined the benefits of effective leadership coaching for others and yourself.""

-- End of guide --

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Philip Crocker