Optimize Your HR Leadership Program: A Free Guide to Developing an Effective Strategy

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  • Research best practices

  • Planning

  • Set expectations and goals
  • Establish action plans
  • Develop a roadmap
  • Establish communication protocols
  • Assign accountability

  • Evaluation

  • Identify key performance indicators
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Measure progress and provide feedback
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Utilize surveys to measure success

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the benefits of executive coaching
  • Document and share lessons learned
  • Reflect on the process and results
  • Make adjustments as needed

Better example list (Use this content):

  • Introduction
  • Define executive coaching and its purpose
  • Discuss the benefits of executive coaching

  • Planning

  • Set expectations and goals
  • Establish action plans
  • Develop a timeline
  • Establish communication protocols
  • Assign accountability

  • Implementation

  • Create a strategy
  • Identify resources needed
  • Set milestones
  • Track progress

  • Evaluation

  • Identify key performance indicators
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Measure progress and provide feedback
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Utilize surveys to measure success

  • Conclusion

  • Summarize the benefits of executive coaching
  • Document and share lessons learned
  • Reflect on the process and results
  • Make adjustments as needed


I've written this to provide an overview of the strategies that organizations should consider to ensure their HR leadership program is designed to produce the best possible results. The article covers six core components of an effective HR leadership program: goal setting, performance measurement, staff development, employee engagement, and process optimization. It explains how to develop each component, and outlines key strategies for achieving success in each area. It also provides a free guide that organizations can use to plan and implement their HR leadership program. Ultimately, the article aims to help organizations create a comprehensive and effective HR leadership program that improves organizational performance and employee engagement.

Get started

Research best practices

  • Read up on the latest HR leadership theories and frameworks
  • Review current HR leadership programs at similar organizations
  • Compare them with the goals of your organization and the needs of your teams
  • Identify any common themes or strategies in the successful programs
  • Gather any relevant data and metrics to benchmark against
  • Make a note of any areas you would like to explore further
  • When you feel adequately informed, you can move on to the next step - planning.


  • Clarify the purpose of your HR leadership program and define the expected outcomes

  • Analyze the current state of your HR leadership program and how it aligns with the organization's goals
  • Identify any gaps or opportunities for improvement
  • Outline your HR leadership program strategy
  • Establish a timeline and budget for implementation
  • Create a plan to measure the success of your HR leadership program
  • When you have a clearly defined purpose, strategy, timeline and budget, you can move on to setting expectations and goals.

    Set expectations and goals

  • Set clear, measurable expectations and goals for your HR leadership program.

  • Identify the specific objectives of your HR leadership program and create measurable benchmarks to track progress.
  • Evaluate the current state of HR leadership in your organization and identify areas of improvement.
  • Utilize feedback from HR professionals and leadership to inform your expectations and goals.
  • Develop a timeline for achieving objectives and set targets for each step.
  • Once you have set expectations and goals, you will be ready to move on to the next step in your HR leadership program development, which is establishing action plans.

    Establish action plans

  • Create a timeline for implementing the HR leadership program.

  • Identify key stakeholders who need to be involved in the process.
  • Develop specific action plans for each key stakeholder.
  • Define roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder.
  • Establish timelines and deadlines for each action plan.
  • Set goals and objectives for each action plan.
  • Identify resources needed to complete the action plans.
  • Establish a system for tracking progress and measuring success.

Once these steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step: developing a roadmap.

Develop a roadmap

  • Create a list of the steps you need to take and the tasks you need to complete in order to optimize your HR leadership program.
  • Identify any potential obstacles or challenges you may face while developing and executing your strategy.
  • Visualize the timeline of the strategy, from conception to completion.
  • Set clear milestones and objectives that you can use to measure the success of your program.
  • Determine the resources and budget you will need to carry out your program.

Once you have completed the steps above, you can move on to the next step, which is to establish communication protocols.

Establish communication protocols

  • Establish a clear set of communication protocols that everyone in the HR leadership program is expected to adhere to.
  • Consider what tools, technologies, and methods you will use to communicate, and document these protocols.
  • Define the expectations for communication frequency and response times.
  • Create a policy for how and when to communicate, including protocols for email, phone, and video.
  • Identify the chain of command and communication escalation process.
  • Ensure that all team members are aware of the communication protocols and understand their expectations.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • The communication protocols have been clearly documented, distributed, and agreed upon by all team members.

    Assign accountability

  • Determine who will be held accountable for ensuring the success of the HR leadership program
  • Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each stakeholder, such as developing and executing the strategy, tracking progress, and evaluating results
  • Establish a clear reporting structure that ensures everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities
  • Set deadlines for each task and make sure everyone is aware of them
  • Ensure everyone is held accountable for meeting their deadlines and delivering results
  • When all stakeholders have been assigned specific roles and responsibilities and have a clear understanding of their expectation, you can move on to the next step.


  • Assess the effectiveness of the program by comparing the results against the goals set at the start

  • Collect feedback from participants to determine where the program succeeded and failed
  • Analyze the data to make adjustments to the program where needed
  • Develop a plan for ongoing evaluation and review of the program
  • Once the program is reviewed and adjusted, you can move onto the next step of identifying key performance indicators.

    Identify key performance indicators

  • Brainstorm a list of measurable goals and objectives for the HR leadership program

  • Identify the key performance indicators that will help you to measure progress towards those goals
  • Consider factors such as the number of new recruits, employee satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness
  • Develop a timeline for tracking the performance indicators
  • Establish benchmarks and targets based on the data
  • You can check this step off your list when you have identified and set up the key performance indicators which will help you to measure the success of your HR leadership program.

    Collect and analyze data

  • Establish a data collection process for key performance indicators

  • Identify any gaps in data collection
  • Collect and analyze data to understand baseline performance
  • Develop a plan to regularly collect and analyze data
  • Use data to inform decision-making processes
  • Utilize data to identify trends and make adjustments to HR programs
  • When the data collection and analysis process has been established, this step can be considered complete.

    Measure progress and provide feedback

  • Use data collected in the previous step to measure progress.

  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the success of the program.
  • Develop a feedback loop with the program participants to ensure that they are meeting their goals.
  • Analyze the feedback to identify areas of improvement.
  • Track and measure outcomes to determine the effectiveness of the program.
  • When you have collected feedback, analyzed the data, and identified areas of improvement, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify areas of improvement

  • Analyze current HR leadership program to identify areas of improvement

  • Identify goals and objectives that need to be met to improve the program
  • Develop a list of areas that need additional focus and resources
  • Identify gaps in knowledge or skills that need to be addressed
  • Create a plan to improve the program based on the areas identified
  • Set clear and achievable targets for each area of improvement
  • When all of the above is complete, you can move on to the next step.

    Utilize surveys to measure success

  • Develop surveys that will help to measure progress and success of the HR leadership program.

  • Include questions that measure how well HR leadership is developing within the organization, such as how well the team communicates, how well the team is utilizing best practices, and how well the team is leveraging resources.
  • Utilize the surveys to measure success by using the data collected to evaluate the program.
  • Once the surveys have been completed and the data collected, analyze the results to determine how well the HR leadership program is performing, and what areas need to be improved.
  • When you have analyzed the survey results and determined how well the program is performing, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Review all of the steps taken to create the HR leadership program

  • Identify any areas that need to be improved or tweaked
  • Discuss the importance of executive coaching and how it can benefit the program
  • Update the program design and implementation plan accordingly
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the changes and are on board with the new plan
  • Check off this step when all changes have been implemented and the new plan is in place.

    Summarize the benefits of executive coaching

  • Investigate and research how executive coaching can help develop leadership skills in HR

  • Understand the goals of executive coaching and how it can help HR teams reach them
  • Analyze the different types of executive coaching and how they can be used to support HR
  • Identify how executive coaching can be used to increase efficiency and performance within HR
  • Examine the cost-benefit analysis of executive coaching for the HR team

You will know you can move on to the next step when you have a comprehensive overview of the benefits of executive coaching, including an understanding of the goals, types, and costs associated with it.

Document and share lessons learned

  • Create a comprehensive report on the results of your HR leadership program and make it available to the team.
  • Share your learnings, insights, and recommendations with the team.
  • Identify potential areas for improvement and highlight what worked well.
  • Document any changes that need to be made to the program and share them with the team.
  • Collect feedback from the team on what worked, what didn't, and what could be improved.
  • Create a plan to track and monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.

You'll know that you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have created a comprehensive report and plan that outlines the results of your HR leadership program and any changes that need to be made.

Reflect on the process and results

  • Review the program strategy and results to determine the overall success
  • Analyze the feedback from participants and stakeholders
  • Identify areas of success and areas that need improvement
  • Make recommendations on how to adjust and optimize the program
  • Make note of any changes that need to be made in the future
  • Once you have completed the review and have made recommendations, you can move on to the next step.

    Make adjustments as needed

  • Review the results of your HR leadership program and identify areas for improvement or development.

  • Take into account feedback from team members or other stakeholders.
  • Identify any potential changes that can be made to the program to ensure it is running as effectively as possible.
  • Make any necessary changes and document them.
  • Monitor the program and its results to ensure the desired improvements are being seen. Better example list (Use this content):

• Analyze the current HR leadership program to identify areas where improvement is needed. • Assess the current team's strengths and weaknesses and take into account the company's overall objectives. • Identify appropriate goals and objectives for the program and develop a strategy for achieving them. • Develop a timeline for each step of the process and allocate resources accordingly. • Incorporate feedback from team members, management, and other stakeholders into the program's design. • Monitor progress throughout the program and make adjustments as needed.


  • Establish a clear vision for your HR leadership program
  • Identify the key stakeholders who will be involved in the program
  • Develop a timeline for implementation
  • Identify the resources needed to support the program
  • Set goals and objectives for the program
  • When you have completed these tasks, you can move on to the next step of defining executive coaching and its purpose.

    Define executive coaching and its purpose

  • Research the different types of executive coaching

  • Assess the needs of the organization to determine which type of executive coaching would be most beneficial
  • Define the purpose of executive coaching and how it should be applied in the organization
  • Identify potential objectives and outcomes that executive coaching should aim to achieve
  • When you have a clear understanding of executive coaching and its purpose in the organization, you can move on to the next step.

    Discuss the benefits of executive coaching

  • Brainstorm the potential benefits of executive coaching for the HR leadership program

  • Identify which benefits are most relevant to the program
  • Discuss the outcomes of executive coaching in detail
  • Analyze the impact of executive coaching on HR leadership performance
  • Create a plan for measuring the success of executive coaching
  • Assign team members to take responsibility for tracking progress

You'll know you can move on to the next step when you've identified the benefits of executive coaching, discussed the outcomes in detail, and created a plan for measuring success.


  • Brainstorm key objectives and goals for the executive coaching program
  • Identify and analyze the desired outcomes and the resources needed to achieve them
  • Develop a timeline for the program
  • Design a system for assessing progress
  • Create an evaluation process to measure the effectiveness of the program

When you have completed the planning step, you should have a comprehensive plan for the executive coaching program that has been designed to meet the objectives and goals set out in the initial discussions.

Set expectations and goals

  • Develop a list of goals and objectives for your HR leadership program
  • Determine the metrics and KPIs you will use to measure the success of your program
  • Establish expectations for each participant in the program, such as roles and responsibilities
  • Clarify the timeline and milestones of the program
  • When expectations and goals have been established, you can move on to the next step: Establish action plans.

    Establish action plans

  • Break down major goals into smaller, actionable steps

  • Assign specific tasks to each team member
  • Identify resources needed to complete each task (e.g. budget, manpower, technology, etc.)
  • Establish timelines and deadlines for each action step
  • Set up a process for measuring progress and evaluating results
  • Create a plan to address any obstacles or issues that arise

Once you have established action plans, you will have a clear roadmap of how to achieve your goals. You can use this roadmap to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

Develop a timeline

  • Outline the key milestones, resources, and deadlines that need to be met to ensure the successful implementation of the HR leadership program
  • Set up a timeline for the program's implementation and make sure to take into account potential delays and roadblocks
  • Make sure to factor in any team members' availability, as well as any external factors that could affect the timeline
  • Make sure to regularly review the timeline and adjust as needed to stay on track
  • When the timeline is complete and updated as needed, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish communication protocols

  • Create a communication policy that outlines expectations for both employees and HR leadership

  • Set up a method for HR leaders to communicate with other staff members
  • Develop a system for HR leaders to report any issues or feedback to upper management
  • Establish a process for logging and managing any HR-related inquiries
  • Create a timeline for how often HR leaders should report on their progress
  • When you are able to create a clear communication policy, timeline and process, you can check off this step and move on to assigning accountability.

    Assign accountability

  • Create a team of HR leaders to be responsible for the success of the HR leadership program.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities to each team member.
  • Clarify expectations of the team and individual members.
  • Establish a timeline for the implementation of the program.
  • Monitor progress regularly and hold team members accountable for their roles in the program.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list:

  • When all roles and responsibilities are assigned and clarified.
  • When the timeline and expectations are set.
  • When regular progress monitoring is in place.


  • Create a timeline for implementing the HR leadership program, along with specific milestones and deadlines

  • Develop a budget to support the program and secure the necessary resources
  • Establish a communication plan for informing stakeholders of the program and progress
  • Assign roles and responsibilities for all those involved in the program
  • Implement the program by rolling it out in stages, starting with the initial pilot group
  • Monitor progress and outcomes to ensure the program is launched and running successfully
  • Make adjustments, as needed, to ensure the program is meeting its goals

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once the program is up and running, the timeline, budget, communication plan, roles and responsibilities, and initial pilot group should all be in place. If there are any adjustments to be made, you can make those before proceeding to the next step.

Create a strategy

  • Establish a goal or purpose for the HR leadership program
  • Identify key stakeholders and their roles in the program
  • Define the objectives and desired outcomes of the program
  • Assess current practices and performance
  • Analyze organizational needs and challenges
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Develop a plan to address challenges and reach objectives
  • Create a timeline for implementation
  • Identify resources needed

Once you have established a goal, identified stakeholders and their roles, defined objectives, assessed current practices and performance, analyzed organizational needs, identified areas for improvement, developed a plan, created a timeline, and identified resources needed, you can check off this step from your list and move on to the next step.

Identify resources needed

  • Assess the resources you have available to you, such as staff, budget, and time
  • Make a list of additional resources you need to implement the strategy
  • Determine the cost of the additional resources
  • Allocate the resources in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of the program
  • Establish a system for tracking progress and measuring success
  • When you have identified the resources needed and allocated them accordingly, you can check this step off your list and move on to setting milestones.

    Set milestones

  • Brainstorm and set realistic, achievable milestones to ensure your HR leadership program is successful

  • Identify key objectives of the program, such as developing leaders who can drive organizational change
  • Define a timeline for when each objective should be achieved
  • Set milestones for completion of each objective
  • Set interim goals that will help you measure progress and success
  • Develop a plan for assessing progress
  • Establish reporting and communication mechanisms for tracking progress and milestones
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have identified your objectives and set milestones, track progress and measure success of your HR Leadership Program against the objectives and milestones you have set.

    Track progress

  • Create a system for capturing data points and tracking progress on the HR leadership program.

  • Track progress regularly, at least monthly and/or quarterly.
  • Create a dashboard or report to analyze progress and adjust the program when necessary.
  • Meet with stakeholders to get feedback and adjust the program accordingly.
  • Evaluate the program using surveys, interviews, and/or focus groups.
  • Use analytics to measure key performance indicators and assess the success of the program.
  • When you have a system in place to track and measure progress, you can move on to the next step of evaluating the program.


  • Set up a system for regular evaluation of the HR leadership program. This should include surveys, interviews, and other data collection methods.

  • Analyze the data collected to identify areas of success and areas for improvement.
  • Discuss the evaluation results with stakeholders to ensure the program is meeting their needs.
  • Make adjustments to the program as needed to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Once the evaluation is complete, you can move on to the next step of identifying key performance indicators.

    Identify key performance indicators

  • Determine the metrics that you need to track in order to measure the success of your HR leadership program.

  • Take into account the goals of the program, as well as the specific needs of the organization.
  • Consider metrics such as employee satisfaction, turnover rate, training completion rate, efficiency, and cost savings.
  • Draft a list of key performance indicators that you can use to measure the success of the program.
  • You can check this step off your list once you have developed a list of key performance indicators that you can use to measure the success of your HR leadership program.

    Collect and analyze data

  • Gather information from team members, stakeholders and customers to understand their needs and expectations

  • Identify the most important metrics you should analyze
  • Create a data collection plan to track the metrics
  • Analyze the data and identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for improvement
  • Report and communicate the findings to key stakeholders
  • When you have analyzed the data and identified trends, patterns, and opportunities for improvement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Measure progress and provide feedback

  • Develop a system to track progress and measure impact of the HR leadership program
  • Analyze the results and outcomes to determine effectiveness of the strategy
  • Provide feedback to the team on their performance and progress
  • Use the feedback to identify areas of improvement and adjust the program accordingly
  • When you have a system in place to measure and track progress, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify areas of improvement

  • Examine past performance feedback from employees

  • Review any current HR leadership program policies and practices
  • Analyze any previous HR leadership program goals and objectives
  • Identify any areas of the program that may need to be improved or changed
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current HR leadership program initiatives
  • Consider any new areas of improvement that may be beneficial
  • Consult with HR leadership program stakeholders and employees to gain insight

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know you can check this off your list and move to the next step when you have identified any areas of the program that may need to be improved or changed and evaluated the effectiveness of current HR leadership program initiatives.

    Utilize surveys to measure success

  • Establish measurable benchmarks for success and set a timeline for completion

  • Collect feedback from employees, managers and others to identify areas where improvements can be made
  • Design and distribute a survey to measure employee performance, satisfaction, and engagement
  • Use the survey results to assess the effectiveness of the HR leadership program
  • Analyze the survey results to determine the areas that need to be addressed and identify potential solutions
  • Track the progress of solutions and changes to ensure the program is successful
  • When the results show that the HR leadership program is effective, you can move on to the next step.


  • Review your HR leadership program to identify areas for improvement.

  • Develop a plan to take action in order to improve the program.
  • Utilize surveys to measure success and ensure that the program is meeting its goals.
  • Establish a timeline for progress and check-in points to measure success.
  • Document any successes and challenges in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
  • Share the results of the HR leadership program with stakeholders.

You can check this step off your list when you have documented successes and challenges and shared the results of the program with stakeholders.

Summarize the benefits of executive coaching

  • Identify and document the benefits of executive coaching for the HR leadership program
  • Analyze the value that executive coaching can bring to the HR leadership program
  • Outline the goals and objectives of executive coaching, including the identified benefits
  • Assess the cost-benefit of executive coaching
  • Identify potential issues with executive coaching, and how to address them
  • Document potential risks associated with executive coaching

Once you have identified, analyzed, and outlined the benefits of executive coaching, you can move on to the next step of documenting and sharing lessons learned.

Document and share lessons learned

  • Take notes on the successes and challenges during the executive coaching process
  • Create a summary of the key takeaways from the executive coaching program
  • Identify areas for improvement and areas of success
  • Share the results and lessons learned with the HR department
  • Document the process for future reference
  • You will know when you have completed this step when you have documented the successes and challenges of the executive coaching program and shared the results with the HR department.

    Reflect on the process and results

  • Analyze the results of your HR leadership program.

  • Review feedback from stakeholders and employees.
  • Identify areas of improvement and successes.
  • Make a plan for how to adjust the program based on the analysis.
  • You will know you can check this off your list and move onto the next step once you have conducted the analysis, identified areas of improvement and successes, and made a plan for how to adjust the program.

    Make adjustments as needed

  • Review information collected from the process and results reflections

  • Analyze any challenges or opportunities that have arisen
  • Identify areas of improvement and adjust strategies as needed
  • Identify any changes in policy or procedure needed, and adjust accordingly
  • Make sure any changes are communicated clearly to all relevant parties
  • Check any adjustments are compliant with any relevant laws or regulations
  • When you are satisfied that all changes have been made, you can move on to the next step.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker