Harnessing the Power of Emerging Leaders: A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Explain the coaching process

  • Coaching Process

  • Establish a safe environment
  • Establish a rapport with the client
  • Identify and clarify the client's current situation
  • Uncover the root causes of the client's issues
  • Set goals and objectives
  • Develop an action plan
  • Monitor progress and adjust the plan as needed
  • Celebrate successes
  • Reframe setbacks
  • Review the overall coaching process

  • Conclusion

  • Summarise the key points
  • Discuss the impact of the coaching process
  • Identify any areas for improvement
  • Establish a plan for future development
  • Thank the client for taking part in the coaching process


I've written this to provide a free step-by-step guide to harnessing the power of emerging leaders. My guide outlines the benefits of having emerging leaders in an organisation and how to nurture and develop them. It focuses on how to identify potential emerging leaders, how to create an environment that encourages them to develop, and how to ensure they are given the right guidance and support. I also discuss how to measure the impact of emerging leaders on the organisation, as well as how to create a culture of leadership within an organisation. Finally, I provide some strategies for developing leadership skills in emerging leaders. My article is aimed at employers, HR professionals, and managers who want to take advantage of the potential offered by emerging leaders.

Get started

Explain the coaching process

  • Define the goals of the coaching process and the specific outcomes that need to be achieved
  • Identify what skills the emerging leader will need in order to be successful in their role
  • Establish a timeline for the coaching process and set clear expectations for both the coach and the emerging leader
  • Discuss the process and approach of the coaching sessions to ensure that it works for both the coach and the emerging leader
  • Schedule regular coaching sessions to ensure that progress is being made and that the emerging leader is supported throughout the process
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching process and document any successes and areas for improvement
  • When the goals of the coaching process have been achieved, review the outcomes and adjust the process for future use if needed.

    Coaching Process

  • Establish a clear goal and objectives to ensure that the coaching process is focused on achieving results.

  • Define the roles and responsibilities of both the coach and the individual being coached.
  • Establish a timeline for the coaching process, such as how often meetings should be held and when the coaching process should end.
  • Discuss the expectations for the coaching process, such as the desired outcomes, the resources available, and the role of the coach.
  • Assess the individual’s current skills and knowledge, and develop an action plan to improve these areas.
  • Monitor progress, and provide feedback and guidance to adjust the action plan if needed.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have established the goal and objectives, defined the roles and responsibilities, established a timeline, discussed expectations, assessed the individual’s current skills and knowledge, and developed an action plan.

Establish a safe environment

  • Open the coaching session with a brief introduction to provide context for the conversation.
  • Establish ground rules for the session: explain that the conversation is confidential and provide an example of how you will respond if the client discloses something private.
  • Ask the client to share what they expect from the coaching session, and set expectations for the conversation.
  • Ask the client how they feel about their current situation and how they want to be supported.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once you have established a safe environment, discussed expectations, and identified how the client wants to be supported, you can move on to the next step.

    Establish a rapport with the client

  • Greet the client warmly and introduce yourself

  • Make sure the client is comfortable and has any needs attended to
  • Ask the client open-ended questions to get to know them better
  • Create a safe space for the client to open up and express their thoughts
  • Listen actively to the client and pay attention to their body language and verbal cues
  • Show genuine interest in the client and their goals

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the client has expressed their thoughts and feelings openly
  • When the client has shared their goals and objectives
  • When the client has expressed a sense of trust and comfort with you
  • When the client has asked any questions or clarified any points that were discussed

    Identify and clarify the client's current situation

  • Gather data from the client to understand their current position, such as their current goals, existing resources, and existing challenges

  • Ask questions to understand the client's situation, such as what they hope to achieve, what resources they have to help, and what challenges they have faced
  • Listen to the client's responses and take notes to clarify their current situation
  • Summarize the client's situation to ensure understanding and agreement
  • When you have a clear understanding of the client's current situation, you can move on to the next step.

    Uncover the root causes of the client's issues

  • Brainstorm and discuss with the client what the root causes of their issues may be

  • Ask the client questions to gain more insight into the root causes
  • Research industry trends and external factors that may be contributing to the root causes
  • Identify any potential internal issues that could be causing problems
  • When you have identified the root causes, you can move on to the next step of setting goals and objectives.

    Set goals and objectives

  • Brainstorm possible solutions and outcomes with the client

  • Identify a few achievable goals and objectives that align with the client’s desired outcomes
  • Discuss the strategies, resources, and timeline needed to reach these goals and objectives
  • Develop SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely) goals and objectives
  • Once the goals and objectives have been agreed upon by the client, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Develop an action plan

  • Identify the specific actions and tasks that must be completed in order to reach the goals and objectives established in the previous step
  • Develop a timeline for each task, and assign responsibilities and tasks to individuals or teams
  • Determine the resources needed to carry out the plan and identify any potential risks
  • Make sure the plan is realistic and achievable
  • Create a system to track progress and successes along the way
  • When the plan is complete, you can move on to the next step of monitoring progress and adjusting the plan as needed.

    Monitor progress and adjust the plan as needed

  • Establish a timeline for progress reviews with your emerging leaders

  • Meet regularly with the emerging leaders to check on progress and provide guidance
  • Encourage the emerging leaders to provide feedback on the plan success
  • Make adjustments to the plan if needed
  • Update the action plan if the emerging leaders identify areas for improvement
  • Reassess the timeline and make adjustments where needed
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have seen improvement in the emerging leaders’ leadership skills and overall performance, and have adjusted the plan as needed based on feedback, you can move on to the next step.

    Celebrate successes

  • Make sure you recognize successes, however small, and celebrate them with the team.
  • Show your appreciation for a job well done and acknowledge the hard work that went into the result.
  • Give public praise and recognition to those that contributed to the success.
  • Celebrate successes with rewards, whether it’s a special lunch, a gift card, or a simple “thank you”.
  • Take the time to document successes and communicate them to other teams or departments within the organization.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: You'll know that you have completed this step when you have recognized successes, shown appreciation, given public praise and recognition, celebrated with rewards, and documented and communicated the successes to other teams.

Reframe setbacks

  • Ask the emerging leader to reflect on what happened and why
  • Help them to identify the silver lining and positive takeaways from the setback
  • Encourage them to consider how the setback could be used to inform their next move
  • Connect the setback to their overall goals and objectives
  • Help them to create a plan for moving forward and achieving their goals despite the setback

Once the emerging leader has reflected on the setback and developed a plan for moving forward, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Review the overall coaching process

  • Assess the current strengths and weaknesses of the emerging leader
  • Analyze the leader's goals and objectives
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities the leader may encounter
  • Create an action plan to reach the leader's goals and objectives
  • Provide feedback and support to the emerging leader
  • Evaluate progress and determine the effectiveness of the coaching process
  • When the action plan is complete, the coaching process is complete


  • Reflect on the overall coaching process and take some time to celebrate successes.

  • Set a plan for following up with the emerging leader and discuss any needed follow-up steps.
  • Make sure to document the process and results of the coaching to review and learn from in the future.
  • Celebrate the success of the emerging leader and recognize their accomplishments.
  • You can check this off your list once you have completed the follow-up steps and documented the process.

    Summarise the key points

  • Review the key points of the guide and summarise them in a few sentences

  • Identify the main points and summarise them in a concise, clear way
  • Make sure the summary captures the main points of the guide
  • Check the summary for accuracy and clarity
  • Make sure the summary is easy to understand for readers
  • When the summary is complete, you can move on to the next step.

    Discuss the impact of the coaching process

  • Create an open dialogue between the leader and the emerging leader to discuss the impact of the coaching process.

  • Ask questions such as ""What have you learnt from this process?”, “What has surprised you?” and “What do you think you will take forward in the future?”
  • Help the leader to reflect on the impact of the coaching process and how it has helped them in their current role.
  • Allow the leader to share their thoughts and feelings about the process, and to provide feedback on what has worked well and what could be improved in the future.
  • Once the discussion has been completed, summarise the key points and identify any areas for improvement.
  • Check that the leader is comfortable with the process and has gained a better understanding of their role and the impact of the coaching process.

    Identify any areas for improvement

  • Gather feedback from the coaching process, such as surveys, interviews, or focus groups
  • Analyze the data to identify any areas for improvement
  • Identify any skills, competencies, or knowledge gaps that can be addressed in the future
  • Develop an action plan to address any potential areas for improvement
  • Once you have identified and developed a plan to address any areas for improvement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish a plan for future development

  • Create a timeline for development goals, focusing on short-term objectives first

  • Identify any training or coaching necessary to help the emerging leader reach their goals
  • Discuss any potential obstacles that could impede progress and how to overcome them
  • Outline expectations for the emerging leader and any team members involved in the development
  • Set up a timeline for evaluations to measure progress and ensure goals are being met
  • When an action plan is established with clear objectives and expectations, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Thank the client for taking part in the coaching process

  • Acknowledge the client’s effort in taking part in the coaching process and thank them for it.

  • Thank them for the courage it took to take part in the coaching process and express your appreciation for their willingness to learn.
  • Express your admiration for the client and their commitment to their personal growth and development.
  • Express your confidence that the client has the capacity to reach their goals and objectives.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the client expresses their appreciation for your support and understanding.
  • When the client acknowledges their efforts and commitment to the coaching process.
  • When the client expresses their willingness to continue the coaching process and their commitment to personal growth and development.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker