Take Your Career to the Next Level with Executive Coaching: A Free Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Step 1: Essential Elements
  • Set clear objectives
  • Determine desired outcomes
  • Select appropriate assessment tools

  • Step 2: Finding the Right Coach

  • Identify coach qualifications
  • Research and compare coaches
  • Interview potential coaches

  • Step 3: The Executive Coaching Process

  • Establish a professional relationship
  • Establish a plan of action
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback

  • Step 4: Resources

  • Suggested resources for further reading

  • Step 5: Conclusion

  • Summarize key points and advice

  • Introduction

  • Discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching

  • Step 1: Essential Elements

  • Establish a clear goal for executive coaching
  • Define desired outcomes
  • Select appropriate assessment tools
  • Develop an action plan

  • Step 2: Finding the Right Coach

  • Identify coach qualifications
  • Research and compare coaches
  • Evaluate coach credentials
  • Interview potential coaches
  • Establish expectations

  • Step 3: The Executive Coaching Process

  • Establish a professional relationship
  • Agree on the structure of the sessions
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities
  • Establish a plan of action
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback
  • Assess the success of the coaching

  • Step 4: Resources

  • Suggested resources for further reading
  • Help with goal setting
  • Guidance on selecting a coach
  • Tips on interviewing potential coaches
  • Advice on developing an action plan

  • Step 5: Conclusion

  • Summarize key points and advice
  • Review the outcomes of the executive coaching
  • Discuss the benefits of the experience
  • Identify areas for further development


I've written this to provide a free step-by-step guide to executive coaching, to help professionals take their career to the next level. Executive coaching is a type of professional development designed to help professionals gain insight and clarity in order to improve their performance and reach their career goals. It can be beneficial to individuals at all stages of their career, from entry-level to senior-level positions. The article provides an overview of the executive coaching process and examines the potential benefits of executive coaching. It then outlines a step-by-step guide to finding the right executive coach and discusses how to get the most out of the executive coaching experience. It also explores the importance of setting goals and developing action plans for achieving them. Finally, the article provides resources for further reading on executive coaching and offers advice on how to make the most of executive coaching.

Get started

Step 1: Essential Elements

  • Identify goals you want to achieve through executive coaching
  • Research executive coaching providers and select the right coach for you
  • Set expectations with your coach, including a timeline and budget
  • Create a plan with your coach to effectively reach your goals
  • Track progress and hold yourself accountable to the goals you have set
  • Evaluate the success of your executive coaching experience and make adjustments as necessary

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified your goals, researched executive coaching providers, set expectations, created a plan, tracked progress, and evaluated the success of your experience, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

    Step 1: Essential Elements

  • Identify your career goals and objectives

  • Decide on the type of executive coaching you need
  • Consider the scope of executive coaching services you will require
  • Research the credentials of potential executive coaches
  • Schedule an initial consultation with an executive coach
  • Discuss the terms of the coaching agreement
  • Assess the coaching style of your executive coach
  • Review the coaching program with your executive coach
  • Determine how the coaching program will be conducted
  • Set a timeline for completing the coaching program
  • Establish a budget for the coaching program

You will know you can move on to the next step when you have discussed the terms of the coaching agreement, assessed the coaching style of your executive coach, reviewed the coaching program with your executive coach and determined how the coaching program will be conducted.

Set clear objectives

  • Identify what success looks like for you in this executive coaching journey
  • Set measurable performance goals
  • Brainstorm specific action steps or tasks that will help you reach your goals
  • Prioritize the action steps and tasks by importance
  • Set deadlines for each goal and task
  • Re-evaluate the objectives and action steps periodically to ensure you are on the right track
  • Once you have set clear objectives, you can move on to the next step: Determine desired outcomes.

    Determine desired outcomes

  • Make a list of your desired outcomes
  • Take the time to think through the outcomes you want to achieve from executive coaching
  • Ask yourself: what do I want to get out of this process?
  • Prioritize the outcomes you want to achieve
  • Set a timeline for each outcome
  • Determine which outcomes can be measured and tracked
  • When you have a clear list of desired outcomes, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Select appropriate assessment tools

  • Research assessment tools that could be beneficial to the executive coaching process
  • Talk with potential coaches to find out which assessment tools they use and how they integrate them into the coaching process
  • Choose the assessment tools that best meet the desired outcomes and goals of the executive coaching program
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step when you have selected the appropriate assessment tools for the executive coaching process.

    Step 2: Finding the Right Coach

  • Research and create a list of potential coaches with the qualifications you identified in Step 1

  • Ask for referrals from colleagues or contacts in your professional network
  • Review the credentials of each potential coach and make sure they have the experience, qualifications, and certifications you need
  • Read up on reviews and testimonials from past clients
  • Make sure your potential coach’s coaching style and approach is a fit for your needs
  • Ask questions to make sure you are comfortable with the coach’s philosophy and techniques
  • Check to make sure the coach is available when you need them and that they can accommodate your goals and objectives
  • When you have found the right coach, make sure to sign a contract detailing the scope, duration, and cost of the coaching

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have identified the right coach and signed a contract detailing the scope, duration, and cost of the coaching, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify coach qualifications

  • Determine what qualifications you should look for in a coach.
  • Consider their experience, education, skills, and certifications.
  • Ask for references to speak with past clients.
  • You can check this off your list when you have identified what qualifications you want your coach to have.

    Research and compare coaches

  • Create a list of potential executive coaches that meet your qualifications

  • Utilize online resources such as reviews and social media to compare the coaches on your list
  • Contact the coaches you are considering and ask for references and portfolios of past clients
  • Research the coach’s background and experience
  • Make sure the coach has the credentials, certifications, and experience that you are looking for
  • Compare the coaches on your list to find the right fit for you and your specific needs

When you can check this off your list: Once you have evaluated the potential coaches and compared them to each other, you are ready to move on to the next step—interviewing potential coaches.

Interview potential coaches

  • Make a list of potential executive coaches
  • Schedule interviews with each potential coach
  • Prepare questions to ask each coach
  • Ask the coach about their experience, credentials, strengths, and areas of focus
  • Ask the coach to provide references from former clients
  • Evaluate the coaches after the interview and decide who you would like to work with
  • When you have chosen your coach, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Step 3: The Executive Coaching Process

  • Understand what will be expected of you as the client in the process
  • Discuss the coaching process with your coach and agree on the duration, frequency and length of sessions
  • Establish your goals and objectives for the coaching process
  • Discuss the different strategies and techniques that will be used to help you reach your objectives
  • Outline the measures that will be used to evaluate your progress
  • Schedule regular sessions with your coach
  • Follow the plan that you and your coach have agreed upon

Once you have discussed the coaching process with your coach and established your goals, objectives and strategies to reach them, you can move on to the next step of establishing a professional relationship with your coach.

Establish a professional relationship

  • Get to know your executive coach, including their background and experience
  • Discuss your goals and expectations for the executive coaching process
  • Agree on the scope and length of the executive coaching sessions
  • Establish a timeline for the results you hope to achieve
  • Establish a clear and effective communication process (e.g. phone calls, emails, video calls, etc.)
  • Be open and honest with your executive coach

You'll know you can move on to the next step when:

  • You and your executive coach have a clear understanding of your goals and expectations
  • You have a timeline to measure success
  • You have established a clear and effective communication process
  • You have a strong relationship with your executive coach based on honesty and trust

    Establish a plan of action

  • Brainstorm with your executive coach to create a plan of action that outlines your goals and objectives

  • Identify the steps needed to reach those goals and objectives
  • Discuss any challenges you may face and how you can overcome them
  • Agree on a timeline for when you want to accomplish your goals
  • You'll know you can move on to the next step when you and your executive coach have established a plan of action and timeline that you are both comfortable with.

    Monitor progress and provide feedback

  • Schedule regular check-ins with your coach to review your progress
  • Give yourself feedback and adjust your plan of action accordingly
  • Keep track of your successes and failures
  • Make sure your coach is aware of any changes or adjustments you make
  • When you feel like you have made tangible progress over a period of time, you can move on to the next step.

    Step 4: Resources

  • Research the different types of executive coaches and find one that is suitable for your specific needs
  • Make use of online resources to read reviews and compare different executive coaches
  • Discuss your goals and objectives with the executive coach, and make sure you are both on the same page
  • Make sure to gather information about the executive coach's background, experience and specialties
  • Check to see if the executive coach is certified and/or licensed
  • When you have found a suitable executive coach, start the coaching sessions and review the progress regularly
  • You will know that you are done with this step once you have chosen an executive coach, discussed your goals and objectives, and started the coaching sessions.

    Suggested resources for further reading

  • Research executive coaching services and read reviews from past clients

  • Take the time to find the best coach for you and your goals
  • Make sure that you feel comfortable and understand the coaching process
  • Decide if you want to work with an individual coach or a larger coaching firm
  • You'll know you've completed this step when you've identified the executive coaching services that best meet your needs.

    Step 5: Conclusion

  • Reflect on the insights you have gained from the process of executive coaching

  • Consider how you can use the knowledge or skills you have acquired to advance your career
  • Congratulate yourself for taking the time to invest in yourself and your professional development
  • When you have reflected and gained insight from the experience, you have completed Step 5: Conclusion and can move on to the next step.

    Summarize key points and advice

  • Summarize the key points and advice that you’ve learned in the course of your executive coaching journey.

  • Think about how these points and advice will apply to you and your career.
  • Make sure to capture the important details and consider how best to use them.
  • Document your findings and create an action plan for how to best apply the advice you’ve received.
  • You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have a summary of the key points and advice and an action plan for how to use them.


  • Understand what executive coaching is and how it can help you take your career to the next level

  • Define your career goals and objectives
  • Research executive coaching services and methods
  • Identify the type of executive coaching that will work best for you
  • Once you have a clear understanding of what executive coaching can do for you, you can check this step off and move on to the next step.

    Discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching

  • Understand why executive coaching is beneficial and how it can help you reach the next level in your career
  • Research the different types of executive coaching and identify the type that is best suited to your goals
  • Identify the benefits of executive coaching, such as increased self-awareness, better decision-making, increased self-confidence, improved communication skills, and improved problem-solving ability
  • Consider your own career goals and how executive coaching can help you reach them
  • Talk to colleagues, mentors, and other professionals in the industry who have had success with executive coaching
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have a good understanding of the purpose and benefits of executive coaching.

    Step 1: Essential Elements

  • Identify an executive coach who specializes in the area you need help with, who has the right qualifications and experience

  • Schedule an initial meeting with the executive coach to discuss the purpose and benefits of executive coaching
  • Set clear expectations with the executive coach and agree on the roles and responsibilities
  • Discuss a timeline and plan to reach your goals
  • When you feel comfortable with the executive coach and the plan to reach your goals, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Establish a clear goal for executive coaching

  • Identify the areas where you want to improve and the goals you would like to achieve
  • Talk to your coach and discuss what you would like to accomplish and how you can achieve it
  • Ask your coach to provide feedback and advice on how to best reach your goals
  • Set realistic and achievable goals, based on your coach's advice
  • Make sure your goals are measurable, so you can track your progress and know when you have reached your goals
  • Once you have established a clear goal, you can start taking the necessary steps to achieve it.

How you'll know when this step is complete:

  • When you have identified the areas you want to improve, discussed them with your coach and set measurable goals that you can realistically achieve, you can move on to the next step.

    Define desired outcomes

  • Identify the desired outcomes of executive coaching that you want to achieve

  • Brainstorm specific goals and objectives that you are seeking to accomplish
  • Create a list of objectives you would like to reach by the end of the executive coaching program
  • Break down large goals into smaller, more manageable goals
  • Establish a timeline for the completion of each goal
  • Once these objectives are established, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

    Select appropriate assessment tools

  • Identify the types of assessment tools and processes that will help you reach your desired outcomes.
  • Consult with your executive coach to determine which tools will work best for you given your specific goals.
  • Research and select the assessment tools that are most appropriate to your needs and budget.
  • Develop a timeline for using each tool and determine who will be responsible for administering and/or scoring them.
  • Once you have identified and selected the appropriate assessment tools, you can move on to the next step.

    Develop an action plan

  • Define your career goals in terms of short-term, mid-term, and long-term objectives

  • Create a timeline for each goal with achievable steps and milestones
  • Identify any potential obstacles that could impede the achievement of these goals
  • Establish a clear plan of action to complete each goal
  • Outline the resources you need to complete each goal, such as support from mentors, training, or financial assistance
  • Monitor your progress and adjust your plan as needed
  • When your action plan is complete, you can move on to Step 2: Finding the Right Coach.

    Step 2: Finding the Right Coach

  • Research potential coaches to find the best fit for your career goals and objectives

  • Ask for referrals from people you trust
  • Evaluate a coach’s qualifications and experience
  • Ask for references from past clients
  • Schedule a free consultation call with potential coaches
  • Make sure the coach has the right professional qualifications, experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals
  • Assess how well you connect with the coach

Once you have found the right coach, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify coach qualifications

  • Review the credentials of potential coaches.
  • Look for professional accreditations, such as the International Coach Federation (ICF) or the Association for Coaching (AC).
  • Consider the areas of expertise of the coaches you are considering.
  • Research the coach’s client list, if available.
  • Read testimonials from previous clients to get an understanding of the coach’s style and results.
  • Contact the coaches you are considering and ask questions to get a better understanding of their qualifications and specializations.

You'll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified the credentials and areas of expertise of the coaches you are considering and have read testimonials from previous clients.

Research and compare coaches

  • Make a list of potential coaches
  • Research each coach to determine their qualifications
  • Compare their qualifications to the qualifications you identified in the previous step
  • Contact each coach to learn more about their process, rates, and availability
  • Narrow down your list to 2-3 coaches who match your criteria
  • When you've identified the coaches you'd like to work with, you can move on to the next step of evaluating their credentials.

    Evaluate coach credentials

  • Look into the coach's qualifications, experience, and credentials.

  • Check that the coach has the right certifications and experience to be able to help you meet your career goals.
  • Read any reviews or testimonials available to get a better idea of what other people have experienced with the coach.
  • Once you have verified the credentials and qualifications of the coach, you can be confident that you are ready to move on to the next step.

    Interview potential coaches

  • Set up interviews with potential coaches and ask questions about their background and experience

  • Make sure to ask about their coaching style and how they work with clients
  • Ask for references to speak with prior clients
  • Ask about their fees, any additional costs, and their availability
  • Take notes during the interviews to compare and contrast each coach
  • When you've identified the coach you'd like to work with, you can check this step off your list and move on to establishing expectations.

    Establish expectations

  • Identify the expected outcomes of the executive coaching process

  • Discuss the scope of the coaching relationship and the duration of the process
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of both the coach and the executive
  • Set ground rules and expectations for the executive coaching process
  • Agree on a schedule for coaching sessions
  • Discuss the measurement of progress and success
  • Once the expectations have been established, move on to Step 3: The Executive Coaching Process.

    Step 3: The Executive Coaching Process

  • Set up a meeting with your executive coach to discuss the goals you hope to achieve through executive coaching
  • Discuss the style of coaching that works best for you and determine a plan of action
  • Make sure to ask any questions you may have about the executive coaching process
  • Establish a timeline for when you hope to achieve your goals
  • Discuss the topics and issues you want to focus on during coaching sessions
  • Once the expectations are established, you and your coach can begin working together
  • You'll know you can move to the next step when you have a clear understanding of the executive coaching process, have established expectations, and have an action plan for achieving your goals.

    Establish a professional relationship

  • Take the time to get to know each other before beginning any coaching sessions

  • Ask questions and listen to the responses to build trust and understanding
  • Be open to learning about each other's backgrounds, experiences and perspectives
  • Establish clear communication expectations for the duration of the coaching sessions
  • When you have a mutual understanding and trust established, you can move on to the next step of the coaching process.

    Agree on the structure of the sessions

  • Have a discussion about the coaching sessions, including the length, frequency, topics, and goals to be achieved

  • Discuss any possible methods or tools that will be used for the coaching sessions
  • Set a timeline for the coaching sessions, including when they will take place and how long they will last
  • Agree on the number of sessions, payment details, and cancellation policies
  • Establish a plan for follow-up after the coaching sessions are completed
  • Once an agreement on the structure is reached, you can move on to the next step and begin the coaching process.

    Clarify roles and responsibilities

  • Clarify who the coach and the coachee are and what their roles and responsibilities will be during the coaching sessions.

  • Discuss the goals and objectives of the coaching sessions and review the expectations of each party.
  • Agree upon the frequency and length of the sessions and discuss any potential scheduling conflicts.
  • Establish a commitment and contract that outlines the roles and expectations of both parties.

You will know this step is completed when both parties have agreed upon the roles and responsibilities and a commitment and contract is established.

Establish a plan of action

  • Set measurable goals that align with your vision of career growth
  • Brainstorm different strategies that you can use to reach those goals
  • Take into account any commitments you have in your personal and/or professional life that could affect the timeline of your plan
  • Assess the resources you have available that can help you achieve your goals
  • Create an action plan that is realistic and achievable within the timeframe you have set
  • Record progress and review the plan of action regularly
  • Make adjustments to the plan of action as needed
  • When you have completed all of the steps in your plan of action, you can move on to the next step.

    Monitor progress and provide feedback

  • Set up bi-weekly meetings with your executive coach to review your progress and goals
  • Discuss any successes, challenges, and changes to the plan of action
  • Re-evaluate goals and objectives as needed
  • Use these meetings to provide feedback on areas of improvement, as well as to celebrate successes
  • You can check this off your list when you have had at least two bi-weekly meetings with your executive coach to review progress and provide feedback.

    Assess the success of the coaching

  • Schedule a coaching session to review the progress of your executive coaching

  • Assess the results of the coaching and determine if the goals have been met or exceeded
  • Identify which strategies have been effective and which areas have not been successful
  • Discuss any changes or adjustments that may need to be made to the coaching program
  • When you are satisfied with the results of the coaching, you can move on to the next step in the process.

    Step 4: Resources

  • Research and identify potential executive coaching programs that may be a good fit for your goals and objectives.

  • Research the credentials and reputation of the coach you plan to work with.
  • Contact the coach you plan to work with to discuss the services he/she offers and how they can best support your goals.
  • Set up an initial meeting with the coach to discuss your needs and goals.
  • When you have identified a coach and a program that is suitable for your needs, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Suggested resources for further reading

  • Review the suggested books and articles for further reading.

  • Read and take notes on the books and articles that are relevant to your goals.
  • Make a list of any new ideas, strategies, or skills you plan to apply.
  • Add the books and articles to your collection of career resources.
  • Once you have read and taken notes on the suggested resources, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

    Help with goal setting

  • Take the time to really think about what you want to accomplish in your career
  • Make a list of short-term and long-term goals
  • Identify any potential roadblocks that could prevent you from achieving your goals
  • Brainstorm ways to overcome those roadblocks
  • Prioritize your goals and create a timeline for achieving them
  • Make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound
  • When you have a clear plan for your goals, you can move on to the next step - selecting a coach.

    Guidance on selecting a coach

  • Research different types of executive coaches and their areas of expertise

  • Narrow down your list of coaches to those who have experience in your industry
  • Determine the credentials that you want your coach to possess, such as professional certifications
  • Check out online reviews and references from past clients
  • Ask colleagues and mentors for recommendations
  • When you have a shortlist of potential coaches, contact them to arrange an initial consultation
  • You can check off this step when you have selected the right executive coach for you.

    Tips on interviewing potential coaches

  • Research potential coaches to find out their qualifications, experience and areas of expertise

  • Ask questions to determine how well the coach understands your needs and how they will help you reach your goals
  • Make sure the coach has a good track record of success with their past clients
  • Discuss the coaching format, such as one-on-one or group coaching, and the duration of the program
  • Ask about the coach’s fees and payment plans
  • Discuss communication methods and frequency
  • When you feel comfortable with a coach, set up a trial session to make sure that you are a good fit
  • Once you've finished the interview process, compare the different coaches you've spoken to and make your selection
  • How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have made your selection, you can move on to the next step, which is developing an action plan with your chosen coach.

    Advice on developing an action plan

  • Identify your current career goals and where you want to take your career

  • Brainstorm actionable steps you can take to reach those goals
  • Prioritize those steps in order of importance and urgency
  • Establish deadlines for each step
  • Track and measure your progress
  • Review your plan regularly and adjust as needed
  • When you have an action plan in place, you can move on to the next step!

    Step 5: Conclusion

  • Review the entire guide and summarize the key points and advice
  • Make a plan for how you will use the knowledge and advice to take your career to the next level
  • Reflect on the new skills and insights you have gained
  • Celebrate your successes and keep motivated to continue your journey of personal growth
  • Check off this step when you have summarized the key points and have a plan for implementing the advice.

    Summarize key points and advice

  • Take some time to review what you have learned from the executive coaching process and create a summary of key points and advice

  • This summary should include any changes you've made to your goals or strategies, any new ideas or strategies you've come up with, and any useful lessons you've learned
  • Make sure to include any resources you've found useful, as well as any recommendations you've received from the executive coach
  • Once you have written down your summary, review it and make sure you understand the key points and advice
  • This summary can be used as a reference when you are looking to make future decisions or when you want to reflect on the executive coaching process.

    Review the outcomes of the executive coaching

  • Reflect on the progress made since engaging in executive coaching

  • Assess the impact of the executive coaching on your career
  • Identify areas where additional coaching may be beneficial
  • Write down the key outcomes of the experience
  • Document any changes in your approach to career development
  • Celebrate successes since beginning the coaching program

You can check this off your list when you have reflected on the outcomes of your executive coaching, assessed the impact it has had on your career, and documented any changes in your approach to career development.

Discuss the benefits of the experience

  • Identify potential benefits of executive coaching for yourself and your career
  • Consider the value that executive coaching could bring to your job performance, work relationships, and overall satisfaction
  • Ask yourself what kind of results you would like to achieve from executive coaching
  • Talk to other professionals who have used executive coaching and ask them about their experience
  • When you have identified the potential benefits of executive coaching for yourself, you can move on to the next step.

    Identify areas for further development

  • Set aside time to reflect on your current career situation
  • Identify areas that you would like to develop further
  • Consider the skills and qualities you want to acquire or refine
  • Think about any additional experiences that would help you reach the next level
  • Make a list of the areas you want to focus on
  • Once you have identified the areas for further development you can move on to the next step
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have made a list of the areas you want to focus on for further development.

-- End of guide --

Let's talk

email philip.crocker@darwinwhitty.com

mobile +44 (0)7887 758805

phone + 44 (0)1580 714673

or connect with me on linkedin

Philip Crocker