Lead with Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Free Leadership Training Programs

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  • Identify the different types of executive coaching

  • Types of executive coaching

  • Identify the different types of executive coaching
  • Explore individual executive coaching
  • Investigate group executive coaching
  • Examine virtual executive coaching

  • Preparation

  • Research best practices for executive coaching
  • Identify potential coaches and agencies
  • Establish the scope and objectives of the coaching
  • Establish criteria for selecting a coach
  • Develop the timeline and budget

  • Implementation

  • Outline the coaching process
  • Schedule initial meetings and coaching sessions
  • Collect feedback from participants
  • Monitor progress and review objectives

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the results of the coaching
  • Discuss the impact of the coaching
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching
  • Reflect on the experience
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Summarize the benefits of executive coaching


I've written this to provide a comprehensive guide to free leadership training programs that can help individuals become better leaders. The article goes into detail about the importance of developing leadership skills, why it is beneficial to take part in leadership training programs, and the different types of programs available. It also looks at the various resources available, such as online courses, webinars, and other resources. The article also includes information on how to find and access these programs, as well as advice on how to make the most of them. Ultimately, the article is designed to empower individuals to take control of their own development and become better leaders.

Get started

Identify the different types of executive coaching

  • Understand the types of executive coaching that are available: executive coaching, leadership coaching, team coaching, and coaching for personal development
  • Research and evaluate each type of executive coaching to determine which one best fits your goals and objectives
  • Consider the specific goals you want to accomplish and then determine which type of executive coaching is most suitable
  • Compare and contrast different executive coaching programs and services to get a better understanding of their benefits and drawbacks
  • Once you have identified the type of executive coaching that best fits your needs, you can move on to researching and evaluating individual programs and services

You can check this off your list when you have evaluated the types of executive coaching and identified the one that best suits your goals and objectives.

Types of executive coaching

  • Research different types of executive coaching programs available, such as: executive coaching, leadership coaching, business coaching, career coaching, and executive development.
  • Learn about the different specializations and approaches used in different executive coaching programs.
  • Gather information about the duration, cost, and availability of each type of executive coaching program.
  • Identify the type of executive coaching program that best suits your goals and needs.
  • When you have identified the type of executive coaching program that will best help you achieve your goals, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify the different types of executive coaching

  • Recognize the types of executive coaching available to you, such as executive leadership coaching, executive performance coaching, and executive presence coaching

  • Understand the differences between the types of executive coaching
  • Research and read up on the different types of executive coaching to gain a better understanding of what each type entails
  • Take a look at credentialed executive coaching programs to see which type of coaching is right for you
  • Ask colleagues or mentors what type of executive coaching they have used and experienced
  • When you have identified the type of executive coaching that is right for you, you can move on to the next step of exploring individual executive coaching programs.

    Explore individual executive coaching

  • Research and compare different individual executive coaching programs available

  • Consider cost, duration, and other factors when evaluating different programs
  • Consider if the program is self-paced or if there are deadlines
  • Determine if the program is online or in-person
  • Identify the topics and learning objectives of the program
  • Make sure the program is accredited or certified
  • Ask for references of other participants and read reviews
  • You can check this step off your list once you have researched and evaluated different individual executive coaching programs.

    Investigate group executive coaching

  • Research different organizations and programs that offer group executive coaching services

  • Ask for referrals from friends, colleagues, and other professionals
  • Look for programs that offer a variety of services that are tailored to the individual's needs and goals
  • Read testimonials and reviews from former participants in the program to get an idea of what to expect
  • Inquire about the cost and duration of the program
  • Compare different programs and decide which one is best for you

Once you have researched and made a decision on a group executive coaching program, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Examine virtual executive coaching

  • Research virtual executive coaching programs available online
  • Evaluate the cost, length of program, and available resources for each program
  • Choose a virtual executive coaching program that fits your needs and budget
  • Register for the program and schedule your appointments
  • Participate in the program and sessions
  • Ask questions and make sure you understand the material
  • Monitor your progress and evaluate the outcomes
  • When you have completed the program, review what you have learned and consider the effectiveness of the program
  • Once you are satisfied, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • List out the different free leadership training programs available

  • Gather any relevant information about each program such as duration, cost, objectives and materials needed
  • Compare the different programs to determine which one is the best fit
  • When you have selected the best program, make sure you have access to all of the necessary materials needed to participate
  • You will know that you are ready to move on when you have identified the program that is best suited for your needs and have access to all of the necessary materials to get started.

    Research best practices for executive coaching

  • Utilize online resources such as blogs, books and websites to develop an understanding of the most effective executive coaching practices

  • Review executive coaching articles and other publications, such as the Harvard Business Review, to ensure you stay up to date with the most recent trends and developments
  • Reach out to colleagues, family and friends to get their feedback on their experiences with executive coaching
  • Research the credentials of different executive coaches to ensure you find one with the most experience
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have gathered enough information about the different types of executive coaching and the credentials of potential coaches, you will be ready to move on to the next step.

    Identify potential coaches and agencies

  • Identify potential coaches and agencies that offer free leadership training programs.

  • Research their credentials, background, and experience.
  • Review their programs and testimonials from former clients.
  • Ask for references and discuss their terms of service.
  • When you have identified a few coaches or agencies that meet your criteria, you can move on to the next step.

    Establish the scope and objectives of the coaching

  • Define the areas of focus for the coaching, such as leadership skills, communication, decision-making, etc.

  • Establish measurable objectives for the coaching sessions
  • Identify the challenges and goals that the coaching should address
  • Set expectations for the frequency and duration of the coaching sessions
  • Determine the resources and materials needed for the coaching
  • When you have established the scope and objectives of the coaching, you can move onto the next step of identifying potential coaches and agencies.

    Establish criteria for selecting a coach

  • Identify what experiences and qualifications you're looking for in a coach

  • Research potential coaches and their credentials
  • Make a shortlist of potential coaches that meet your criteria
  • Contact potential coaches to discuss their qualifications and experience
  • Ask potential coaches to provide references
  • Decide which coach is the best fit for your needs
  • When you have chosen a coach, review the terms of the agreement and sign the contract
  • Check off this step when you have signed a contract with a coach that meets your criteria.

    Develop the timeline and budget

  • Create a timeline for the completion of the training program, including budget for any associated costs

  • Identify a deadline for the completion of the program and adjust budget accordingly
  • Consider any additional costs related to the program such as travel, materials, and other resources
  • Keep track of all expenses related to the program and adjust the budget accordingly
  • When the timeline and budget for the training program have been established, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Identify the most effective delivery methods for the training program (e.g. classroom, online, distance learning, etc)

  • Develop a plan to communicate the program to the target audience
  • Outline the materials needed to implement the program (e.g. training manuals, worksheets, audio/visual materials, etc)
  • Determine the best channels to promote the program to the target audience
  • Establish a timeline for the training program
  • Develop a budget for the program and determine the resources needed to implement it
  • Identify and secure the necessary personnel (e.g. trainers, facilitators, coaches, etc)
  • Create a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the program
  • Create a backup plan in case any of the original plans fail

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • All necessary personnel have been identified and secured
  • All materials needed for the training program have been outlined
  • The plan for promoting the program to the target audience has been established
  • The timeline and budget for the program have been developed
  • The evaluation plan for the program has been created
  • A backup plan has been established in case any of the original plans fail

    Outline the coaching process

  • Establish the goal of the coaching process

  • Establish clear objectives
  • Outline the timeline of the coaching process
  • Identify the specific areas of focus
  • Determine the methods of measurement
  • Put together a plan for evaluation
  • Develop strategies to ensure success
  • Assign responsibilities to ensure accountability
  • Check in regularly to ensure progress is being made
  • When the coaching process is complete, assess the outcome
  • Celebrate successes and plan for future improvements

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have outlined the coaching process, have assigned responsibilities, and created a plan for evaluation, you have successfully outlined the coaching process and can move onto the next step: scheduling initial meetings and coaching sessions.

Schedule initial meetings and coaching sessions

  • Identify the participants who will be included in the coaching sessions
  • Determine the frequency and duration of the coaching sessions
  • Set up the initial coaching session and subsequent meetings
  • Create a timeline for the coaching process
  • Establish a communication plan for the duration of the sessions
  • When you have scheduled the initial meetings and coaching sessions, you can move on to the next step: collecting feedback from participants.

    Collect feedback from participants

  • Send out surveys to participants to collect feedback on the leadership training program
  • Ask participants to rate the quality of content, the effectiveness of the coaching, and the overall experience
  • Follow up with participants who do not respond to the survey
  • Create a spreadsheet to track the feedback
  • Analyze the feedback to identify areas for improvement
  • Share the results with the program leaders and participants
  • When you have collected feedback from all participants, you can check off this step and move on to the next one.

    Monitor progress and review objectives

  • Schedule regular review sessions with participants to check on progress towards objectives

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program by observing participants’ behavior and attitude
  • Request feedback from participants to assess if they are reaching their goals
  • Adjust and refine the program as needed to ensure objectives are met
  • Celebrate successes with participants to reinforce their progress
  • When all objectives have been met, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Review the overall success of the leadership training program and assess how it has positively impacted the team

  • Identify any areas where further development is needed and create a plan of action
  • Take time to celebrate successes and recognize key contributors to the training program
  • Determine if the program achieved its desired outcome and if it should be repeated
  • Document the training program’s successes and any areas of improvement for future use
  • Check off this step from your list and move on to summarizing the results of the coaching

    Summarize the results of the coaching

  • Create a summary of the results of the coaching, including any successes and areas of growth

  • Analyze the results of the coaching and include any feedback from the participants
  • Draft a conclusion for the coaching and include any actionable items for the future
  • Once the summary is complete, review it to ensure accuracy and completeness, then present it to the participants
  • When all participants have reviewed the summary and agreed on the accuracy of the results, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Discuss the impact of the coaching

  • Meet with the individual that was coached to get their feedback on the coaching experience

  • Get a general understanding of their thoughts and feelings about the experience
  • Ask questions to determine how the individual has changed as a result of the coaching
  • Find out if they have seen any developments in their attitude, behavior, or performance
  • Get feedback on how the individual felt about the coaching process and the results
  • Determine if the coaching experience was positive or negative
  • When you have collected all the feedback, compile it into a summary for review
  • Once the summary is complete, you can move on to the next step of evaluating the effectiveness of the coaching

    Evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching

  • Ask yourself how effective the coaching was in helping you understand the material

  • Take notes on the areas you may need to review, and ask your coach to explain them further
  • Review the progress you have made and assess if the coaching was a success
  • Ask for feedback from your coach, colleagues, and supervisors
  • When you feel that you have sufficiently evaluated the effectiveness of the coaching, you can move on to the next step.

    Reflect on the experience

  • Take time to reflect on the experience - think about what worked well, what could have been improved, and how to apply the learning to future leadership encounters

  • Consider how you might use this knowledge to inform future training sessions and how different approaches might work better for different teams
  • Take time to write down what you learned from the experience, and how you might use it in the future
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list: When you have written down your reflections on the experience and identified any areas for improvement.

    Identify areas for improvement

  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your current leadership skills

  • Make a list of areas where you can improve
  • Take a look at what free leadership training programs are available
  • Consider what specific skills or areas you would like to improve
  • Research to determine which programs can help you best
  • When you have identified the areas you wish to improve, you can move on to the next step.

    Summarize the benefits of executive coaching

  • Research and assess the outcomes of executive coaching sessions

  • Identify tangible and intangible benefits of executive coaching
  • Analyze the data to determine the impact on stakeholders
  • Document the results of the executive coaching sessions
  • Understand the value of executive coaching in the organization

You'll know this step is complete when you have documented the results of the executive coaching sessions, have identified tangible and intangible benefits, and have analyzed the data to determine the impact on stakeholders.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker